Deathliches opinion on the classes eh?
Druid: The druid is definately not like a priest. Like the warrior the, the druid is able to change his combat at anytime in the game to suit what kind of party he is in or if he's going solo. Unlike the warrior who can only switch between a very offensive person, to a very defensive person, to something inbetween for soloing. Each form of the warrior has its own set of spells. The druid can turn into a bear to tank for the group, a cat to deal high damage if there is multiple melee friends in the group or to just solo, or use his druid form to heal and cast buffs.
Hunter: The hunter is intresting, but all the classes are. You don't summon units, you really just befriend them. They can learn their own abilities and they aren't fully loyal you have to give them presents and love to keep them loyal. It's very different from a warlock.
Mage: The mage isn't just a solo spell user, but since he doesnt heal, summon, or cast great buffs, he has the most powerful ranged spells. He is useful as a ranged ally and his frost spells can keep an enemy from dealing hardly any damage to a melee unit.
Priest: Well the Priest as far as the WoW's discription goes is this,
"Priests guide the spiritual destiny of their people. Through their insight of the mind. They are able to shape an individual's beliefs. Whether to inspire or terrify, soothe or dominate, heal or harm. Just as the heart can hold both darkness and light, priests weild powers of creation and devestation by channeling the potent forces faith." Which sort of sounds like what I look for as far as magic goes. They have neat spells that deal high damage also, maybe not side effects like a mage's frost slowing, but they also have the ability to turn an enemy and have them fight for you for as long as you desire or put an enemy to sleep. They have okay spell buffs and will keep it's allies full of health.
Rogue: The rogue is a very different class from a warrior you can't go around killing things. You have to use a lot of strategy and make sure you don't get too many direct hits, because you have low armor and low life. You also cast spells not using mana or rage (like the warrior,) you use this different system called energy.
Shaman: The shaman.. I dunno about his ability to fight. I don't think he really can... I know he doens't have any summon spells. He is a mix between a priest and a mage. Not really better at either of those classes then they are, but he has the neatest buffs to aid allys and himself.
Warlock: the warlock is very different too like all the classes. He uses his pets to deal his damage he also has DOT spells which is damage over time. He can use drain life to heal himself or sacrifice some of his pet's life to replenish some mana. He has curses to hex an enemy and he can cast spells to make his summoned units stronger.
Warrior: The warrior is anything but boring. Us Warriors are the ones out there protecting your warlock and rogue butt.
Blizzard wanted to be very careful when making WoW in order to make sure the warrior didn't seem boring to it's fans. Like I said in an earlier post. The warrior goes around killing things a little faster then other classes, but it's a lot harder to kill a priest. A few years ago I wasn't interested in a warrior class. Thinking they were the least appealing of all classes in any game, but over the years I've realized I'm a lot better with a warrior class then most people. Since I'm good at strategy and I'm quick at movement I'm very good at keeping myself alive and if I'm taking charge of the group and doing all the tanking we usually prosper. Besides it's usually my personality to be a warrior. I also like supporting my team mates and helping others out. So that's why I chose a priest for my second character. Like I said, I'm very good at strategy and I can make sure my team mates don't get themselves killed. Also the priest isn't just a heal buffer he can be a mean damage dealer. I basically use my Warrior to solo and help out newcomers and my priest to just help out and learn. I suggest trying out the warrior, just do the first few simple quests and get to level 4-5. I think you'll find that it may not be your kind of style, but it's not so bad either.
In all fairness the skin I chose for my orc looks sort of like a tealish color because in the creation room he was surrounded by a dark-red sky and he looked like he was a dark, dark green, but I don't care I still like him. I haven't formed a party with my priest yet, but I've had no trouble soloing with him. I go around healing people and casting buffs.