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Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 7:34 pm
by Moron
Anyone found out if scribe does anything? I know it used to speed up spellbook recharge, but I haven't noticed anything this time around.

Did some more testing on Dual Two-Hand and it's broken for sure. Can't equip two 2H weapons even after taking the time to go lord naturally. Dexterity increases critical hit chance. Agility does in fact increase dodge. The formula for speed isn't exactly agility x2, but it's pretty close. Not sure how haste factors in. I can hit 200 speed with 69 agility and a charm of night (Haste 50%). Spell levels still increase magic damage. I was able to hit for 1.4 million damage with cataclysm, but that was with testing with extremely high skill levels that you'd never be able to get naturally. Cripple, Entangle, Lifesteal, and Phantasm all work. Entangle is nearly (if not actually) a 100% chance at level 50. Fire drakes were immune to entangle at any level, even as high as 65535.

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 11:24 pm
by George_K
swcarter wrote:I assume he means the mini-map isn't shown. It's displayed in a circle now that looks a little like a compass, I guess.

Has anybody tested to see if they finally fixed the bug where leaving the Shadow Ruins means you can't get back in?


Yes! first pulled lever on south wall and went out. came back in and killed a few monsters, went out again, then came back in. guess the exit portal stays there until you exit the final time, then there's no reason to go back in whether or not it's possible.

UPDATE: this gets really weird. Early in the game, even from the very start in the wilderness, if you hex edit the location and change it to the outside of the Shadow Ruins, the portal is already activated. Apparently it's not necessary to get the shadow stone from the Isle of Dead.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 9:18 am
by GawainBS
Moron, about Magic Weapons, how does it work then? I used a Goblin Staff, and it had a magic effect, and enemies took damage over time. I did not notice a recharge time. Not trying to argue, just trying to figure out how it works.

Apparently, Repair lets you do longer with a repair kit.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 10:05 am
by immdev
So whats the point of bows or thrown? They doesnt scale at all, right?

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:47 am
by Claudius
I'm curious about the spells. Are any of them bugged like the first game? If you give specific info on spells, then put a spoiler tag please :) ; my question is simply if any are bugged.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 3:48 pm
by Moron
GawainBS wrote:Moron, about Magic Weapons, how does it work then? I used a Goblin Staff, and it had a magic effect, and enemies took damage over time. I did not notice a recharge time. Not trying to argue, just trying to figure out how it works.

Apparently, Repair lets you do longer with a repair kit.

Yes, that's what I meant. Magic weaponry lets you use the effects of weapons that need it. There is no recharge time. As long as you have a high enough level of Magic Weaponry, the effect activates with every swing. That's how it was in the original DL too.

immdev wrote:So whats the point of bows or thrown? They doesnt scale at all, right?

Ranger Lord gets a skill that adds an instant kill chance to bow attacks. Haven't tested to see if it works, but yes. Ranged weapons seem pretty underpowered. Magic is probably a better bet for ranged attacks.
Claudius wrote:I'm curious about the spells. Are any of them bugged like the first game? If you give specific info on spells, then put a spoiler tag please :) ; my question is simply if any are bugged.

I haven't noticed any bugged spells yet. The old spells are still in there (Fire mines, arrow of baal, etc) But they aren't obtainable naturally, and don't work regardless.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 4:47 pm
by GawainBS
Now that I know how skills work (that is: most don't), I'd like to take up that offer on hexediting my savefile, just to realocate skill points. Is that offer still open? :oops:

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 12:48 am
by swcarter
Moron wrote:Ranged weapons seem pretty underpowered. Magic is probably a better bet for ranged attacks.
Ranged weapons have always been underpowered for whatever reason. But it's possible now that you'll find a Fine Bow of Something +5, and it might be decent. The best thing about ranged weapons currently is that they don't need to be repaired, which is great because all the other equipment seems to be made out of paper mache. I went through four weapons when I retrieved the Argalia from Ulm.


Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 1:31 am
by GawainBS
swcarter wrote:Ranged weapons have always been underpowered for whatever reason. But it's possible now that you'll find a Fine Bow of Something +5, and it might be decent. The best thing about ranged weapons currently is that they don't need to be repaired, which is great because all the other equipment seems to be made out of paper mache. I went through four weapons when I retrieved the Argalia from Ulm.

Sadly, all too true. I hate the quick degradation of equipment. Never liked durabilty anyway.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 4:20 am
by GawainBS
Monk & Shugenja both add Kunfu & Scribe skills. As I was an Adept/Mage//Valkyrie already, it's hard to tell if anything else was added.
Valkyrie adds all weapons bar thrown & bows, and all armours, plus Channel.

Not sure how Scribe & Channel work now.

Armour skills don't seem to do anything either, except rank 1 unlocking the ability to wear that armour type.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 8:09 am
by Claudius
I've played as a Ranger Lord in vanilla, and the bow was a good weapon. For example those red ninjas you could take them all out with zero damage. I wasn't impressed with hawkeye but I wasn't upset about it either.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 8:10 am
by George_K
GawainBS wrote:Now that I know how skills work (that is: most don't), I'd like to take up that offer on hexediting my savefile, just to realocate skill points. Is that offer still open? :oops:

It's not necessary to realocate, merely give additional skills and increase other skill points. That way you can have more bang.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 9:00 am
by George_K
A new update patch for MMXII is available. It allows opening inventory with I and there's several additional tweaks and fixes.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 9:03 am
by Claudius
George_K wrote:A new update patch for MMXII is available. It allows opening inventory with I and there's several additional tweaks and fixes.

Do you have a link for that, George?

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 9:14 am
by GawainBS
That's the 1.60 patch, right?

George, at which location can I find those values? I assume that the savegame editor does not work. And while we're at it, the location of the # of repair kits? I'm going to work around the stupid durability.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 12:55 pm
by Moron
GawainBS wrote:Not sure how Scribe & Channel work now.

Channel increases MP regen. It never caps, so you can never put too many points into it (unlike scout, acrobatics, etc) I have no idea what scribe does now.
GawainBS wrote:That's the 1.60 patch, right?

1.60K. 1.60I was launch.
swcarter wrote:Ranged weapons have always been underpowered for whatever reason. But it's possible now that you'll find a Fine Bow of Something +5, and it might be decent. The best thing about ranged weapons currently is that they don't need to be repaired, which is great because all the other equipment seems to be made out of paper mache. I went through four weapons when I retrieved the Argalia from Ulm.


I've seen fixes on bows, but not on thrown weapons. Don't know if it's possible with them. I think throwing just sucks period. I did, however, find Maloken and Goblin Ballista weapons while playing around with cheatengine. Was throwing spears and logs around. Not obtainable naturally, of course.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 1:34 pm
by George_K
GawainBS wrote:That's the 1.60 patch, right?

George, at which location can I find those values? I assume that the savegame editor does not work. And while we're at it, the location of the # of repair kits? I'm going to work around the stupid durability.

In MMXII, the skills start 265 bytes (a byte is 00 or whatever) after the first letter of the last occurrence of your name. before getting into that, note down what your skill values are. look for those in the left screen of the hex opened save file.

Here's how you properly start counting. go to the end of the file, change search to text, and search upwards. I use george as neme so the last occurrence looks like this 67 65 6F 72 67 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 and so on.
In the left screen, position the marker on the left side of the first letter, example I67, and use right arrow, the first press is 1 byte and looks like this 67 I65 6F 72 67 65 00 00 00 00

keep going and count carefully, if you lose count, go back and start again. sometimes, after the byte 265, there will be an odd byte two or three further on, ignore it. assuming the byte at 265 is either 00 or some such as nine (09), the next skill is 8 bytes away and possibly nine again (09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09). at each location, you could make it whatever you wanted but not too much. there should be a small calculator at top of page. switch view to numeric if it's not already there. type in your number, then switch to hex. 15 would show as F, so you enter it as 0F, but if you choose a really high number, maybe 25 (hex 19), or super high 500 (that's really stupid) the calculator would show 1F4, so it would be inputed as F4 01. as you can see, a three digit hex is the last two digits entered first, followed by a zero then the first digit.
be certain you set your hex editor to create a backup when you save your edited file. if things go badly, delete the edited file and right click on the backup, choose remame, and change the extension from BAK to svg.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 1:39 pm
by GawainBS
Ok, thanks for the explanation, but I don't think I'm going to tangle with it after all.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 2:57 pm
by swcarter
Claudius wrote:Do you have a link for that, George?
Here's the link for the patch: ... ords_mmxii

I hope they keep releasing patches. They really need to add spell descriptions, reduce item degradation, and show what you're interacting with in mouselook mode.


Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 3:28 pm
by GawainBS
And offer clear data about what each class gets, and what each skill does.