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Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 12:45 pm
by matthewd
DesR85 wrote:I always considered Fable to be an Action RPG though I wonder why it's in the RPG section instead. :confused: Oh well, its not for me to judge what games are classified as.
To be honest that crossed my Mind many times, Still did not find that one out to
As for dual swords, I think the longswords will be more suited for dual-wielding as wielding two greatswords will look kind of strange since any greatswords, greataxes, greatmaces are kind of heavy to carry in one hand and is more suited to being wield with two hands.
Yes agreed. holding "Greatweapons" is a bit to much of it, At the other hand to pickhammers, katanas, Or longswords would just to the trick.
I wise man said once, To be harmless, to be tender and beloved, but fierce in battle

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 1:49 pm
by Darth_Juro
I'd like to see katana's that actually look like katanas and not a giant butter knife....also guns are a good idea because in the video of it she says time has moved on and advanced.

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 6:28 am
by simo7890
fable 2 armour

what about getting avos armour or robes when u r 100% good or skorms if u want 2 b evil

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:31 am
by DesR85
simo7890 wrote:what about getting avos armour or robes when u r 100% good or skorms if u want 2 b evil
That's a good idea. If both Avo's armour and Skorm's armour have the same stats, except one being good and the other evil, at least it will be more balanced and will provide more incentive to be either good or bad.

I don't really liked the fact that the most powerful bow is the Skorm's Bow and you have to sacrifice people in order to get it. I just wish that there will be equally powerful weapons for both good and bad side in order to give those who want to stay strictly good or evil some incentive to stay at their respective alignment. :)

P.S. Welcome to the forums, simo7890. :)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 3:21 pm
by Mandalorianx
just some ideas that i got ;)

well in a atemt to get things going agen, i've got some ideas that i wanted to share with you...

well in Fable:TLC you only had ONE armor/robe that had a hood(or as i could find) so what about a cloak with a hood in red(evil),grey(nuteral) and gold or whit(good) and if you can have mask that you can also have with it...
and the guards need to have a cool gear, like armors,cooler blades and bows feks in a bright blue, and dark blue armor after how good they are...

and what about fist wepons, lik claws etc....

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:47 am
by DesR85
Mandalorianx wrote: and what about fist wepons, lik claws etc....
That would be a good idea, especially when you have both claws on your hands. It'll look cool and lethal indeed. ;)

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:23 pm
by DesR85
I've got another idea. What about having a bayonet (type of knife attached on rifles)? It would be very useful if an enemy approaches striking distance. Not to mention that bayonets do exist at that time. :)

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:30 pm
by Mandalorianx
DesR85 wrote:I've got another idea. What about having a bayonet (type of knife attached on rifles)? It would be very useful if an enemy approaches striking distance. Not to mention that bayonets do exist at that time. :)
a good idea....would make it easyer for a gunner to attack in close battle to. ;)

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 4:44 pm
by Darth_Juro
has anyone mentioned claws? like vega(street fighter) or that girly guy from dynasty warriors 3-5. or maybe blades that could pop out of the bottom of your boot or spiked shoes that actually did damage

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 12:13 pm
by Mandalorianx
some other ideas trowing stars/knifes/magical small bags(that explode)

a doble bladed sword(not to big) in both hands, got the idea for the new WoW burning crusade intro vid...

maybe som animal looking helms(not some funny helms like the chicken helm) like a wolf/bear/hawk/balwerine/sceleton helms, and with a pelt cloak/shirt/pants on you or so...

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 9:02 am
by pieintehsky
Anyone who has played finalfantasy 10 and 10-2 will know exactly what i mean here. But anyway. Rikku uses them in FF10 and 10-2. Basically you hold 2 blades up your arms and punch and slice the crap outta hobbes. I have a picture here. They are a little bit like ones off prince of persia but not quite them. the weapon im on about is my display picture. Not meaning to stray off subject but any1 played FFX or FFX-2? :confused: :confused:

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 4:15 pm
by Mandalorianx
well got a little idea for a special weapons....

how a bout a big gold warhammer(Thor the tunder god's hammer.) as an Good side weapon.

and for the evil ones a shyter(maybe wrong spelling here).( you know the Reaper, he had a cool staff with a half circle blade on the edge)with some blood on it to make it look more evil

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 9:40 am
by Schythe
Good idea .. Like scythe have you mean :P :P

Also this isint a real weapon but would be cool .. horses ... Like in zelda end in Kingdom underfire that would be coool .. End yea ofcourse


Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 3:17 pm
by marten0305
This is not really about what armor i want, but how to get the armor.

I've always liked making your own items in games. I would like to see that in Fable. Collect the right material you need and create it. To add though, i've noticed all the games that you make your own items you can also buy them somewhere else. What i want is to make my own items that you can't get anywhere else.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:07 am
by Mandalorianx
so like create/costumis(you create you own armore witch you can chose from difrent styles of armor,color and maybe marks to sow that its your own armor :D )?? if so i would love your idea :) hope the same for weapons

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:37 pm
by marten0305

That is exactly what i meant. Glad you like it, just hope more people like it. I've always like this feature in games, just the whole adding color, style, etc... is a feature i've only seen in one game.

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 3:57 am
by dwain
Perosnal weapon

I hope you can get a pesrsonal weapon which id you pay more the stronger it is & what type of weapon & decide weathers its light or not.

You could decide whar the weapon looked like weather it be a bow or a stick.

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:04 am
by DesR85
What I wouldn't mind seeing in the game is a lance. For those who are not familiar, this weapon looks like a long pointed pole and is used mostly for those on horseback. If Fable 2 allows you to mount a horse, having a lance would be convenient. ;)

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:49 pm
by Mandalorianx
well some1 mention a spear(think it was DesR85) that made me think about area attack(attacking many enemy around you, at the same time).
and....well i was watching a movie yeasterday, and the man there was using a chain with something sharp on 1 of the end of the chain.and was atttacking all enemy around him(realy cool to see). i think that that weapon would be cool in this type of game :D

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 8:21 pm
by DesR85
Mandalorianx wrote:well some1 mention a spear(think it was DesR85) that made me think about area attack(attacking many enemy around you, at the same time).
I remember that spear idea. It should be me who mentioned it. ;) About the area attack, I do recall that in Fable: The Lost Chapters, the main character swings his weapon in an arc so dealing with crowds isn't difficult (much better than Gothic 3 combat system, to be honest. Fighting a small number of enemies is enought to get you killed there :mad: ).

On the other hand, the ability to swing your weapon at 360° is not only good but essential especially when fighting a large number of enemies. Perhaps that could come in as a certain button combination (hold block button and tap the attack button twice as an example but not multiple button combinations like what you see in fighting games).