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Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 7:42 pm
by Siberys

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 7:48 pm
by Magrus
Thanks :D Takes a while to dig through like 30 books for two pages of material. :o

Yep, same skill requirements, need to be Lawful Alignment and you need to be able to manifest (cast) Energy Emanation.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 7:49 pm
by blake
I'll just stick with Kaleb, so I need to strip myself of all equipment except for the onyx ring and then what?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 7:49 pm
by Siberys
Hohohho, they might come out with a LIGHTNING version in the upcoming "Stormwrack" book. I can't wait till august when it's out.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 7:54 pm
by Magrus
I could make one. :p

You have 27,000 to buy equipment with form from that website.

Also, I need to you to add "Improved Familiar" to your list of feats.

Then, you have 8 levels. So, you do 3x8 for your H.P. Then add your constitution bonus (+2 for 14 Con)x8 and add it to that. That's your H.P. now.

You have a list of spells, 1st level-5th level. You know EACH spell on the website for 5th level, EXCEPT for the ones with the schools of Enchantment, Necromancy, and Divination. Check that master list on the site, write down any of the spells that don't have those as the school listed, add them to your spell list.

This is your spell list of 1-4th level spells. Copy, add the 5th level and paste them here.

I'll look it all over and make sure it's correct.

I think that should be it. If not, I'll let you know. :)

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 8:01 pm
by Siberys
Got a favor, you mind if I take an item out and put one in on my character? I am replacing the amulet of natural armor to a hat of disguise. It would be a 200 gold difference and a -1 to AC, but it makes more sense for my character to have that item.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 8:03 pm
by blake
How do I figure my spell points?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 8:06 pm
by Magrus
Sure Syb. :)

I'll figure that out for you, it shouldn't change. (spell points I mean)


Spells per day to memorize.

You have a feat that allows you to pick 3 spells that you know by heart and don't need your spell book for. Pick 3 spells, those can't be changed. Write them down for me.

Second, check the "wizard" class on that site, go to 8th level, and check the "spells per day". Write down the spells you get for each spell level. Then, go to the "abilities" section on that site, check your Intelligence, use that number and look across and see what "Bonus spells" you get. Add that to your numbers you just wrote down. Those are the spells you get per day.

You need to pick a list of spells you memorize for each day. You can keep the same list, or change it however often you want.

Also, for each spell level (0-5) you get +1 spell that is of the "Transmutation School" to memorize. Check that list of spells for wizards/sorcerers on the site again. It's here, bookmark it btw :p , and pick 1 Transmutation School spell on the list for each spell level up until 5th that you memorize extra. Write down the list of spells you memorize for me and submit it to me.

Those are the spells you "know" each day after you've rested. Not everything in your spell book. If you want to be able to use a spell later in a day, memorize it. Don't bother memorizing a spell more than once, you can use them as many times as you have points for.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 8:11 pm
by Siberys
A proposal, and this is not advertising my site. I ask if you want to move it over to my site so I can make you a MOD that can edit things to help keep track of stats on players.

I realize that DZ isn't prepared for my site, then again, he -does- have an account there. We could possibly get another player as well. It is totally up to you guys, but this would MAJORLY help the DM with keeping track of things.

Your decision.

If you wanna check it out, then site is in my Sig.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 8:12 pm
by Magrus
What would this mod do exactly? I'm fine with what I have here, but if it's a vast improvement I'll consider it.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 8:14 pm
by blake
Can I buy an outfit or do I have to wear my red robe?

edit-Also, can I have a dog?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 8:15 pm
by Darth Zenemij
Could I be a mod?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 8:16 pm
by Siberys
Let's you edit and delete unneccesary posts.
Let's you make a topic a sticky
Post polls
Merge/split topics
Basically, you'd be in charge of the online roleplayin board if you wanted. I could even make you a secnod administrator.

It is totally up to you.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 8:20 pm
by Magrus
[QUOTE=blake]Can I buy an outfit or do I have to wear my red robe?

edit-Also, can I have a dog?[/QUOTE]

Why a dog? And if you are going to be a Red Robe, yes, you must keep your robe.

@ Syb OH! I thought you meant like a program. That does sound easier....guys feel like jumping over there for this? I could organize things for everyone a lot easier that way.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 8:23 pm
by Siberys

Sorry, but for mods, I am looking for people who have Xpeirence in DMing. You are a beginner and I reccomend that you stay a normal member there. But, who knows, with improvement, you could become a mod/DM

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 8:25 pm
by Darth Zenemij
J/K man, I don't know about moding/dming, I'm not really into being a mod, or a dm, no worries.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 8:26 pm
by Siberys
This is why I wanted my campaign over there. So I could delete posts if you guys weren't ready to continue with the adv. yet.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 8:26 pm
by blake
Why not a dog? I have too much money.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 8:27 pm
by Siberys
Then why did you ask if you could be a mod?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 8:27 pm
by Magrus
So, DZ, Blake, want to try it over there? Worst case, this'll still be here you know? Chances are I can be a lot more efficient with arranging my own forum over there.

If you want to get a dog, yes. You can buy a dog. :p