I'm new to KOTOR (and this style of interactive RPG in general), but I thought KOTOR was amazing, and look forward to buying KOTOR II. Anyway, I'll skip the introduction for later, as it's rather late over here (damn this game lol)
A couple things I just wanted to point out and reply to:
DesR85 wrote:
Another beef I had with the game is how stupid the AI is. When left to their own devices, they tend to do some very stupid things that will get them killed instead. Had to switch to the other characters to prevent them from getting themselves killed. I really dislike this method as it is equivalent to babysitting (to me, at least).
Reminds me of the very first Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon games where you have to switch between members to coordinate movement and what not.
I have to agree somewhat, I can't tell you how many times I'd have two Jedi behind me, while I was off dying from hordes of hostiles alone, with fuzzy white stars circling my head from the repeated Force Valors being cast. In the most recent one, I had no less than 4 Dark Jedi slicing me up, while Jolee and Juhani were off in the back, with another 6 Knight Valors in total ready to be cast.
Deliant wrote:
10. The thing with lightsabers vs. normal weapons. Anybody see a major issue when metal hits laser? Metal goes buh-bye. Or... so we thought...
Note that quite a lot of the blades in KOTOR are constructed with, 'weaved', or use some form of Cortosis, which is known to resist lightsabers. Though I admit, it would be interesting, perhaps, atleast in a cutscene, to see someone's precious sword being sliced cleanly in two by a Jedi/Sith.
Deliant wrote:
7. Once again, getting stuck in a people sandwhich. It's murder: Carth, Bastilla, me, in the cantina, with the table. Or several tables, even. Thankfully, it could be fixed pretty quickly by switching characters and moving them manually. Until they come running back when you switch back to you again. *growl*
Definitely, lol. *Gee, I wonder why Revan is walking into us like that? Does he want something?*
Also, about the Pazaak being useless comments, I'd almost agree, except for one thing: Suvam Tam (spoiler, highlight)
Suvam Tam of the Yavin 4 station will sell his items cheaper, AND buy your items for a much higher price, if you beat him 10 times at Pazaak. I learned Pazaak right there next to him, and didn't stop until I'd lost 12 times and won 10 lol. (Yes I suck at Pazaak), but afterwards, the guy was buying my tons of extra Lightsabers for 600-700+ each, as compared to their normal 300-400 price (I forget the exact prices) Of course I stupidly went straight to the unknown planet before visiting him to get the real good stuff the first time.
DaveO wrote:I did not like that the non-Jedi characters got very rarely used once you became a Jedi. There were some areas where you're forced to take a character along for an NPC quest, but I would have liked a little more opportunity to rely on the non-Jedis more. Also one slight issue with the game is that you can still get the computer-oriented experience bonuses after clearing an entire area. I don't like that the boss battles were not really that difficult even on the highest difficulty. Calo Nord and Darth Bandon were a bit too easy. There were some challenges, but the AI should really have been a LOT better to make it tough to finish the game on the highest difficulty.
I can see what you mean, but I still used Mission Vao and T3-M4 quite often. Mission + Sneak Attack X + distracted henchmen = dead in one/two hits. It was quite funny taking out the Rancor on the Unknown world in one/two hits, with a little 14 year old Twilek.
(Some Spoilers, highlight)
Bandon was definitely too easy. Heck, so was Bastila (Force Wave spam anyone? She never even got within lightsaber range lol, I obviously went light side first time around, Scout + Consular).