Aegis wrote:This, being your first mention, will be the first I comment on. To begin, having to get used to it can hardly be considered a viable argument against. I am sorry to say this, but things do not always work in your favour, and everyone has to 'get used to' something, sometime or another. This is a personal argument, one which holds no merit in the techinical or practical implementation of these forums. As for people not understanding, I fail to see how a statement as simple as 'threads will now be closed at 1500 posts' is hard to understand. I tend to give the average poster here more credit than that. And the change of expectations, I do not even know where that one came from, because no change in the rules occured. You were not told to stop doing anything, you merely told that at a point, you would simply have to shift to a new thread.
I am merely reusing an argument for the other side mentioned it earlier. It was, that people will get used to it, and life goes on. However, as shown, there is conflict, because SYM is an ants nest. We each have our little place, and go about our business. But change it around, and we'll swarm. This is not a personal argument, it is just a realisation, that change causes confusion, confusion causes havoc, havoc can ruin things. The not understanding was referring to the lack of information supplied with the new policy. It was the basis for starting this thread (or at least, one of), as before it was extremely lacking, and as humans, we have curiosity. I am just commenting on social standards, that if you implement change, people want reasons. Whether or not they need them is another matter, but that is not the point. As mentioned, there was information lacking. We the members don't know if the expectation has changed, it's more gray matter in the rules, gray matter that is confusing most of us. If there had been a lengthy post with the arguments debated in the mod forum, showing the final reasons why, then I would have probably been content. However, now I'm not sure if there are other unspoken things occuring (especially if decided in the secret forum).
Aegis wrote:This issue you raise is directly correlating to you, and the others who participate actively in the threads most affected. There will be no large influx of spam threads, as long as some coordination occurs, and everyone does not jump the second a thread is closed. It is a simple matter, one which has been handled effectively in the past, and should be no different now. Confusion? Well, if you and the others spend so much time talking and socializing together, there should be no confusion. And effectiveness, well that hardly is an issue, especially considering I am unfamilar with were this 'top ten' list is. I see the list of most recent posts, and usually that is already dominated by SYM threads, so how will it change?
Of course it relates to me, otherwise I wouldn't have any knowledge on the matter. Unlike how some others may have chosen to argue, I refuse to assume knowledge, instead, I will only say something if I have grounds to back it up. But Aegis, how could coordination occur? We had approximately 5 hours from when the policy was announced until the locking occured. It's very difficult to coordinate, perhaps if we had some more time, possibly. Once it happened, people wanted to spam, they made a thread for it. Okay, it was the most recent posts, and it's 8, I didn't get around to checking. Yes, it may be dominated by SYM threads, but it does change, because now they are all spam, whereas previously there would be discussion. In my personal experience, I have a way of posting worked out in SYM. I post in the serious threads, then the joke threads, then spam. Now, on dialup, I would access the serious threads off that list, then once they had loaded, I could start loading the main SYM page, and flip between to prepare it all for me. I realise this is a personal example, but it is quite difficult to find a survey on the internet dealing with this kind of thing.
Aegis wrote:Here is a fun one, considering you have simply fabricated seperate issues where they should not be. Cross-referencing and thread switiching a moot point, considering a flame is a flame is a flame, no matter the context. And considering the fact that often quotes can be quickly linked back to the originating thread, that lessens the issue. The only real viable comment here is the fact the number of posts does not change. What does change, however, is that it is easier to navigate, and locate specific posts in smaller threads than it is in larger ones. That is simply something learned through the act of moderating web forums. And as for more threads meaning more to remember, do not even try to feed me that one, as you contradict yourself. More threads does not mean more to remember, especially, as you state, the number of posts remain the same.
When someone mentions a previous post, they will not say the thread. You could do a search of the main thread, and in 99% of cases, find it. Now, you have to go through all the threads looking, in my opinion, the more searches you carry out, the longer it takes. Also, if we want to get technical, as Buck has said before, searches drain the resources, so it benefits GB to have to conduct only one search. You have to remain three page numbers, rather than just one. It was a light point, I admit, but I simply added it because it has been mentioned (and I tried to bring in all that was said), but also because some of the pro-mod points are light, yet they get through because they 'have experience'. I have experience in remembering (or not remembering, for that matter), so it qualifies it.
Aegis wrote:This was not even brought up until one of the anti-policists brought it up. Nor has these 'cliques' even remotely influenced the decision, as 1500+ post threads existed long before the first SYMian clique did. Frankly, this has no place in the issue at hand, and should not even have been raised in the first place. The only reason my initial comments are there on it were because of other members mentioning of it. Clarification of certain things was required, and duely ignored.
I agree with you here, but the word use was becoming more frequent, so I had to address it.
Aegis wrote:Before you even begin to argue this one, SYM was, at one time, under a 1000 post limit to threads. It survived then, and it will survive now. The reason it appears the spam threads are, as you put it, 'targetted' is because none of the other members are complaining about their threads. I have seen many of DW's or other members pub threads breach 1500, and yet their pubilc indignation appears to be non-existant. Why is it that you and the others that participate within the epicentre's of spam are taking so much offence to this otherwise innocent and simple policy?
As I mentioned earlier in the thread, I had no idea about past rules brought in, which is why I asked for clarification on that matter. Of course it survives, but it changes, people get fed up and leave, and similar things. The policy wasn't aimed to do that, and I don't want it to do that, which is why I want to sort it out before half the group walk out in disgust. The two threads that were mentioned were the HC and the SS. Now, these were 2/3 of the most recent,
popular, spam threads, the other being the already closed, SF. And they aren't complaining about other threads, because they didn't get locked. I'm not standing up for the SS, I couldn't give two hoots who made it, what it was called, and what's been written in it. It's what it represents, and it's what I've enjoyed, and it's what I believe is worth fighting for. I am taking offence, because it is hardly an innocent policy. Afterall, the topic was brought up in SYM recently (for me, awhile ago, older people, recently). It was shown that there was disagreement for, and that people were quite outspoken against it. I realise it's simple, but as I've said, the explanation was too simple too.
Aegis wrote:The majority of your arguments appear to be personal, as opposed to ones based on techincal and practical reasons. Not only that, but many of them appear to simply be the same issue, though reworded to appear to be something different. IF you wish to actually debate this, perhaps you need to take your own advice and offer up some feasbile defence of why the policy should not be in place, instead of offering emotional and reactionary arguments.
I admit that some of them are personal, but in my defence, it's hard to argue technical when you're not a mod/admin. I have no access to stats relating to the running of this site, so I can't argue that. As for practical, some of them are. But they are personal, as the forum is about people, and people keep this site running. The mods may view the public as little sheep to be herded, but being down on the ground, I argue with my personal opinions. Why? Because I believe each person is entitled to their opinion, and I thought members were valued. And if I don't have major statistics accompanying, why is that relevant now? Afterall, the majority of points posted for and against had no stats, so we'd better go back through it all. As mentioned earlier, I am resaying a lot of arguments, so people had their own take, and as such, it may sound similar. And Aegis, since you are one of the few people to be taking the care to reply sufficiently to my posts, perhaps you could do a recap on why it should be in place? And lastly, as I have said several times, the forum is about the people. If you treat us like doormats, then people will leave. You may call it reactionary, you may call it emotional, but it's a member having his say. If you can't respect that, then it's truly not fair.