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Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 3:44 am
by Fierce
Well, Force Choke is an open act of violence against someone, so it could cause trouble with officials. In conversation I would prefer using Force Horror, as it is more discret.
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 10:03 pm
by Ferris Wheel
You could allways say that he got a peanut in he's throat ^^
I don't know if this have been written, i would like a Force Power that would allow you to look 'better' in the eyes of the beholder, for example if you are buying some stuff at a merchant you would get it cheaper, you would have an easier time persuading people and you could avoid fights just because you appear so 'dangerous'. I would call it Force Charism, just my thoughts.
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 9:33 pm
by Tetinator2
Floating Sabers
In the past we've seen floating lightsabers, that should definitly be a power, could help level the field in lightsaber combat for those Consulars.
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 10:39 pm
by darth humac
[QUOTE=roug3l3ad3r]In the episode 3 book Mace Windu has the special ability to see Shatter Points or something to that effect. That ability would be really useful in dialog cause you could see how what you say could effect the person you are talking to.[/QUOTE]
This would Be a very very sweet juicy power that i will dream about for years to come.
Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 10:26 am
by Darth Mason
i would like the ability to throw inanimate objects at opponents a la Dooku and Yoda in their duel in Ep2 - this was the first instance that popped in my head. Mabe also a disarm opponent power as well
Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 1:10 pm
by RBitG
[quote="Tetinator2]In the past we've seen floating lightsabers"]
>Floating Sabers<
Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 6:13 pm
by TxGamer007
I would like to see a version of Throw Lightsaber where the lightsaber implales the enemy and sticks like what Yoda does to the clone in SW3. It would also be cool to be able to be able have something like a whirlwind wave where a whole group of people are caught in 1 big whirlwind.
You should be able to pick acertain species at the beginning of the game too like a rodian or ithorian soon-to-be jedi.
you should also be able to picka certain fighting style. ex:
fencing (count dooku)
quick and agile (yoda)
very aggressive (anakin)
conservative (obi-wan)
cold and calculating (vader)
Fast and powerful (mace windu)
very smooth blend of power attacks and the force (the emperor a.k.a. darth sidious a.k.a. chancellor palpatine)
Those of the side of darkness will forever more be tainted with the taste of its power and the blood of their enemies. Those of the side of the light will forever more be ignorant to the movement of the Force as it molds into a darker form. If the darkness is to be banished a warrior of the light must rise and enter the shadows and fight the darkness as one of their own. Pray that this warrior not fully embrace the teaching of the shadows or all hope is lost.
Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 10:28 pm
by Revan Spirit
it would be awesome if on everything you kill you can ''feed'' off instead of just important people:mischief: :devil:
Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 2:25 am
by Fierce
Any of you played Vampire:Bloodlines? There was a cool power - Blood Boil. I just love to use it, it was fun to watch them boil, raise to the air, and then pop like a baloon

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 10:12 am
by Darth Nero
i would like a power where you drain life energy and then revive them as zombies to fight on your side. it would be like a combination of deathfield and confusion. infact you should be required to master bother in order to obtain this power. not only do you drain health but you gain an ally for a short time. there should be a time limit similar to force confusion. maybe they could be decaying so fast that they die by the time the fight is over. maybe even while they are attacking they can inflict poisen and paralyze on your enemies.:devil:
Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 11:17 am
by Fierce
Good one. Maybe instead of making new powers, they should think about combining (sp?) old ones.
Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 11:59 am
by FighterTundra
What about force grenade, or force rocket. Works just the same as a frag/rocket, but then with the force, and with a blue explosion LS, and a red explosion DS, silver explosion Neutral or something.
Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 4:47 am
by Darth Nero
i know this is not like kotor but you could have a summon power. not exactly like ff though. you could call apon the darkside to bring nagasadow or somebody to come by and destroy your opponent then return to the darkness.
Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 12:16 pm
by shadowkon
i would like to see a force power wich allowes you to absorb either light or dark force sensitive areas like the sith dow in Dxun
and a power wich allowes you to make weaker sentients bow before you and i wish you could be a sith lord and i mean with foolowers and you are recognised as one by both jedi and other sith
P.S. It is not force powers wich meke you a jedi or sith it is how you choose to weild them.
Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 11:39 pm
by DesR85
For force powers, I want Force Punch. May sound lame but as I was chatting with my friend over Skype, we were joking about how this will look like. I mean using the Force together with your physical punch will give an impact enough to blow the opponent away to kingdom comes and leave quite a dent on the wall should he/she hits it.
May not be too bad if you're forced to fight hand to hand.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 1:40 pm
by Sadiki
New Powers
I've got a few.
Force cloak- Allows you to become invisible to the naked eye and ear
Object levitation lvl 1- Allows you to levitate and throw light weight objects
Object lebitation lvl 2- Allows you to levitate and throw medium weight objects
Object levitation lvl 3- Allows you to levitate and throw heavy weight objects
Human levitation lvl 1- Allows you to levitate and fly for a limited amount of time e.g. thrity seconds
Human levitation lvl 2- Allows you to levitate and fly for a extended amount of time e.g. 1 minute
Human levitation lvl 3- Allows you to levitate and fly for a extended amount of time e.g. 1 minute and forty seconds
Group levitation- Allows you and your team to levitate and fly for 1 minute and forty seconds
Force shapeshift- Allows you to change your human form to look like someone or something else
Thats it for now
Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 2:17 am
by DesR85
For Force cloak, I think that force power largely resemble the stealth ability in the KOTOR series.
Force levitation sounds like a good idea, just make sure that the game's environment is interactive and use the Havok's ragdoll physics engine. Take for example Half-Life 2 and Max Payne 2 interactiveness.
As for human levitation and group levitation, I don't see any use for that. Why do you need it?

Please explain.
Force shapeshift? Doesn't sound too bad though I could use prosthetics and a make-up kit to do something similar.
Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 11:55 pm
by RBitG
[QUOTE=DesR85]Force levitation sounds like a good idea, just make sure that the game's environment is interactive and use the Havok's ragdoll physics engine. Take for example Half-Life 2 and Max Payne 2 interactiveness.
Considering the current engine (Not sure what it is) Doesn't even have vertical suppourt... i can't see much hope of a power such as this.
Here's another point, how realistic are these powers? I appreciate that it's thousands of years before the occurance of the Empire, but some of them just seem a little to ridiculous, even for characters such as Revan and the Exile.
Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 12:18 am
by DesR85
[QUOTE=RBitG]Considering the current engine (Not sure what it is) Doesn't even have vertical suppourt... i can't see much hope of a power such as this. [/QUOTE]
By the way, the graphics engine powering the KOTOR series is the Odyssey engine, a modified version of the Aurora engine that powered Neverwinter Nights.
And yes, that's why I mentioned that the next KOTOR should implement the Havok physics engine to give the environments more interactivity and some needed realism. Come to think of it, that Force object levitation idea by Sadiki reminds me of Half-Life 2's gravity gun. Just aim at an object, right mouse to grab and left mouse to throw. Very amusing to see it in action.
The force power I mentioned previously such as force punch is meant as a joke. About Sadiki's idea, I have to agree with you. They sound kind of ridiculous and I hope Sadiki can explain the purposes of these powers mentioned.
Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 1:14 am
by RBitG
[QUOTE=DesR85]By the way, the graphics engine powering the KOTOR series is the Odyssey engine, a modified version of the Aurora engine that powered Neverwinter Nights.
Ah, yes, i hated that game interface too.