Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2002 1:51 pm
LOL. I've read the Books nine times (although not for a while). And I also started playing D&D before it had the A added. The D&D Ranger was taken from LOTR. In these days where Fantasy books abound it's probably hard to understand that at the time D&D was introduced as a mixture of table-top wargaming and fantasy just how few fantasy books there were. Everyone accepted that the basis for the fantasy in D&D was LOTR even if there were other elements. If there was any doubt I'd have asked Gygax when I met him...
Aragorn: The Kings had been in exile for many generations. Any skills he learnt would be heavily elf-influenced. I don't see why making him a Paladin enhances his ability to be a King. His hands may be healing, but he uses herbs to accomplish that aim. Similarly it's not that he detects evil, but his perceptions are much keener than normal (his elven blood?). I'm sure he uses a bow to get food in the book (but I ain't searching to prove it), in any case he would have to be skilled with the bow to live in the wild. Does Aragorn ever don full plate, wield a 2-handed sword and call for his warhorse? Neigh!
Frodo - My only problem with swash for Frodo is that he's a lousy fighter. Maybe he's multi-class swash/bard
Sam - can't be a swash, "the epitome of charm and grace"? I think not. As for Bard - I don't recall Sam singing Elvish against his enemies. I remember him crying out in elvish (without realising what he was doing). Not quite the same. He could be a plain Fighter but I still prefer Barbarian - Merry & Pippin end up more like Fighters than Sam.
Legolas: I like Marksman, but of course you have to have TDD and isn't that incompatible with TOB?
On half-elves: If memory serves don't they get to choose whether they follow the elven or human side in LOTR?
Aragorn: The Kings had been in exile for many generations. Any skills he learnt would be heavily elf-influenced. I don't see why making him a Paladin enhances his ability to be a King. His hands may be healing, but he uses herbs to accomplish that aim. Similarly it's not that he detects evil, but his perceptions are much keener than normal (his elven blood?). I'm sure he uses a bow to get food in the book (but I ain't searching to prove it), in any case he would have to be skilled with the bow to live in the wild. Does Aragorn ever don full plate, wield a 2-handed sword and call for his warhorse? Neigh!
Frodo - My only problem with swash for Frodo is that he's a lousy fighter. Maybe he's multi-class swash/bard
Sam - can't be a swash, "the epitome of charm and grace"? I think not. As for Bard - I don't recall Sam singing Elvish against his enemies. I remember him crying out in elvish (without realising what he was doing). Not quite the same. He could be a plain Fighter but I still prefer Barbarian - Merry & Pippin end up more like Fighters than Sam.
Legolas: I like Marksman, but of course you have to have TDD and isn't that incompatible with TOB?
On half-elves: If memory serves don't they get to choose whether they follow the elven or human side in LOTR?