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Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 12:02 pm
by Dottie
Originally posted by Georgi
That reminds me...
*conjures a raincloud over Dottie's head*
Ahh... thats better. Thanks. :)

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 12:23 pm
by Georgi
@Dottie my pleasure :D

I hope it sticks around for a while, I have to go however... seeya later (and you CE) :)

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 12:24 pm
by Dottie
Bye for now. :)

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 12:48 pm
by C Elegans
See later Georgi, in case you wonder:
Originally posted by Georgi
@CE you were going to have to go to Canada? I would offer to send you some rainclouds, but it has been sunny all day here... it's clouding over a bit, if it looks promising I will send them over ;) :D

That reminds me...
*conjures a raincloud over Dottie's head*
Yesterday my prof got the idea that me might send me off to a conference in Canada later this week, but I don't want to go since I have other things to do. My supervisor can't force me to go of course, but if he says I must and I don't, I will not have an easy time for some months to come. But it looks now like I don't have to go :)

I think I'm staying close to you Dot, since you have this nice rain cloud. :D It was close to 40C at the lab today.

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 12:54 pm
by Dottie
Originally posted by C Elegans
I think I'm staying close to you Dot, since you have this nice rain cloud. :D It was close to 40C at the lab today.
40C and you're still alive? Perhaps I should consider going into hibernation during summers. Do you know of any convenient way to arrange this? ;)

btw, I hope the other problem didnt turn out too bad. :(

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 1:02 pm
by C Elegans
@Dottie: I almost melted away, must have drunk 6 gallons of water today... :rolleyes: Hibernation, hm, that's abit difficult since you aren't really the correct species for hibernation...think it would require artificial means, but I could probably get you the right chemicals if you wanted too...can't guarantee their safety though.

I haven't heard anything more yet, I hope to find out more later :(

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 1:07 pm
by Yshania
Originally posted by C Elegans
@Dottie: I almost melted away, must have drunk 6 gallons of water today... :rolleyes: Hibernation, hm, that's abit difficult since you aren't really the correct species for hibernation...think it would require artificial means, but I could probably get you the right chemicals if you wanted too...can't guarantee their safety though.

I haven't heard anything more yet, I hope to find out more later :(
Oh!! could I have some please?? I have missed Waverly's purple pills that had me so sick earlier in this thread :rolleyes: ;)

I hope everything is ok *hug*

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 1:07 pm
by Dottie
@CE:You should know I have nothing against artificial means. ;)

Right now I feel I have to do some sleeping the natural way though... Probably be back before work... :)

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 1:18 pm
by C Elegans
@Ysh and Dot: We actually have a well locked in drug at the lab, that makes people sleep for days. It was produced by mistake when the chemists were experimenting do find something completely else :D

Good night Dottie, see you later.

Everything is great with me Ysh, hope you are fine too :) *hug* Unfortunately I must go now, I'll be back later tonight.

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 1:26 pm
by Yshania
Originally posted by C Elegans
@Ysh and Dot: We actually have a well locked in drug at the lab, that makes people sleep for days. It was produced by mistake when the chemists were experimenting do find something completely else :D

Good night Dottie, see you later.

Everything is great with me Ysh, hope you are fine too :) *hug* Unfortunately I must go now, I'll be back later tonight.
LMAO! :D The best discoveries are by accident :D

See you later :) you too Dottie! ;)

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 6:22 pm
by Georgi

Anyone around, perchance? :D

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 6:23 pm
by Dottie
Maybe maybe... :D

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 6:26 pm
by Georgi
Fancy seeing you here, Dottie :D How are you?

I think I was very close to getting pulled over for speeding earlier... :eek: :o :D

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 6:32 pm
by Dottie
How lucky you werent. :) How fast were you driving? would you have lost you're licence?

Im not really sure how I am, So I it shouldnt be any huge problems...

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 6:39 pm
by Georgi
Originally posted by Dottie
How lucky you werent. How fast were you driving? would you have lost you're licence?
Oh, I think I was doing just under 40mph in a 30 zone... :o and I drove past a side road and realised there was a police car sitting in it!! Which subsequently pulled out and started following me... (I had slowed down by that point), I really thought I was going to get pulled over... but it went the other way at the end of the road. :D I don't think I would have lost my licence, anyway.
Im not really sure how I am, So I it shouldnt be any huge problems...
Don't let CE hear you saying that... :D

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 6:42 pm
by Dottie
Fines arent that fun either, lucky they wasnt bored or something. :D

CE isnt here. I can do whatever I want. :D

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 6:46 pm
by Georgi
Originally posted by Dottie
Fines arent that fun either, lucky they wasnt bored or something.
LOL, I think they were... I'm sure they were lurking there just to catch people speeding along there... :o :D
CE isnt here. I can do whatever I want.
Go you!!! :D Well I must say, you seem very alive today :D

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 6:49 pm
by Dottie
In that case I guess the must have seen you and fr some reason desided you deserved a secound chance. ;)

Yes, she havnt been oppressing me for quite some time now. Lack of therapy does wonder for a man. :D

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 6:56 pm
by Georgi
Originally posted by Dottie
In that case I guess the must have seen you and fr some reason desided you deserved a secound chance.
LOL, I think it's more likely that they can't actually measure the speed of a car when they're stationary, and by the time they were driving behind me, I wasn't speeding anymore ;)
Yes, she havnt been oppressing me for quite some time now. Lack of therapy does wonder for a man.[/b]
Maybe that is all part of the therapy? :eek: :D

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 7:01 pm
by Dottie
Then their plan seems flawed, wouldnt most people slow down if they saw a police car?

I think shes just not bored enough to bother me for the moment. ;)