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Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 6:23 am
by Mr.Waesel
A word to the wise: Don't get Complete Divine. That book is crap.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 7:20 am
by Rob-hin
Are there any differences between the 3.0 and the 3.5 versions? Besides, I thought it was in Masters of the Wild, not Sword and Fist. That is, unless WotC was wrong in this article.

I don't have any of those books, so the version most accurate to 3.5 Edition (if changes were made) is what I'm looking for.
True, but that was not what I ment. What I ment to say was: If you already have Masters of the Wild, Swords and Fists or other fighter orientated sourcebooks, then The Complete Warrior isn't worth buying. It mainly sums up the prestige classes from other books with hardly (or any) new ones.

The Splat books are Masters of the Wild etc.

Arms and equipment guide is a good one indeed! Hadn't thought of it yet. It gives interesting idea's and rules for equipment and creating of it.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 1:49 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
Okay, can someone PLEASE answer this question ONCE AND FOR ALL...

Are there ANY differences between the CW and MotW versions of the Eye of Gruumsh? Are both versions completely the same, no changes made?

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 4:36 pm
by The Great Hairy
[QUOTE=Galuf the Dwarf]Well, I just checked Wizards' website, and they're saying Half-Elemental comes from the Manual of the Planes. Oh joy, another book to get for one thing only... :( [/QUOTE]

Damn, I forgot to check for you last night. I'll check tonight. I'm pretty sure it is covered in MM3... There is a lot of duplication these days.

[QUOTE=Galuf the Dwarf]TGH: Just checked for REG. No luck. :( :( [/QUOTE]

I'd be pretty surprised if you found it there. Check the second hand RPG sites, like Dragon's Trove or something like that. It's an old book, my copy dates from the mid '80's. It was published by ICE (Iron Crown Enterprises) who vanished years ago.

[QUOTE=Galuf the Dwarf]BTW, what exactly are these 'splat books' that you're talking about? :confused: [/QUOTE]

Sword & Fist, Tome & Blood, etc., are all termed "splat books". Basically, anything soft-cover which makes a "splat" noise as you throw it on the table in front of the players. The hardcover core rules tend to make a "thunk" noise. :)

The CW and MotW versions of the Eye of Gruumsh are slightly different - the CW version is tweaked for 3.5, whereas the MotW version is 3.0. Apart from that, there are no major changes.


Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 4:53 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
[QUOTE=The Great Hairy]The CW and MotW versions of the Eye of Gruumsh are slightly different - the CW version is tweaked for 3.5, whereas the MotW version is 3.0. Apart from that, there are no major changes.[/QUOTE]

And what are we talking here with tweaks? *gets a foot closer to his face, showing a mix of concern and curiosity*

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 5:28 pm
by The Great Hairy
Well, you know how the Barbarian changed from 3.0 to 3.5 slightly right? The Eye of Gruumsh also changes slightly. I can't give you the exact details, as I don't own a copy of CW, but I would expect that the DR and Rage abilities are very slightly changed, skills will be slightly changed (as some skills are removed from 3.5 and others are amalgamated) and some feats will also be slightly changed.

Overall the changes would be minor and not change the flavour of the class a great deal.


Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 6:23 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
[QUOTE=The Great Hairy]Well, you know how the Barbarian changed from 3.0 to 3.5 slightly right? The Eye of Gruumsh also changes slightly. I can't give you the exact details, as I don't own a copy of CW, but I would expect that the DR and Rage abilities are very slightly changed, skills will be slightly changed (as some skills are removed from 3.5 and others are amalgamated) and some feats will also be slightly changed.

Overall the changes would be minor and not change the flavour of the class a great deal.[/QUOTE]

Well, that all sounds pretty major to me. ;)

Besides, some of the other prestige classes in CW do sound a bit interesting, particularly the Frenzied Berseker and the Bear Warrior. Since one of the character I'm creating is one I'm eyeing for the Eye of Gruumsh, and since applicable feats and skills (whether it's in requirements or in applicable feats through leveling) and whatever else may vary between versions of the prestige class, I'd like to be VERY careful with that.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 4:17 pm
by The Great Hairy
I checked out MM3 for the Half-Elemental - it's not in there. I checked Manual of the Planes as well, and it's not in there either. Nor is it in MM2... So I'm a bit stumped, as it doesn't seem to be anywhere around!


Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 4:33 pm
by Fiberfar
Have you tried searching trough the archives on a D&D site?
I don't know if this is advertising, so i won't post the name of the site.

EDIT: I did a search on half-elemental, and it says that is is supposed to be in the Manual of the planes, but that sounds strange since you can't find it

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 5:00 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
[QUOTE=Fiberfar]Have you tried searching trough the archives on a D&D site?
I don't know if this is advertising, so i won't post the name of the site.

EDIT: I did a search on half-elemental, and it says that is is supposed to be in the Manual of the planes, but that sounds strange since you can't find it[/QUOTE]

Well, the index of the book (according to a scan of it by says the Half-Elemental template's on pg. 188.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 5:22 pm
by The Great Hairy
Hmm, well I'll have another look-see when I get home tonight, but I couldn't see it when I checked last night... Maybe I missed it and it's buried there.

If it is something small and simple, I'll write it up here, so you don't have to purchase the book, mate.


Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 5:28 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
[QUOTE=The Great Hairy]Hmm, well I'll have another look-see when I get home tonight, but I couldn't see it when I checked last night... Maybe I missed it and it's buried there.

If it is something small and simple, I'll write it up here, so you don't have to purchase the book, mate.


Once again, you'd made you worth well known, my Aussie friend. ;)

Now, if only knowledge's weight (especially in gold) could be determined... :cool:

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 7:01 pm
by The Great Hairy
Drat, I was hoping you were going to say *I* was worth my weight in gold... I was going to tell you I weigh 498kg. :p


Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 7:25 pm
by Magrus
@ Galuf. It IS on page 188 of the Manual of the Planes, if you just want that from the book, PM me and I could save you some money if you want.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 8:09 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
[QUOTE=Magrus]@ Galuf. It IS on page 188 of the Manual of the Planes, if you just want that from the book, PM me and I could save you some money if you want.[/QUOTE]

Well, TGH was looking to post it in this topic so...

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 3:48 pm
by Mr.Waesel
It's really nothing you couldn't think of yourself: Stat boosts akin to a half-celestial, with an emphasis on the stats that are highest with a same-type elemental (I.E. Half-air elemental gets highest + to dex), and some themed Spell-like Abilities.

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 4:24 pm
by The Great Hairy
Let me know if you need to me to post it still - had a busy weekend and wasn't near the DnD books at all.


Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 10:40 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
[QUOTE=The Great Hairy]@Galuf
Let me know if you need to me to post it still - had a busy weekend and wasn't near the DnD books at all.


Same here with the weekend here (and my head feels like someone whacked me hard with a 2-cm-thick stick).

Anyways, go ahead and post them.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 4:48 pm
by The Great Hairy

Argh, my players have borrowed my Manual of the Planes! Curse them! Curse them to darkness and eternal suffering... Well, actually, that's what is happening next session... :D

Sorry Galuf, I won't get the book back until the weekend. So I'll have to post the stats after that (probably next week - Monday or so). My apologies!!


Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 5:14 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
Well, in the meantime, here's another thing I was wondering about.

What's the word on new and official racial Half-Fiends and Half-Celestials? I know MM2 has the Durzagon and Monsters of Faerun has the Draegloth, but are there any others?