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Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 6:57 am
by Georgi
Originally posted by HighLordDave
a webcam-obsessed voyeur who sneaks around with a video camera shooting footage of unsuspecting people
Just because there are people who are up to worse doesn't mean that this image of you isn't 100% accurate... :p :D

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 7:17 am
by HighLordDave
1) Flanders just admitted to it.

2) I have no plans for world domination, unlike another High Tyrant around here (whom I haven't seen in a while; someone may want to see if the Zorkhans got him, too).

3) I am often the victim, not the perpetrator; witness the horrible officiating my team, The Elementals, was victimised by in Lost One's FWC.

All of those allegations are compeletly unfounded. I am outraged to be the object of such a smear campaign. I categorically deny all accusations of wrongdoing, impropriety and/or general mischeviousness. I demand a full investigation and I vow, with God as my Witness, that I will clear my good name.

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 7:19 am
by McBane
Originally posted by HighLordDave
1) Flanders just admitted to it.

2) I have no plans for world domination, unlike another High Tyrant around here (whom I haven't seen in a while; someone may want to see if the Zorkhans got him, too).

3) I am often the victim, not the perpetrator; witness the horrible officiating my team, The Elementals, was victimised by in Lost One's FWC.

All of those allegations are compeletly unfounded. I am outraged to be the object of such a smear campaign. I categorically deny all accusations of wrongdoing, impropriety and/or general mischeviousness. I demand a full investigation and I vow, with God as my Witness, that I will clear my good name.
It sounds as if you need legal representation! :D

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 7:24 am
by HighLordDave
Originally posted by McBane
It sounds as if you need legal representation! :D
Of course! I live in the United States: The Land of Litigation. Can I put you on retainer? Send all of my bills to: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500.

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 7:29 am
by McBane
Originally posted by HighLordDave

Of course! I live in the United States: The Land of Litigation. Can I put you on retainer? Send all of my bills to: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500.
No need, I'll just bill your hours to Bloodstalker's account. He can't keep it straight. ;)

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 7:37 am
by Ned Flanders
by HLD
Send all of my bills to: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500.

You're going to need a bigger bank.
by McBane No need, I'll just bill your hours to Bloodstalker's account. He can't keep it straight.

When was the last time he actually made a payment though?

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 7:52 am
by Vivien
Originally posted by Georgi

Just because there are people who are up to worse doesn't mean that this image of you isn't 100% accurate... :p :D
Yes, plus it's awfully suspicious that HLD just happens to have links to sneaky spy ware camera sites. Why would he have this information, and advice on how to use said camera's if he himself is NOT using them for foul purposes...

So, I wouldn't worry about being sued. :) You see McBane is the lawyer. I say we entice him with false promises to join our massage session. He should fold easily enough.

Beldin: *hug* As Georgi invited me to this massage party, I must concede to her rules and regulations… I’ll send you gift basket or something. :D

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 7:55 am
by CM
Originally posted by Vivien

Yes, plus it's awfully suspicious that HLD just happens to have links to sneaky spy ware camera sites. Why would he have this information, and advice on how to use said camera's if he himself is NOT using them for foul purposes...
Actually i would call that general knowledge for a guy! :D

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 7:55 am
by Beldin
Originally posted by Vivien

Beldin: *hug* As Georgi invited me to this massage party, I must concede to her rules and regulations… I’ll send you gift basket or something. :D
Let's talk about the compensation in private.... :D I'm sure we'll reach an agreement :D ;) .....
*hug & grope*@Viv

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 8:03 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Beldin, Beldin, would you really be so neglectful as to leave your mistresses side for even an instant? :D What if she needed a drink in a hurry, or some after-sun lotion? ;)
Nay, I say, nay, nay and thrice nay! We must stand firm in our duty to pander to oyur mistresses' every whim and desire.
It's for their own good, after all. ;)

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 8:06 am
by CM
*racham frascham, spinless males....fracsham raschm* :p :D

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 8:06 am
by McBane
Originally posted by Vivien

Yes, plus it's awfully suspicious that HLD just happens to have links to sneaky spy ware camera sites. Why would he have this information, and advice on how to use said camera's if he himself is NOT using them for foul purposes...

So, I wouldn't worry about being sued. :)
Suspicion is hardly admissible evidence. I think you will need something a little more substantial!

You think you can persuade me by having me join you and Georgi in a massage session?? :cool:

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 8:07 am
by Beldin
Originally posted by Ode to a Grasshopper
Beldin, Beldin, would you really be so neglectful as to leave your mistresses side for even an instant? :D What is she needed a drink in a hurry, or some after-sun lotion? ;)
Nay, I say, nay, nay and thrice nay! We must stand firm in our duty to pander to oyur mistresses' every whim and desire.
It's for their own good, after all. ;)
You're right, mate, but since Viv hasn't the same exhibitionistic streak that Georgeous has we won't discuss such matters in public. ;) :D ...It keeps the objections of certain females down... ;) :D ...

No worries,

Beldin :cool:

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 8:11 am
by Vivien
Originally posted by Ode to a Grasshopper
Beldin, Beldin, would you really be so neglectful as to leave your mistresses side for even an instant? :D What if she needed a drink in a hurry, or some after-sun lotion? ;)
Nay, I say, nay, nay and thrice nay! We must stand firm in our duty to pander to oyur mistresses' every whim and desire.
It's for their own good, after all. ;)
How are you pandering to Georgi's whims and desires by going against her desire for you to be gone so we can be alone? 'Splain this, 'cause it's not making any sense except from a male perverted point of view...

CM: And what would you know about normal male behavior Mr. touchy feely? :)

Beldin: I'm sure we could ;) *edits because people have already moved past this part*

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 8:12 am
by HighLordDave
Originally posted by Vivien
Yes, plus it's awfully suspicious that HLD just happens to have links to sneaky spy ware camera sites. Why would he have this information, and advice on how to use said camera's if he himself is NOT using them for foul purposes...
Believe it or not, there are legitimate uses for equipment like that. That's why I'm going . . . um, out of the the country next week on, uh, "official" business. You can tag along if you'd like, but remember: Fear is not an option.

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 8:12 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Fair enough, I wouldn't want to make trouble between you and your mistress, mate. ;)

@Fas-LOL! You remind me of a character from those old Hanna Barbara cartoons, some dog called Muttley or something. It always used to do that racham frascham thing. :D

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 8:15 am
by Ned Flanders

From the Laff-a-Lympics.

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 8:18 am
by Vivien
Originally posted by McBane

Suspicion is hardly admissible evidence. I think you will need something a little more substantial!

You think you can persuade me by having me join you and Georgi in a massage session?? :cool:
Well...we would have to discuss it first...are you sure you want to sue Georgi? Here...why don't you sit down while I send Fas to fetch you a drink?


Ned: I tried to pm you, but your box was full. :)

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 8:18 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Originally posted by Vivien

How are you pandering to Georgi's whims and desires by going against her desire for you to be gone so we can be alone? 'Splain this, 'cause it's not making any sense except from a male perverted point of view...
Simple *hug*, if I were not present by her side there would be no way of knowing if she needed something, so to make sure I am able to fulfill any requests she might have as she makes them I must remain present at all times, so as to provide quick, efficient service.
I fail to see how this is at all perverse, I'm as pure as the freshly fallen snow, see?Image

@Ned-That was the one. Don't you think it's oddly appropriate for Fas? :D

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 8:25 am
by McBane
Originally posted by Vivien

Well...we would have to discuss it first...are you sure you want to sue Georgi? Here...why don't you sit down while I send Fas to fetch you a drink?


Ned: I tried to pm you, but your box was full. :)
**sits down, waiting for his drink**