While I find nothing fundamentally wrong with your statement, I find the portion, which I have highlighted to be inflammatory and judgmental. It would seem that we have a classic irony here. You have promoted yourself as more compassionate and moral than someone who holds the belief that a worker is worth his wage is greedy and the reason there is poverty in the world. Here is the irony. I am sorry; I do not see you as more compassionate or moral. You have stated the reason you don’t believe in personal charity is that it will not do any good, you have chosen a better solution. That you will wait on a utopic system where all of the worlds problems will be solved before you decide to give of your excess, while condemning others and labeling them as greedy and immoral, because they wish only to do the same as you are doing, with out the socialist rhetoric?However, communism aside, I would of course give it all up in a second, if I believed this would lead to equal distribution of the world’s wealth. Wouldn't you, if you were convinced it was that easy to save millions of people from suffering and death from the consequences of poverty? However, I do not believe for a second it would, and that's why I don't do it. I think it is very naive to believe that the world's distribution problem would be solved because one person lower her living standard. Even more so when that person is not even Bill Gates, but me, with my salary as a university researcher.
Unfortunately, I also think it is very naive to believe that we can change anything by just giving away what we have. That's not what I am suggesting either. You see, it is my firm belief that the world's distribution problem lies not only in the distribution as it is this very second, it lies also is the structures that will maintain unequal distribution. Individual acts of economic altruism doesn't change the global welfare situation. As one individual, I can only make a difference for a few other individuals. And instead of sympathy-starving together with them, I have choosed another solution I believe everybody benefit more from than if I simply gave away the money I have. Global problems can't be solved with regional acts only. And as long as this world is filled with greedy people who seriously refuse to share any of the excess they have in resources in all forms, there will not be a change. Donations of money are short term solutions, they human mind needs to learn a different way of thinking.
You said you don’t know me….Let me introduce myself. I am a middle class nurse, divorced 3 times, 2 children, and aged and infirmed mother. I work 50-60 hours a week, and barely have enough left over to treat my kids to a movie. I have taken 5 people into my home at various times, in order to help them get back on their feet. I fed them, clothed them, provided them with transportation and a roof over their head. I do not remember a time, growing up, when my family did not have someone living with us. My brother has a young man living with his family now who is mentally challenged. He is providing him a job, a place to live, food at their table, and teaching him basic business principals. When this young man is ready, my brother will help him start his own business. They have raised nieces and nephews. Have sent a friend’s son to school. I donate money out of every paycheck to a foundation, which teaches adults how to read here in town. Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, teach him how to fish, he will never go hungry again. But I do it voluntarily……Not against my will….THAT is why I am NOT greedy !!!
This sounds very similar to a social ideology called Social Darwinism. Are you familiar with this? In brief, Social Darwinism states that poor people are poor because they were not fit enough, that the Western world is richer than Africa because we were fitter. It is a very prounouced "the strong shall rule over the weak" ideology. Is this a thought you share?
I grow weary of this insinuation. I will answer it once more. If asked again, I will find it offensive.
No….I do not believe in the strong over the weak, and more than the weak over the strong…I believe in human dignity, individual freedom, …and self reliance.
Btw, you'd be interested in the latest results from behavioural science about altruism and moral – there was an excellent article in Nature last year demonstrating the evolutionary value of altruism. Altruism and moral among other primates than man has also been investigated recently, with results that suggest humans may not be the only animal with a moral system.
So "the basic survival instict" in us may hold more than the good ol’ “survival of the fittest”, especially today when we have a world where "fit" is equal to "rich".
Yes, I am aware of these studies…I think it is very encouraging, and lends credence to my argument, that left alone, Those who are most capable, are inclined to share what they have, without coercion.