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Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2002 2:55 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Rob-hin
Sound cool! :cool:
I'm sure you'll make the right decision on your major.

I just found out all my homework for the whole year is on the internet! :eek:
Heh, I hardly do anything as it is. So I'll best make it myself. :D
I hope so. All I want is a good education, and and enjoyable job that pays well. Thats not asking that much, is it? ;) :D :cool:

The answers to the homework? Or just the asignments? If its the answers, then you are one lucky man. :D

Ahhhh.......laziness. Aint it grand? Have you ever seen the move, "Office Space"?

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2002 2:59 pm
by Rob-hin
The answers! :D Cool heh?

Never seen or heard about that movie. What's it about?

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2002 3:04 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Rob-hin
The answers! :D Cool heh?

Never seen or heard about that movie. What's it about?
Geez. Thats crazy. I wonder how it got on the net.

Well it is a movie about 3 friends that work in cubicles in a big business. Its a comedy, and one of the funniest movies Ive ever seen. Eventually the main character discovers all he wants to do in life is do nothing. And thats why I brought it up. Cause thats the lazy man's dream-To support one's self and be able to do absolutely nothing as a living. I think if I had tv with cable, internet, a good computer, and food and drink, Id be one happy soul. :D :cool:

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2002 3:07 pm
by Rob-hin
Sounds like a plan!

There is never enough time to do all the nothing that you want.
Right? :D

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2002 3:15 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Rob-hin
Sounds like a plan!

There is never enough time to do all the nothing that you want.
Right? :D
Methinks thats a retorical question! :D

Well lets see....tomorrow I get my laptop connected to the school's wireless network, so that means I can log on to gamebanshee at any time during the day. I however, dont think that it would be the best strategical thing to do it during lectures, or note taking, or else I could get into trouble when quiz/test time comes around. :D

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2002 3:23 pm
by Rob-hin
I see you silling out your test...

Name: Tybaltus

Question 1: Who Invaded Afganistan in 2001?
Answer: Weasel

:D ;)

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2002 3:28 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Rob-hin
I see you silling out your test...

Name: Tybaltus

Question 1: Who Invaded Afganistan in 2001?
Answer: Weasel

:D ;)
Hmmmm.........Methinks its not the best idea. Probably one of the worst things that would happen, would be if, in the middle of class, all is quiet, and then someone posts something comical, and I just burst out in laughter. Thats when Id panic. Id immediately close the laptop and look innocent. :D I think Id use the internet during my mid-day breaks. Its more convenient then walking and hiking to the nearest computer lab, just to access a computer.

So do you have access to the net in school? or no?

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2002 3:35 pm
by Rob-hin
Originally posted by Tybaltus

So do you have access to the net in school? or no?
More or less.
Slow connection and dutch keyboards.
And we have no "classes", we work in a group and find our own study material. The rest we do at home.
I don't spend much time on school. :D

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2002 3:38 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Rob-hin

More or less.
Slow connection and dutch keyboards.
And we have no "classes", we work in a group and find our own study material. The rest we do at home.
I don't spend much time on school. :D
Really? Would you rather have classes and lectures so that you understand everything clearly, or do you like the current configuration? Seems that if I were to be put in that situation, Id wait till the last minute, and probably fail. :D

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2002 3:44 pm
by Rob-hin
This is pretty cool.
Us students discuss a given problem.
From that we find out what we need to know and learn it befor next lesson.

But most of the stuff I've learned on my former school. So It's pretty easy.
In a half year I didn't get a grate lower then 5,7. :D

And you get a more responsebility.
(and 1 school day free!!!! YEEEEEAAH!!! :D :D )

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2002 3:51 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Rob-hin
This is pretty cool.
Us students discuss a given problem.
From that we find out what we need to know and learn it befor next lesson.

But most of the stuff I've learned on my former school. So It's pretty easy.
In a half year I didn't get a grate lower then 5,7. :D

And you get a more responsebility.
(and 1 school day free!!!! YEEEEEAAH!!! :D :D )
Well in contrast to you-I have 4 classes that meet a total of 4 hours per week (Except Chemistry or Biology-I take Chem-They meet 7 hours per week) . Those times are designated for different spots. On an average day, I get there around 8:30 and leave around 2:00, with an hour brake in the middle. Except on Tuesdays-when I have a 2 hour brake in the middle and school ends at 4:30. and On Fridays, when I have just 1 class that takes up an hour, so Im there for an hour, then I leave. So its pretty light. I need help on Tuesdays-I dunno whether I can survive 5 hours of Chemistry! :D

What classes are you currently taking?

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2002 3:57 pm
by Rob-hin
I don't have classes.
We discus several things every time.
One time it's administration, then it's managment etc.

The only class I have is Excel.
And I get that for the... 3 time or so. So I know how it works. :rolleyes:

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2002 3:59 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Rob-hin
I don't have classes.
We discus several things every time.
One time it's administration, then it's managment etc.

The only class I have is Excel.
And I get that for the... 3 time or so. So I know how it works. :rolleyes:
I dont believe I have ever even heard of this style of school. :D So its random things you discuss? One day its algebra, the next day its politics in the middle east, then after that its learning how to speak spanish? :D

It also sounds like you dont have to write essays or research papers. Is that true?

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2002 4:10 pm
by Rob-hin
Well, we do have the same kind of stuff.
This trimester is mostly into administration.

Last casus was administration, the next is absorbtion costing and after that managment and then law.

We have test every 2 weeks, in total 3 times. 2 of those go into our total as an average 1/4. (the best 2)
We have 2 project weeks, the average counts too.1/4
And then we have our main test. 1/2

If the average is 5,5 or more, you pass. :)

Asseys come later. That the very last thing. It's about the company you are an interm at then.

I'd love to tell you more, but it's REALLY late here and I can hardly keep my eyes open.
So I'm off!
Nice talking to you and I'll see you later :) .

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2002 4:13 pm
by Tybaltus
Maybe another time, then. This is a new concept to me. Later, Rob. Take it easy.

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2002 12:30 am
by Eerhardt
the actions of Eerhardt

** wakes up and returns from the lab **
Originally posted by Georgi
So I have a question for any of you guys who might be around (or when you come back on Monday) - if you're dancing in a club (if you don't dance, just imagine, ok?) and you go and dance near some girl... what does it take to convince you that she's not interested and would rather you went away? :rolleyes:
Like HLD said, a good kick in the nuts would get the message across :D - seriously, if the guy is that persistent :rolleyes: , get a drink from the bar and hope he tries his moves on somebody else by the time you get back.

Greetings to Fable, Ty and Rob-hin who dropped by too ;)

** pours himself a mug of C.C.B. **

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2002 1:44 am
by Beldin

**puffs in in a pop of smoke and looks confused** ;)

Hi @all !

Coffee ready ?

@Georgi - I ca n only side with Eerhardt on this one... :)

no worries,

Beldin :cool:

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2002 1:48 am
by Eerhardt
the actions of Eerhardt

Of course, mate ;) ** pours Beldin a mug of C.C.B. too ** How was the weekend :) ?

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2002 2:01 am
by Beldin

**gratefully takes the C.C.B. and sits down**

Thank's @E-Man !

The WE was relaxing, slightly hung-over and too short - as WE's are usually ;) :D

How was yours ?

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2002 2:07 am
by Eerhardt
the actions of Eerhardt

Pretty good - saw the sweetest thing Friday (lady's pick :rolleyes: ;) ) , helped my dad out (fixing the garage roof, among other things) on Saturday morning and spent the rest of the weekend relaxing too ** takes a drink from his mug **