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Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 9:30 pm
by Mulligan
And, least we forget, thanks to GREYWULF for all the work done, this thread would be read buy none without you !

Marvelous, simply marvelous !

Special thanks go to: (in random order)


for posting :

And all other members & guests for viewing. :D

To You Greywulf :

Work is beeing done "as i write" on the "nodes" Npc's, so for once you might sit back and relax.

You said you might "actually be looking forward to get back to work" somewhere, what have you been up to lately ? Your "work" on this post is by my standards equal to any full time job. :D :D :D

Proud :) :) :)

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 5:14 pm
by Mulligan
Another Strange One...

I had for a long time been curious about the "exotic concubine" found on lvl 4 where you meet Paida, so i decided to make her into an Npc.

Female Human Monk lvl 8
Used Suggestion to make her join
Start HP: 48
AC: 19
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Will lvl up as Ftr to Monk8/Ftr2
Finished with 58 HP for me.

Stats: STR 12, DEX 16, CON 12, INT 10, WIS 18, CHA 18

Skills: Consentration 12, Listen 11, Move Silent 11, Tumble 12. Adds Heal 2 and Spot 1 as she levels up to 10.

Starts with normal Monk Abilities (lvl8) and adds Ftr abilities.

Feats: Combat Expertise, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike and Weapon Focus:Unarmed Strike. Adds Blind Fight at lvl 9 and Exotic:Gnome Hooked Hammer at 10.

She has lots of dialoge after you have killed Hedrack, but wouldn't join by normal means. She's a good Monk and AFAIK there isn't many monks encountered, and she looks cool when she fights.

And it's strange to have a Chaotic Evil Monk !!!

Have Fun :) :) :)

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 10:05 pm
by Mulligan
Node Npc's : Jaer

Jaer can be found in a small room west in the Earth Node.

Human Male Fighter1
Alignment ?
HP 5 (random)
Ended with 48 HP for me.
AC 18 (10 +4natural +2dex +2armor/shield)
Will level up as Ftr 10

Stats: STR 10, DEX 14, CON 12, INT 14, WIS 12, CHA 10

None, at lvl 10 has Listen 6.5, Search 6.5, Spot 6.5, Tumble 6.5 and Survival 4.5

Standard Ftr profs., Improved Initiative and Combat Reflexes. Adds Blind Fight at lvl 2, Dodge at 4, Combat Expertise at 6, Ex.Wpn.:Gnome Hooked Hammer at 8 and Ex.Wpn.:Spiked Chain at lvl 10

Padded Gloves/Boots/Armor, Small wood shield, Rusty Dagger, longsword, Light Hammer and 8 Jaer's spheres of fire.

Sphere Of Fire:
Nonmagical, Range 30, Dmg 2d6(fire), 20x2. They have range but post-patch cant't be thrown. Use as meele wpn.

When you enter Homlet or Nulb he'll leave and dissapear. In dialoge he gives you his remaining spheres, but they don't transfer to your Pc (BUG).

IMO he's absolutely horrible, keeping him alive to lvl 10 was a real pain. Plus you don't get any bonus for rescuing him. If you want to experiment with his Fire-spheres, let him die/kill him and loot them. He's the only Npc i've met that has Natural Armor (4), except for Darley, who has +15 !!! for AC 25 naked. !!!

He wont't loot so i used him mainly to carry light stuff.

Have Fun :) :) :)

Next : Sargen

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 10:38 pm
by Mulligan
Node Npc's : Sargen

Sargen can be found in an alcove NW in in the Earth Node, north of Jaer's location. He promise you 5.000/10.000 Gold for an escort out of the Temple.

Mad Human Male Wizard 5
Alignment : Lawful Evil
HP : 24
Ended with 46 Hp for me.
AC : 10
Will level up as Wiz 10

STR 12, DEX 10, CON 15, INT 16, WIS 9, CHA 8

Has Consentration 8, Listen 4, Search 8 and Spellcraft 8. Has Spot 6.5 at level 10.

Standard Wizard profs., Alertness, Combat Casting, Toughness and Spell Penetration. Adds Craft Wondrous Items at lvl 10.

Dagger & Robe

Pre-patch NO SPELLS, Post-patch all lvl 0 spells
Adds Burning Hands at lvl 6, Cat's Grace at lvl 7, Dispel Magic at lvl
8, Gust of Wind at lvl 9, Cone of Cold at lvl 10.

If you manage to rest he can at least do something with these spells, and if you have Scrolls for him to copy he's a decent mage. In dialogue he answers "Yes, Demon ?" and that really got to me, i felt he treated me with the repect i was due. :D A shame we don't get to keep him...

Pre-patch the game crashes if you leave the Temple with him, post-patch it works fine.

If you enter Homlet or Nulb he'll thank you and leave. He promise to send Gold to you as a reward for his rescue. I haven't seen this reward yet, but if it comes i'll let you know.

Sargen is my favorite Npc Wizard and i hope next patch will include an option to keep him, but since he'll leave he's not worth the trouble. For the reward only, simply teleport out when he joins you. Also, he don't loot at all.

Have Fun :) :) :)

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 11:11 pm
by Mulligan
Edited info on Otis

Still working on his alignment, though....


Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 7:34 pm
by Mulligan
Node Npc's : TAKI

Taki is found to the far east in the Air Node.

Human Male Fighter 7
Alignment : Neutral Good
HP : 42 (random-poor)
Ended with 66 HP with me.
AC : 19
Will end as Fighter 10

STR 18, DEX 16, CON 13, INT 12, WIS 8, CHA 10

Starts with Listen/Search/Spot at 5, increases them to 6.5 and also take Tumble to 3.5 by lvl 10.

Standard Fighter Profs., Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot and Combat Reflexes. Adds Dodge at lvl 8 and Power Attack at lvl 10.

Dagger, Longsword, Large Steel Shield, Longbow, 20 Arrows, Plate Gloves/Boots, Full Plate Armor.

If you have Ashrem (also found in the Air node) in the group, Taki will not join or dialoge with you.

As a fighter he's good enough, but he's poor HP/CON score means he need some buffing. He has good feats combination. With Dex. Gloves & Con. Amulet he'll be a very good Archer. Of course you'll make a much better Archer by yourself, but as Npc he has a nice build.

:) :) :)

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 7:55 pm
by Mulligan
Node Npc's : ASHREM

Ashrem can be found fo the far west in the Air Node.

Human Male Cleric 6
Alignment: Chaotic Evil, of Zuggtmoy
HP: 37
Ended with 63 HP with me.
AC: 16
Will end as Cleric 10.

STR 13, DEX 9, CON 15, INT 10, WIS 17, CHA 7

Starts with Consentration 59 (BUGGED)and Intimidate 4.5, and increases Heal to 5 and Spellcraft to 7 as he levels up to 10.

Standard Cleric Profs., Alertness, Spell Penetration and Martial Weapon Prof: Light Hammer. DON'T ADD MORE FEATS.

Light Mace, Light Hammer, Padded Boots, Wooden Orcish Shield, Chainmail Armor.

If you have Taki in the group (also found in the Air Node), Ashrem won't join or dialouge with you.

He is the brother of Alrem, the leader of the Fire temple on lvl 2, and his greatest wish is revenge for his borther's betrayal. I had already killed Alrem, so i don't know if there is some special dialouges there. He has poor feats selection and poor AC, but as a Cleric he's fine.

I don't know if his Consentration skill of 59 BUG is local to my PC or a pre/post-patch bug. If anyone else has him joined please let us know.

One more to go, next is DARLEY

Have Fun :) :) :)

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 12:13 am
by Mulligan
Node Npc's : DARLEY

Darley can be found far to the south & west on the Fire Node. She's an Alu-Demon disguised as a female human.

Female Demon Outsider Sorceror 10
Alignment : Chaotic Evil
HP : 86 !!
AC : 25 !! (+15 Natural Armor!!)
Spell Resistance 14 !!

STR 13, DEX 10, CON 16, INT 15, WIS 9, CHA 14

Bluff 10, Consentration 12, Search 5, Spellcraft 10, Spot 5 and Tumble 5.

Standard Sorceror Profs., Combat Casting, Spell Focus & Greater Spell Focus:Enchantment, Heighten Spell and Martial Wpn Prof.All.

L0 - None
L1 - Charm Person, Magic Missile
L2 - Blur, Cat's Grace
L3 - Blink, Vampiric Touch
L4 - Dimension Door, Stoneskin
L5 - None

Leather Gloves/Boots, Red Mystic Garb, Dagger

She reads as monster so if she joins you can only barter with Calmert in Homlet & Mother Screng in Nulb.

With DEX Gloves +6, Ring +3 and Bracers +5 she has AC 36 !! And with CON Amulet +6 116 HP !!

She is VERY strong. She can use all weapons except for holy or axiomatic ones, so she can fight as well. Give her Scather and let the fun begin.

She has very good skills. She has very good HP. She has IMO the best voice and the best Npc picture. She' HOT! I'm in love with an Evil Demoness :D

Some might say she weak because of few spells but it fits the Demon script. And with Heighten Spell (which all my sorcerors always has BTW) she can cast LOTS of missiles, even in her lvl 5 slots. Give her wands & scrolls and you have a VERY powerful ally.

If you have a very high spot skill and/or dialouge skills, and/or a paladin you might see through her disguise. If so she can still join, but will be much weaker and treated as a human. I think she then has lower HP, no SR and lower AC, but i'm not sure since my current party didn't have the options. Anybody else out there know anything ?

That's it !!!
All of the availible Npc's in the game has now been covered. :D
Thanks to all for helping out :) :) :)

What's left are the possibilities to have enemies as Npc's. I've covered Brown Bear earlier and he's my nr.2 favorite after Darley. If anybody have something they want to share please post it.

I'll take a not so short...break from the game now, but i'll visit the forum daily and maybe edit some minor stuff.

Continue to have fun y' all :) :) :)

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 6:00 am
by Arachnol

Hi Mulligan

You kept thanking people for posting about NPCs, but you forgot to congratulate yourself....

You did an impressive job of patience and care here. Well done

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 9:10 am
by patchel
Ashrem does not respond in any way if he is in your party and you go see his brother. No response when you kill him either.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 2:39 pm
by Greywulf
Hats off to Mulligan...

*hats go flying into the air*

...for creating the most replied to, and, probably soon, the most viewed ToEE post in the forum!

Cheers, man!

A job well done and a helluva lotta fun!

It's been a pleasure working with you, too, man!



Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 9:13 pm
by Mulligan
NPC'S STATS : file !

Hi everyone :) :) :)

I really think the BIGGEST problem with ANY Npc is the fact that he/she don't increase stats at lvl 4 & 8, and that they don't add feats unless they're Fighters.

There might be an entry in the general .dat file that tells Npc Fighters to choose from a list, but some fighters choose whorthy feats, and some (like Bertram) choose whorthless skills (all Exotic weapons).

The "add fighter" level seems to be random, as all fighters add feats at 2-4-6-8-10 only, not 3-6-9 included. Other Npc's (like Meleny, Druid 1) don't add feats at all.

This led me to explore the "" & "protos.bak" files found in your data/rules folder after you install the Co8 fan patch.

There i found, among other things, the true stats of all Npc's & Monsters.

It's OFFICIAL : MELENY has 14 WIS !! I tried to change this to 18 and she got Wis bonus to saves & skills, but NO lvl 5 spells. !!! I guess this means she's spells selection is "hard-coded" in the .Dat. file, UGH !!!

So, Meleny with 18 WIS still got no lvl 5 spells....

Also i noticed that most Npc Clerics had no "domain" spells, while some monsters did ! Working as we speak on how to rectify this !!

Anyhow, i have edited my posts on the various Npc stats, but these are the ones not covered by me and missing :

Table will be as follows:


_15___10___10___10___10____10___Strong Ed
_10___15___10___10___10____10___Dextrous ED
_17___16___16___13___12____15___Prince Thrommel
_12___16___13___11___16____15___Kella, Human form
_13___15___16___12___17____13___Mother Screng

Missing : WICKED

I feel i have missed someone else also....

Also finally got the Alignment of OTIS : Neutral Good !!!
In case you had planned to enchant "UNHOLY" or "HOLY" weapons for him.......Holy & Axiomatic will work fine with him. :D

Edited info about:
Lareth, Wonnilon, Spugnoir, Darley, Ashrem, Jaer, Sargen, Elmo, Otis, Furnok, Turoko, Kobort, Bertram, Fruella, Oohlgrist, Scoorp, Pintark, Tuelk, Taki & Zert
:) :) :)

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 7:59 am
by Greywulf
Nice investigative work, Mull...

I got Wicked's correct stats, and picked up on the few you missed from my posts (Zaxis, Serena, and Cavanaugh), and naturally, updated all of the following:

Ted and the Eds, Raimol, Meleny, Thrommel, Rufus and Burne, Kella, Riana, Screng and Hruda, Paida, Morgan, Wicked, Zaxis, Serena, and Cavanaugh.


Hey, BTW, when you edited Meleny's wisdom to test it, did you edit her stats in the proto.bak or file, or both?

I tried editing Ted, Ed, and Ed's stats, but it didn't take in the game - I tried it before they spawned (i.e., before talking to Mona) and also after talking to Mona.

I must've fiddled too much, because after a while, the game wouldn't load and I had to uninstall and reinstall.

Just curious how you edited her successfully.


Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 6:47 pm
by Mulligan
Hi Grey, nice to hear from you again :)
Hey, BTW, when you edited Meleny's wisdom to test it, did you edit her stats in the proto.bak or file, or both?
I only edited the .tab file. I believe the .bak is a backup file only, but i took backups of both before editing anything.

First i used Wordpad, but that didn't work, i believe it changed the size of the .tab file. I hadn't edited anything, only looked through the file, but uopn exit i saved and the file size increased by 2k i think. Notepad works fine, but it's more confusing to view stuff with it.

When i changed Mel's wis to 18 i only did that, and the file size was the same and it worked, so it should work for Ted & the Ed's too. If you learn more, please report back. :)

The last time i picked Mel up from the start my party was lvl 4 and she had ONLY 2 HP's !! So next time i'll include her i'll edit her stats to STR 12, WIS 16 & CON 14 from the start to make her more balanced. It's also a real pain that NO Npc get's thei lvl 4 & 8 stat increases, so i'm not oppsed to do some minor editing of our favorite Npc's. ;)

I've been working of a fix to make Scather Holy & Chaotic too, in file there's 2 entries if you search for Fragarach, 4016 & 4017. 4016 is missing the Holy & Chaos powers. On my first try (only try) the filesize changed, so no luck there. And i got second thought's about it, now all Party Alignments can utilize the power of Scather, and i thought evil parties would be too weak if i changed it. There's quite a few Holy weapons in the game, but no powerful evil weapon that can be used vs. evil foes, so i think i'll leave Scather alone. (I will still try to fix it, to see if it can be done)

I've also worked four spell fixes, some may have noticed that Identify & Ice Storm, Summon Monster V & Nature's Ally V can't be scribed as scrolls. This is a Bug. In the Item_creation.mes file, section 2, all scribeable scrolls are listed by numbers. At the the bottom is a large collection of numbers and
// 9237 - ice storm
// 9238 - identify
// 9471 - summon monster V
// 9480 - summon nature's ally V
is missing. Simply type in the spell numbers in this section:
{2}{9002 9006 9010 9011 9025 9027 9028 9037 9038 9040 9041 9042 9043 9044 9045 9046 9047 9048 9049 9050 9051 9054 9055 9056 9057 9058 9059 9061 9062 9065 9066 9067 9072 9073 9074 9076 9079 9089
and you're set to Scribe these scrolls. Remember to leave a space betwen each 4-digit block. Identify scrolls cost 4 xp and 50 gold, so it cheapens the Identifying a bit until you can craft a Wand or so. :) There might be more "broken" scrolls, if anyone find's some just do this for each one and your set.

I've tried to fix the Spell Resistance (13) Bug, but no luck yet. I think the problem is the spell fails to check for caster level when cast for enchanting purposes. My Cleric9/Wiz1 scribes copies of Spell Res. and has SR 21 (correct by lvl) for duration 90, so the Scroll works. Spell descriotion says 12 + 1/level, so how then can a L9/L10 caster get a result of 13?? This has bugged me down for quite some time now. Maybee someone at Co8 knows, but i haven't found the answer there so far.

Brew Potion Feat is also flawed, one should be able to make potions of all spells of lvl 1 - 3 that can be targeted as "self", or used to coat a weapon (like poison). I managed to fix the
Protection from Elements (fire) potion, it asked for the wrong spell in it's brewing, but i can't remember exactly what i did. I had to rename it's prereqs as the spell's name is -Prot. Energy-, not
-Elements-. I had to change several entries, and the potion lacked duration tab above the Pc portrait and always defaulted to "Fire" protection. But it worked and gave Resistance Fire (5). By the rules one should be able to make Cold, Elec, Acid & Sonic protection Potions too, but how to do so in TOEE eludes me.

Whew, seems i got carried away :p

Proper editing can acomplish a lot and enable us to fix some bugs by ourselves, so keep at it folks !

Hope this is useful & Have Fun
:) :) :)

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 8:36 pm
by Mulligan
I've been working of a fix to make Scather Holy & Chaotic too, in file there's 2 entries if you search for Fragarach, 4016 & 4017. 4016 is missing the Holy & Chaos powers. On my first try (only try) the filesize changed, so no luck there. And i got second thought's about it, now all Party Alignments can utilize the power of Scather, and i thought evil parties would be too weak if i changed it. There's quite a few Holy weapons in the game, but no powerful evil weapon that can be used vs. evil foes, so i think i'll leave Scather alone. (I will still try to fix it, to see if it can be done)
Had to answer myself, as i just fixed Scather successfully.

What to do is :
In line 4016, after the word Fragarach hit tab 3 times then delete until the 2 zeros are gone.

Now copy info from line 4017, after the word Fragarach, from where it says "Weapon Chaotic 0 0" etc. and paste into line 4016 (--- 3 TAB's --- exactly) after Fragarach.

The Document now drops one line (increases in size) Now, place the cursor after last 0 in line 4016 and hit delete button until the document pops up one line again. Now the .tab file is the same size again and Scather is Holy & Chaotic, like it's twin. :)

Hope this helps :D

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 9:37 pm
by Mulligan

Is this Allowed ???

I tried E-Mailing Buck, but no reply yet....

Until i know, no further "bumping" from the author. !


Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2004 10:54 am
by Seyal
Great thread!

I have a question about reading the stats in the

For example the one NPC I have, Meleny, has stats like this in the file:

15 18 15 9 11 14

But I know in the game there's no way she has a 15 STR, etc..

Where do those stats above come from? They don't match the table, but I'm pretty sure the stats listed in the protos aren't being used - at least not those listed here.

EDIT: Ah! Found it. The stat I was reading match Murfles. The name ends the NPC's section, not begins it. Sure makes a difference :)


Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 1:53 pm
by Greywulf
Kella script mod

Sir_Toejam from the atari forums created a script that will allow any party to have Kella join - with his permission, I provide the link to it here: ... did=377207


Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 5:00 am
by Armisael
Regarding Rufus - in the source material he'd leave for Verbobonc when he hit level 8, so I'm guessing that's the trigger.

Otis was Neutral Good in the source material so I guess it makes sense he'd be NG in-game, too.

Turuko and Kobort are opportunists in the source material, and are meant to turn on the group when they leave the moathouse or when their health is low. I've been trying to get them to turn on me with no luck, has anyone here seen this happen?

Oh, and one other thing: will NPCs still refuse to talk to you if you take Darley on when she's in human form?

On bugs; I have a hunch that some of these dialog trigger errors are due to different characters rolling the same initiative (ergo trying to speak while someone else is performing their turn). I've also had this happen with St. Cuthbert and Iuz, Zuggtmoy, many of the characters who attempt to bargain with you at low health, etc.

Great work on this thread, guys. :)

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 5:25 pm
by Seyal
Woot, Darley rocks.

Interesting decision point though, I can't decide if I want her as human form or as a half-succubus.

I notice in human form she does keep her 25 AC without arm and 14 Spell Resistance. I've also read that I won't be able to barter with many other NPCs if she's in demon form.

There has to be a reason that you need a high sense motive skill to detect that she's a half-demon, especially if her human form appears to have the same stats and skill sets.