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Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 7:25 am
by CM
Ok cool so you are in europe or in the US? Plus those who want to join Botb please post in the headcount thread = ... hp?t=53231

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 5:31 am
by MordorMan
CM, Are you sure the Blades should be a PvP guild? From what I understand, PvE also allows several forms of PvP. The RP servers are PvE servers with some additional guidelines to improve game immersion. So maybe a RP server would be better suited? At least, I think it might be something to consider.

I have read reports about friction between roleplayers and l33tspeaking others who accidently found themselves on a RP server. Some suggest this had to do with the RP realms beginning with the letter 'A' so that they are on top of the server list..

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 5:52 am
by Xandax
Personally - I would seriously consider the RP server if one for Europe comes up.
l337s are one major annoyance in my view in MMORPGs :D
And in my experience maturity is often more related to RP then to PvP :o :cool: :D

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 8:24 am
by RandomThug
The RP server I am on is general rp'ers. Yeah its crazy crowded on the pvp servers... lots of everquest leet kiddies. The Rp servers every once in a while clash with the people who refuse to try to be in character. Its a lot of fun..

Woo level 13 Dwarven Priest


Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 10:39 am
by garazdawi
aaa... I wanna play as well :( , hope that the final european beta will start soon as I can't stand this waiting much longer... as for RP vs PvP server, I think that I'm going to play on PvP first, and if that gets unbareable I'll prolly switch to an RP server.

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 10:51 am
by MordorMan
Woo level 13 Dwarven Priest

You must be talking Scottish then. Or won't you go that far?

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 6:14 pm
by Tranquill
If there are going to be people in guild that will be playing from 8pm-2am Pacific time, I am in. Washington state, USA

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 6:15 am
by CM
Anybody have any idea when the EU Final Beta starts?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 6:57 am
by Xandax
[QUOTE=CM]Anybody have any idea when the EU Final Beta starts?[/QUOTE]

December is the official word.
Nothing closer has been released as far as I know.

I hope it lasts long enough that I can download all the many GB of data :D

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 7:36 am
by CM
If you have ADSL it takes 2 days - 48 hours max.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 8:11 am
by Xandax
[QUOTE=CM]If you have ADSL it takes 2 days - 48 hours max.[/QUOTE]

If nothing goes wrong and I can download at optimal speed - I should be able to down it in less then 24 hours (around 20-21).
However - that is incredible unlikely - and I do expect having to use a few days on it :D
I hope there is some sort of download manager build into the neasecary download program when the time comes ....
99.5% completed. Error encountered - restarting download :D

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:29 am
by CM
LMAO!!! I have felt that pain so many times. Luckily they use BitTorrent, so there are no problems whatsoever. You can download at like 30 kbps or higher on a ADSL. Who said hackers aren't good people :p

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 2:24 pm
by MordorMan
PvP server hijacking.. in Europe?

Regarding the issue of on which type of server to play: I read there was an interesting development in the US. Roleplayers wanted the ability to play on a PvP RP server in stead of a PvE RP server. After Blizzard said that they would look in to the matter but people should not expect something soon, a bunch of roleplayers sort of hijacked two of the PvP servers. Many RP guilds moved there within a short time, and according to reports it has gone quite well, as there is a high percentage of people who try to stay 'in character' (IC).

Interesting questions now are:
- Will there be PvP RP servers in Europe to start with?
- If not, will there be a coordinated hijacking effort by roleplayers?
- Will the BoTB be in effect on the European open beta trial and if so, what kind of server will we choose?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 3:33 pm
by CM
I have pre-ordered the game, so i will be in the final beta trial. I personally dont mind which server we play on. It would be great if we can RP and PVP. If that is possible then i suggest we choose that server. PVP is great and Roleplayers tend to be a very mature breed. Very few l337 h@xx0rz around etc.

RT is handling the US side of things by default. We have no hierarchy right now. Basically the 4 who will play BotB EU decide. So place your votes people.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 3:44 pm
by MordorMan
[QUOTE=CM]I have pre-ordered the game, so i will be in the final beta trial. [/QUOTE]
I have also pre-ordered, at a web shop where I buy most of my software. Does it matter where you pre-order to be eligable for the final beta?

As for which server, I think we don't have to decide that now, we can wait for more details on the European servers.

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 1:14 am
by garazdawi
[QUOTE=MordorMan]I have also pre-ordered, at a web shop where I buy most of my software. Does it matter where you pre-order to be eligable for the final beta?

As for which server, I think we don't have to decide that now, we can wait for more details on the European servers.[/QUOTE]
As far as I know the pre-beta is only availabel in 7 european countries. People have been complainging about not being able to get the final-beta in Belgium/The Netherlands/Luxembourgh and manay more. Blizzard I think has just noted this fact and moved on.