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Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:03 am
by DesR85
mr_sir wrote:Kotor is also a family game so that will never happen. There are plenty of games out where you can do stuff like that, why do we need to be able to do it in Kotor?
Mostly in M-rated games but not those that are rated T and below (ESRB method). To be on topic, I kind of agree with what you said. I see no point in having flying limbs especially in a game that is geared for the younger audience.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 3:03 pm
by Darth Spawn
it would defenatly have been better as a m rated game flying limbs bloodstains on your cloths and what not also swearing i realy was hoping for hk-47 to start swearing at random people :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 1:40 am
by AmpaSand
my gripe.

3x jedi
3x force storm
= too many bade dead dudes.

come on. if you have that much power and can blast all the dudes away why do they need you?

Replay sucks. Took ages to get into it knew how to do all the quests and nothing reall changed even though i was dark this time. (except i'm worried etc from bastilla)

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 5:23 am
by Darkblade89
I'm new to KOTOR (and this style of interactive RPG in general), but I thought KOTOR was amazing, and look forward to buying KOTOR II. Anyway, I'll skip the introduction for later, as it's rather late over here (damn this game lol)

A couple things I just wanted to point out and reply to:
DesR85 wrote: Another beef I had with the game is how stupid the AI is. When left to their own devices, they tend to do some very stupid things that will get them killed instead. Had to switch to the other characters to prevent them from getting themselves killed. I really dislike this method as it is equivalent to babysitting (to me, at least). :mad: Reminds me of the very first Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon games where you have to switch between members to coordinate movement and what not.
I have to agree somewhat, I can't tell you how many times I'd have two Jedi behind me, while I was off dying from hordes of hostiles alone, with fuzzy white stars circling my head from the repeated Force Valors being cast. In the most recent one, I had no less than 4 Dark Jedi slicing me up, while Jolee and Juhani were off in the back, with another 6 Knight Valors in total ready to be cast.
Deliant wrote: 10. The thing with lightsabers vs. normal weapons. Anybody see a major issue when metal hits laser? Metal goes buh-bye. Or... so we thought...
Note that quite a lot of the blades in KOTOR are constructed with, 'weaved', or use some form of Cortosis, which is known to resist lightsabers. Though I admit, it would be interesting, perhaps, atleast in a cutscene, to see someone's precious sword being sliced cleanly in two by a Jedi/Sith.
Deliant wrote: 7. Once again, getting stuck in a people sandwhich. It's murder: Carth, Bastilla, me, in the cantina, with the table. Or several tables, even. Thankfully, it could be fixed pretty quickly by switching characters and moving them manually. Until they come running back when you switch back to you again. *growl*
Definitely, lol. *Gee, I wonder why Revan is walking into us like that? Does he want something?*

Also, about the Pazaak being useless comments, I'd almost agree, except for one thing: Suvam Tam (spoiler, highlight)
Suvam Tam of the Yavin 4 station will sell his items cheaper, AND buy your items for a much higher price, if you beat him 10 times at Pazaak. I learned Pazaak right there next to him, and didn't stop until I'd lost 12 times and won 10 lol. (Yes I suck at Pazaak), but afterwards, the guy was buying my tons of extra Lightsabers for 600-700+ each, as compared to their normal 300-400 price (I forget the exact prices) Of course I stupidly went straight to the unknown planet before visiting him to get the real good stuff the first time.
DaveO wrote:I did not like that the non-Jedi characters got very rarely used once you became a Jedi. There were some areas where you're forced to take a character along for an NPC quest, but I would have liked a little more opportunity to rely on the non-Jedis more. Also one slight issue with the game is that you can still get the computer-oriented experience bonuses after clearing an entire area. I don't like that the boss battles were not really that difficult even on the highest difficulty. Calo Nord and Darth Bandon were a bit too easy. There were some challenges, but the AI should really have been a LOT better to make it tough to finish the game on the highest difficulty.
I can see what you mean, but I still used Mission Vao and T3-M4 quite often. Mission + Sneak Attack X + distracted henchmen = dead in one/two hits. It was quite funny taking out the Rancor on the Unknown world in one/two hits, with a little 14 year old Twilek.

(Some Spoilers, highlight)
Bandon was definitely too easy. Heck, so was Bastila (Force Wave spam anyone? She never even got within lightsaber range lol, I obviously went light side first time around, Scout + Consular).

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 11:08 am
by Drunkside
The only thing that annoys me with the kotor is the malaks automatic hit crit strike which i noticed last time i played the game... It just sucks... And if you havent already read about it, It happens when malak has about1/5 of his health left and not a single jedi left to drain. Its really annoying that he crits and stuns with that hit every time.... Got me really pissed :p

Non jedi chars useless????? Heck you obviously havent made canderous to be a melee guy... Im canderous, i kill everything with one strike...

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 12:17 am
by eijsvogel2
Jotun wrote:

not enough sexy shots of Ballista. Hey in Kessen2 they had breast shots, why not here?

not enough female chars, and the ones you do get, only one is attractive. (seriously who wants to mate with a squid head?) of course you could help suppliment with picking a female char yourself, but this avatar is supposed to represent YOU.
i dont know that you want sexy shots of some siege equipment of other games?! jokin:laugh:

agreed, maybe do the detail lvl higher for more sexy look :eek:
and juhani is scary after all...

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 9:47 pm
by Adumbral
Okay, this is an old thread, but I am playing KOTOR for the 1st time and I have to agree with the following pet peeves:

1: The "party AI" is anything but intelligent! I find it particularly annoying when I use grenades...and my party cheerfully rushes in to whack at the exact same person I'm aiming the grenade at! Come on, these guys would never have survived basic training at that rate...surely there would be the equivalent of "clear" or "heads up" to indicate "Please don't run to where I am throwing explosive devices as it will significantly shorten your lifespan"!! Or, you spot a mine, unpause to have your demolitions specialist deal with it...and everyone else runs through the mine to attack! Come on guys, let the bad guys come to US this time...which brings us to #2. Compared to those, the failure of NPCs to move out of your way in a crowded cantina is minor.

2: The only way I found to deal with #1 is to equip everyone else with ranged weapons. Unfortunately, the lack of a 'quick-weapon' slot is makes it painfully slow...scroll down through the whole list (okay, I'm a packrat) until you get to the blasters...and if your character is dual-wielding, aaargh! Unequip left, unequip and scroll through to equip right, scroll through to equip left.

3: A whole party-retreat option would be wonderful. He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day...

4: Lightsabers vs. regular swords. It shouldn't be a contest! I mean, they use lightsabers to cut through doors and stuff (in the books at least), so why don't they slice through swords? And why did I spend all those credits upgrading my non-Jedi party members' stuff with cortosis-woven ones when the regular work just fine? (Yes, they do. Mission, carrying a blaster, ran round a corner into the two Dark Jedi that Bastila and my PC were fighting; without thinking, I quickly equipped her with her vibroblade, finished the fight and thought "Wait, that shouldn't have worked!" But it did.)

6: Map labelling, or lack thereof. Sometimes I would like to put a little note on the map that something interesting is in this room so I can o back. And the maps on Dantooine drove me crazy- all "exits" were marked "path north" or "path south". Enlightening. I actually made my own paper map with "grove", "Sandral estate", etc.

7:Clingy Jedi robes. They did NOT look like that in the movies! And, given how the Jedi feel about relationships, skintight costumes don't quite seem like their thing...

I am enjoying the game...I just would enjoy it more if I didn't have these frustrations...

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 2:58 pm
by Ulfang
Darth_Ruin wrote:KOTOR would be a lot better if you could hack off limbs.

Chris (Darth_Ruin)
I agree that would be fun but yes it is a family game so wouldn't happen. Not just limbs of course ... heads as well ;)

I just started playing KOTOR again on the 360 (old Xbox version of course). Mass Effect influenced me as it has a similiar system and realised I'd never finished KOTOR as I'd lent it out before I'd finished it and never got it back so ended up buying it again off Ebay. What a great game!

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 5:35 pm
by Jekyll-Hyde
It's only easy if you play it on easy, try another difficulty, and you'll find it takes alot longer to accomplish those easy quests you are complaining about. Also playing as a scout/jedi and only lvling up to 5 and no more makes you alot stronger jedi at the end of the game, as apposed to lvling to 8 on taris. If you can make if off taris w/o lvling past 5 your jedi will be more balanced at the end of the game. Thats something I learned on my own as well. And one other sucky thing was the galaxy droid......that thing ruins the end of the game for me alot...depending on whether i finish the geoheradan bounties before the leviathan or wait until after to do.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 8:30 pm
by fable
Let's remember that this is a thread for complaints about things people don't like in KotoR. We already have threads for people who want to praise things in the game, or ask questions about it. So please, let people complain here if they want to, and don't argue with their points unless they're demonstrably wrong.

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 10:02 am
by Fiberfar
I hate the space suits and the underwater suit. Adds a bit of flavour to the game, sure, but it would take less time crawling around with three broken limbs than jumping around in those :p

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 10:35 am
by DesR85
Fiberfar wrote:I hate the space suits and the underwater suit. Adds a bit of flavour to the game, sure, but it would take less time crawling around with three broken limbs than jumping around in those :p
I can't agree more. If they had included some Driver Propulsion Vehicle ([url=""]Look here[/url] for more information), it would make those underwater/space scenes a lot more bearable. :) Those suits are damn slow indeed. :mad:

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 11:21 am
by playa8624
#3, the Nobles

The only thing I dislike about the Noble and Rich in this game is the fact that im not allowed to kill them :mad: . Well, at least they died when Taris was bombed :D . But I disagree with everything else, your just picking out stupid little issues. These things are nothing of importance anyways. but I guess everyone is entitled to their opinion.