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Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 12:51 pm
by bastillasith
Name: Darth Wolv
Hair:Silver with a few brown
Weapon: A shorthandled black lightsaber and a red lightsaber, pet rancor
Atitude:Viscious Bloodthirsty Killing animal
Abilites:Force lighting,Force choke, soul drain(kills person instantly),force creation, all dark side powers
History:Origanly he was found abandoned on Coruosant when Quermian jedi master, Master Xanguah found him on the jedi temple platform. Xanguah then felt he was strong in the force and asked master Vandar if he could train him. After 16 hard years of training Wolv became a knight but he always stayed near his former master. On a trip to Mannan, they were attacked and Xanguah was killed by a hidden thermal detonator put there by a member of the Genoharden. Filled with rage Wolv killed evrey one around him and left the order he eventualy became a sith but how is unown. He has 3 padwans a Talz named Darth Carrion, an Itohrian named Darth Terrorian, and the son of Bastilla and Revan who were married after killing Malak and Bastilla became pregnant before Reven left to fight the true sith. he took the name of his father as Darth Revan. He plans on destroying Corusant with a super wepon he desiogned capable of destroying a planet
Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 1:21 pm
by Kyp Torvyn
The Resurrection Idea is interesting but impractical, because those sith lords would destroy him if brought back because they are much stronger. Skills get lost as history goes on. I think it is time they set it in the wars right before bane usurps the Darth title and starts the rule of two. This would however completely abandon Revan's side of the tale.
Darth Juo, that Idea is very interesting and intriguing. the Perfect candidate is the last king of the Sith species named King Adas. He was a powerful Sith who took his people from the Dark Jedi Sith oppression of Korriban to Ziost a neighboring world. Little is known of what became of the civilization, or he.
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:28 am
by AmpaSand
Not a villan but scary all the same......
As a master of the light side wishes for balance and will purge and cause of imbalance as if not purged then it will didrupt more than removing it. this is where you come in. You are the imbalance causer.
Name: Master X'"Anoa
Race: Whatever yoda is.
Age: Unknown as has only recently revealed himself
Eyes: Blue/Green
Hair: White / nearly bald
Skin: Green
Weapon: Distains such crass implements but prefers twin green saber staffs. (for a challenge.. a slight one. Think how cool it would look. Plus how powerful that would be in the game.)
Attitude / History: A reculse master of the light side he has been in meditaion for 100 years sensing you. you who will cause the balance of the force to be broken should you sway either way on your path. (only appears as final boss if you are anything but quite neutral then you have to fight the bad dude anyway. If not neutral then you have to face him after the final boss as you have broken the balance.) Has been folowing the events that have brought you and has been attempting to return you to inconsequence.
Force powers: All light side and his own two, Force web and Midiclorin obediance.
Force web. Sees beingings and ends and all creation laid out before him. (basicly next round you are going to fail ALL your rolls and Him suceed.)
Mediclorin Obediance. takes control of the mediclorins inside you and presuades them to obey him. No more force power he has that now yours is now 0 and his increased by whatever you had. But it flips back after a while as the mediclorins catch on.
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 1:44 pm
by Fierce
I have had enough of the ultimate evil world-ruler-wannabees. This time a want a cute bunny to be my final challenge - like in the Monty Python and the Holy Grail. And make him a KILLER bunny, a real bad-butt, slayer of million beings. Just fight your way through countless hundreds of his minions, you challenge the most vicious and savage beasts in the universe, you live through the hardest of fights only to face Him. Then, when you finally reach his lair hidden deep in a ruined fortress on a planet with a really creepy name, the final guardian lays slain by your hand, you enter the inner sanctum of his sick and twisted castle made of finest trees and filled with digustingly sweet paintings of happy children and cute little animals, and He awaits you - sitting on his golden throne sorrounded by bones and skulls of His enemies and servants foolish enough to fail Him, eating a carrot like He's really just a cute little bunny, you pull out your lightsaber and the two titans clash.....a magnificent view. That is the way I see KotOR III.
Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 1:23 pm
by bastillasith
that would be funny
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- Chanak
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 6:18 am
by bigredpanda
Does anyone remember Jedi Knight II: Dark Forces? On one level, there was a room where the door only opened at a particular point, but if you could get in the room there was a giant rabbit, who proceeded to leave the room and shoot everybody who came near him.
Reading that back, it sounds like I've been taking something, but it honestly happened.
Anyways, I like the rabbit idea (who doesn't?!). Or atleast, I should say, I like the idea of moving away from the "ooh I'm really big and scary" type bad guy, to something wholly more sinister, like a small child-like creature or something.
Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 12:09 am
by DesR85
A rabbit?
Why would anyone want a rabbit?
This isn't a cartoon-style game we're talking about. This is a science fiction game. How does a rabbit nemesis fit in a science fiction theme?
Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 3:29 am
by bigredpanda
DesR85 wrote: How does a rabbit nemesis fit in a science fiction theme?
If it's a rabbit
from the future.
Seriously, though, I wasn't actually saying the rabbit itself was a great idea, more the concept of a bad guy who comes slightly from the leftfield.
Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 1:37 pm
by OftheRepublic
I dont want 1 villain especially since during this time the Sith are so numerous, unlike in the Republic the Sith are fightning for control, but together in the unknown regions they work together
Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 3:16 pm
by Jedi Guardian
The Villain could be a Jedi that you know and you finde clues saying that theres someone on the inside corrupting the Republic and making it weaker than it already is and when you meet the cause of the problems it turns out your Jedi Friend (kinda taken' the palpatine approach is a good guy to the republic and a threat as well) but unlike Kreia in Kotor II you don't see clips of who the last villian is it's a suprise
Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 3:26 pm
by OftheRepublic
@JediGuardian- i agree on multiple villains if thats what you were getting at, but you cant have a suprise villain one in which you know nothing about, storywise it just wouldnt seem logical- what would the original trilogy be like if you had no idea the emperor existed and at the end when vader fights luke the emporor goes ""boo!!! here i am!!! youve been punk'd!!! progression, actions, story of all characters are required
Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 3:59 pm
by Jedi Guardian
OftheRepublic wrote:@JediGuardian- i agree on multiple villains if thats what you were getting at, but you cant have a suprise villain one in which you know nothing about, storywise it just wouldnt seem logical- what would the original trilogy be like if you had no idea the emperor existed and at the end when vader fights luke the emporor goes ""boo!!! here i am!!! youve been punk'd!!! progression, actions, story of all characters are required
Yes I know that, I'm talkin' about something you don't expect,At the end of the game your Jedi friend turns out to be the main and Final Villain
then you have to fight and then you find out what happend (he encounterd a Sith Holocron etc. etc.)
and no I don't mean multiple villians
Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 4:04 pm
by OftheRepublic
that would be intresting where your friend goes opposite as u but how strong can ur friend be?
Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 7:30 pm
by Darth Valthri
Here's my idea, but it's 2 main villains really. it's my idea that i've posted elsewhere, but in case nobody here sees it there, i'm posting it here too.
Villain #1: Custom Character
Name: Either given to him/her through game, or you choose it yourself
Status: Your rival (unless you can turn him at the end fight)
Idea behind villain: Most of the game, this character is your rival. You start the game as a Jedi, (s)he's a Sith, and vice versa. Same way for finishing as Jedi or Sith. Possibility of turning him/her to your side in the end. If you fail at persuasion, they end up dead. At the start, entirely customizable
Villain #2: Sith Lord
Name: Given to him through the game
Status: Sith Lord (eventually becomes your master if you go the way of the Sith. As a Jedi, he could be either the last or second last fight, depending on your persuasion skills with your rival)
Idea behind villain: If you go the way of the Sith, he becomes your master in time. You eventually kill him for title of Sith Lord. If Jedi, then he's your last fight (if you can turn your rival, his apprentice) to the light. Second last fight if you fail at turning your rival.
Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 7:32 pm
by Darth Valthri
DesR85 wrote:Interesting topic, Irish07slasher.
Oh, and about the main villain, what about a cyborg similar to General Grevious? I think it would be cool to meet a lightsaber wielding cyborg as either the main villain or as one of the bosses in the game.
actually, i was thinknig of having a lightsaber-wielding droid as a party member. mind you, i guess there's a diff between droid and cyborg, isn't there?
Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 4:54 pm
by silenceinshadow
Yeah the definite villian(s) of Kotor 3 would have to be the True Sith. Kotor 1 and 2 has sort of focused on it, and evolved through it. I mean after all, theorized by Traya and Revan, the "True Sith" goaded the Mandalorians into starting the Mandalorian War, probably knowing full well the consequences of such an action. I believe that theory.
You can't just leave those people alone and go with another story. Plus, Revan and the Exile left known space to look for them. It's suspensful. They are pretty much the last Jedi, or Sith, however you played with them. Kotor 3 shouldn't just be another story where some other lost Jedi is discovered and told about the True Sith, lol.
A question to pose though..these "True Sith", if they are a council, that's sort of going against the ideology of the Sith isn't it? At least in some perspectives. What I mean is, their rules of having only a master and an apprentice. If these are "True Sith" why haven't they killed each other? The strong must rule if they are to surive right? If they truly know the true power of the dark side. Seems odd that they'd work together somehow. These true masters seem to be nothing more than philosophers sitting at tables claiming to be something and looking into the future. I mean what have they really done? Pushed a bunch of Mandalorians into Republic space and told them to fight lol. But who knows. These may be the Sith from ancient times because back then the title of Dark Lord of the Sith was more ritual, like with Naga Sadow. It was a judgement by a bunch of people, not through fighting your master. If so, then these true sith are not really "True" at all. *shrugs*
Kotor 3 should definetly fill in the pieces with Revan and the Exile. Perhaps maybe even playing them as characters again. But maybe not..I mean, you've already gone through them in 2 games. It would be repetitive. I think there's definetly gonna be a new character to play, but it has to revolve around Revan and the Exile's journey.
It would be interesting to hear the new names of the Dark Lords if you do fight them. The "Darth" title I mean. I thought Traya was interesting. How it was taken from betrayal. Lucasart's always thinking lol.
Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 5:39 pm
by OftheRepublic
@silenceinshadow- the rule of 2 was not thought up by the sith until Revan- but not carried out until 1000 years befre the Galactic Empire under Darth Bane. ALso the Sith are a belief not a people so the ruled with council
Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:23 am
by silenceinshadow
I know that. The Sith was actually literally a race of people. I'm sure you already know that though. The sith religion is a belief yes, but not who they actually were.
Are you sure about that? Revan learned the ways of the Sith from the Trayus Academy on Malachor V. That academy (along with many others) was built by the "True Sith". Surely Revan could not have thought of that all on his own. It was definetly these "true masters" that though of that rule. There was great knowledge within that place.
The rule of 2 I'm pretty sure was carried on after Revan and Malak, even if it wasn't written in stone. I couldn't give you any names, but there must've definetly been some dark jedi who became influenced Revan and Malak. Darth Bane and Revan shouldn't be credited. Because even Bane took what he knew from Revan. Curiosity always plays role.
Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:26 am
by silenceinshadow
I wasn't necessarily disagreeing with the idea of a council. As I said, I gave the opinion of them being the ancient sith where there "would" be a council and many dark lords.
Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 7:02 pm
by Darth Spawn
silenceinshadow wrote:Yeah the definite villian(s) of Kotor 3 would have to be the True Sith. Kotor 1 and 2 has sort of focused on it, and evolved through it. I mean after all, theorized by Traya and Revan, the "True Sith" goaded the Mandalorians into starting the Mandalorian War, probably knowing full well the consequences of such an action. I believe that theory.
You can't just leave those people alone and go with another story. Plus, Revan and the Exile left known space to look for them. It's suspensful. They are pretty much the last Jedi, or Sith, however you played with them. Kotor 3 shouldn't just be another story where some other lost Jedi is discovered and told about the True Sith, lol.
A question to pose though..these "True Sith", if they are a council, that's sort of going against the ideology of the Sith isn't it? At least in some perspectives. What I mean is, their rules of having only a master and an apprentice. If these are "True Sith" why haven't they killed each other? The strong must rule if they are to surive right? If they truly know the true power of the dark side. Seems odd that they'd work together somehow. These true masters seem to be nothing more than philosophers sitting at tables claiming to be something and looking into the future. I mean what have they really done? Pushed a bunch of Mandalorians into Republic space and told them to fight lol. But who knows. These may be the Sith from ancient times because back then the title of Dark Lord of the Sith was more ritual, like with Naga Sadow. It was a judgement by a bunch of people, not through fighting your master. If so, then these true sith are not really "True" at all. *shrugs*
Kotor 3 should definetly fill in the pieces with Revan and the Exile. Perhaps maybe even playing them as characters again. But maybe not..I mean, you've already gone through them in 2 games. It would be repetitive. I think there's definetly gonna be a new character to play, but it has to revolve around Revan and the Exile's journey.
It would be interesting to hear the new names of the Dark Lords if you do fight them. The "Darth" title I mean. I thought Traya was interesting. How it was taken from betrayal. Lucasart's always thinking lol.
on that theroy of the sith not ruleing as a council could the all be force linked to each other so the dont kill each other because it seems that only a sith can conect them selves in the case of kotor 1 there was darth revan and in the case of kotor 2 there was darth tryre