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Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 8:36 am
by zander811
In all honesty I think we can all agree on what I think they should put in: everything in the last 2 games minus the glitches, in addition to everything everyone has been saying in this forum and forums across the world wide web. If the creators mearly read some of these, the game will be much better.

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 2:43 pm
by PlAnTo
I think it should be based around Revan's exploration of the unknown regions, e.g. the Jedi Exile from KotOR 2 joining Revan. This was hinted at in the finale of KotOR 2


In the final conversation with Kreia in which she asks what you will do and one of the replies are:

"I will join Revan in the unknown regions."
Or something to that effect.

There they could meet other Jedi and characters and form a completley new party instead of just bringing back the old characters. I'm not sure what the story would actually be about just that it would be based in and around the unknown regions....

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 11:59 pm
by TheNOMO

My biggest gripe about the game is how you can only take two other people with you at a time. You should be able to take everyone with you and maybe leave one person to guard the ship. Imagine having ALL your Jedi Companions out there during a fight. If you think doing this makes the game too easy then add more enemies, just realize that a Jedi Master should never fall to your average foot soldier. They should also make the game a lot longer. In KOTOR 2, once you got all your companions converted to the Jedi ways the game was already over. And for the love of God give Bao-Dur a Jedi robe. His powers are limited if you put armour on him, and you can't give him a Jedi Robe. Who writes this the story line for these games. Hire a Professional to give the storyline more credability. Making the game longer will allow you to develop your character. And for crying out loud don't make me wait till half way through the game to get my lightsaber back. I'm a Jedi and I need a frickin lightsaber! *BUMP* this if you agree.

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 1:30 am
by Mandalorianx
K1/2 story is based on revan or after how he acted,so it's a good posibility that you'll be revan or some he knew under the mandalorian war( or maybe later) in K3.... i want to know what revan have been doing or what he's doing now.....

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 8:44 am
by DesR85
TheNOMO wrote:My biggest gripe about the game is how you can only take two other people with you at a time. You should be able to take everyone with you and maybe leave one person to guard the ship. Imagine having ALL your Jedi Companions out there during a fight.
While I agree with you that you should not have any excess members wasting away at the ship, commanding 6-8 people will be very troublesome even if they're AI controlled. Freedom Fighters allow you to control up till 12 people but it is kind of hard control them and to keep track of them. I'd much prefer if the game, in fact, just give you either 2 teams of members or as what I've mentioned earlier about having 3 members in your party during the whole game.
TheNOMO wrote: If you think doing this makes the game too easy then add more enemies, just realize that a Jedi Master should never fall to your average foot soldier.
I don't really like the idea of adding more enemies to make a game more challenging. They (the developers) should focus on improving the AI rather than the numbers of the enemy, like making ordinary enemies use strategy to overcome a Jedi by focusing rapid-fire on the Jedi since he/she can't even deflect that many lasers (hey, even Jedis have weaknessess, you know) as an example.

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 9:04 am
by wombat888
KOTOR III wish list

1 - cut the glitches! These games are ridiculously glitch-heavy ...

2 - I'd like the LS/DS choices to be a little more logical. You can kill a village full of innocent people, and then get your LS points back via dialogue. Dialogue should reflect whether you're good or bad, not determine it, in most cases (unless you manipulate someone into doing something horrible, or you help someone through a personal crisis). DS choices should also acknowledge that evil people sometimes act nice in order to keep doors open, and that LS people could logically act tough sometimes to stand up for themselves, or to be firm about what's right.

3 - really don't want to see a bunch of new powers or the like, there are plenty already, adding them just puts a strain on Star Wars logic. Same with items.

4 - I don't see how you can be Revan or the Exile, unless they somehow lost their memories and powers AGAIN. It also would seem weird if you were another friend of theirs (who coincidentally also lost his memory and power ...) who, as fate would have it, is ALSO super-strong in the Force. But for player satisfaction reasons, you have to be super-strong in the Force, nobody wants to play an average jedi. So, I think the best choice would be to set it at some other point in galactic history - maybe 500 years later.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 6:51 am
by Scoman
My Ideas

Definitely more worlds have to come into KOTOR 3, I find myself some times lacking certain knowledge when playing the other two and having to start all over again and never achieving the real goal. I've wrote half a kind of story based on the continuation of the exiles travels. I've built upon some of the ideas people have put forward in some of these forums. off course KOTOR 3 must continue on from the previous 2, and events and characters must continue to progress. So heres my version of KOTOR 3, "The Republic Guard" - as i call it.

You start out as Atton on Nar Shaddaa. Its been a few years since the Sith attacked Telos and the exile defeated Kreia. Goto is still struggling to accomplish his goal at saving the republic. Handmaiden (Mikel) returns to Dantooine and takes it upon herself to restore the Jedi Council to its former glory by teaching force sensitives to become jedi, (even if her ways are a bit unorthodox as she never completed her training under the exile to know the extent of the jedi teachings). Bao-Dur died at Malachor and a funeral was held for him imbetween KOTOR 2 and 3, his remote remains on the Ebon Hawk making repairs as such but still missing its creator. Mira (Hanharr) sold T3 and HK-7 and continued work as a bounty hunter but HK-7 had found its way back to Mira and continued to follow her in and out of the shadows much like Hanharr did. Mandalore (Canderous) returned to Dxun still trying to amass an even greater army to fight another war. And finally the Exile and Visas remain travelling together. At Bao-dur's funeral he told his remaining companions (minus Goto who had already left) that he must walk Revans path, because if they travelled with him, they would surely suffer. But Visas refused to leave the Exiles side as she claimed in KOTOR 2, the two travel together to Tatooine were the exile senses Kreias ghost lies. The Exile and Visas finally meet with Kreia who explains why the Exile didnt die when she did. The Exile was spared because he must live to fight another battle. Kreia as her usual self did not explain who it was he was fighting nor did she tell him where to go. But back on the Ebon Hawk they received a message from Atton who'd got himself into more trouble on Nar Shaddaa (preferrably a different planet) and he needed their help, this is were the game begins.

Atton has to navigate and fight his way out of the place he's being held eventually meeting up with the Exile and Visas. they're chased through space and the Exile takes to the turrets and knocks most of the ships out, the rest fly off. Atton says "well it looks like I'm stuck with you again, ah well its been hard finding anything to keep me occupied since we all went our seperate ways, it'll be good to stretch my legs again". While travelling through space Visas has a vision, which she tells the exile about once they land on Coruscant to meet with Carth Onasi who had sent them a message long before Tatooine. He wanted to involve the Exile on an excavation of a sacred planet that many believed to be strong in the dark side.

Once on Coruscant they met with Carth and discussed how the excavation would take place, but during the meeting Visas freaked out as she heard voices telling her segments of the Exiles fate, she then attempted killing herself as not to endanger the exile. The exile stopped her and promised her that when the time came that he would fight whatever greater power threatened him. Carth assigned his apprentice to follow the exile and help them along their journey his name "Igor Howell". But they had attracted attention walking around Coruscant and a disapatchment of Siths is sent to follow them.

On this planet (not specified which yet) The Exile and his crew begin helping with the excavation until attacked by several Sith Troops. Igor and Visas are trapped in the caves, Atton and the Exile run to the ship to find Sith surrounding them yet again in and out of the ship. Once inside they find everythings been tampered with and the Remote is on the fritz. But worst of all the Sith had stolen the holo recordings that contained data on surviving Jedi and more importantly were they'd gathered. In the cave Igor begins to learn about Visas and her past with the Exile, her old master and the destruction of her homeworld. But just as they approached an exit a Sith Lord (really an appentice) paralyzes them both and takes Visas with him. Igor gets back to the Ebon Hawk and they begin searching nearby worlds (ones touched by the Sith) including a repopulated Korriban. planet by planet, clue on top of clue, The Exile picked up more and more crew members. A strong team assembles, old allies like T3 (who the exile rescued from the Exchange) and new allies such as Princess Oreya of (planet not specified yet) who chose to follow the exile instead of taking to her role alongside her arranged marriage to King Gol Mar.

-This is just an unfinished idea, I have no idea how it would end, Maybe someone in this forum would become interested in my unfinished story and finish it.

The story Ive wrote here is really about how the Exile is seen differently through the eyes of everyone in the galaxy aparts from his crew. How the Exile adjusts to his new responsibilities and how his companions and his enemies react as well. Again the story has a certain level of mystery to it surrounding more around sub plots involving other characters aparts from the exile, whose importance in the game is to represent an influence and a leader and most importantly a lesson that everyone could learn.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 6:58 am
by Scoman
Star Wars: The Mandalorian wars

wouldn't it be great to experience what all the war veterans and citizens of war touched wars were talking about when they brought up Exar Kun etc. See what happened to Revan before his memory was wiped from the eyes of a soldier. The Exile turning from the council originally and following revan, Maybe there shouldn't even be a third KOTOR 3. Depends...

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 8:04 am
by DesR85
wombat888 wrote: 3 - really don't want to see a bunch of new powers or the like, there are plenty already, adding them just puts a strain on Star Wars logic. Same with items.
I agree. Adding new and rarely used powers is not what I call good at all. I'd rather that the current list of powers get an upgrade if the developer have nothing much to add.
wombat888 wrote: 4 - I don't see how you can be Revan or the Exile, unless they somehow lost their memories and powers AGAIN. It also would seem weird if you were another friend of theirs (who coincidentally also lost his memory and power ...) who, as fate would have it, is ALSO super-strong in the Force. But for player satisfaction reasons, you have to be super-strong in the Force, nobody wants to play an average jedi. So, I think the best choice would be to set it at some other point in galactic history - maybe 500 years later.
You can use the three perspective method used in many games like Call of Duty and Dreamfall: The Longest Journey I've outlined way back at this thread or another one if I remember clearly. And no, you don't need to use that overused memory wipe method again. Both Revan and the Exile's path will be linear depending on what alignment and gender you set them at the beginning of the game. The game could be designed so that if Revan was set at a certain alignment and gender, the Exile will be the same gender and alignment as Revan. Much more simple to the developers. However, I do not want either of them as main characters should KOTOR 3 have a new character.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 6:24 pm
by wombat888
what do you want

I think you can continue the Revan story 500 years later just as well as immediately after KOTOR II, as it's a large theme: real evil is more hidden and subtle, not even necessarily physically present. I also think Revan could easily still exist in 500 years, in one form or another. That could even be when some key (though relatively unheralded) conflict takes place, and your KOTOR III character could be a follower of either an order Revan created, or inspired by an elderly alien follower of Revan's, or holocrons, or his ghost, or whispers in your head from the great beyond - there are a million ways to do it. And tactics like that would, I think, be better and richer than a basic storyline where you show up as a "raw but super-talented" jedi who decides to team up with Revan, once a "raw but super-talented" jedi, and the Exile, once a "raw but super-talented" jedi, and fly a few parsecs further out and find the Sith whose armor is gray instead of silver or whatever.

Guess I just see the thing about Revan going beyond the outer rim to watch "the true Sith" as being less literal or less physical than many.

If you have THREE people come along in the same general era (like 5-10 years apart) who are supposed to be among the most powerful jedi ever, it gets a little silly.

And I don't even think KOTOR III needs to follow the Revan plotline anyway. The name of the game is "Knights of the Old Republic." As long as it's set during the Old Republic era, I think the plot can be whatever the developers want.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 7:26 pm
by DesR85
wombat888 wrote: If you have THREE people come along in the same general era (like 5-10 years apart) who are supposed to be among the most powerful jedi ever, it gets a little silly.
Well, they don't need to be exactly in one team. Revan, the Exile and the new character will play in different parts of the storyline. I'll dig out the post that I made about this (its in another thread, by the way):
DesR85 wrote: Actually, what I meant was one storyline but you play from 3 different perspectives like the Exile's turn in one part of the story and Revan's in another and the new character in the other part. It could turn out like the Exile's path in searching for Revan, then followed by the new character's involvement in finding the Sith threat and then Revan's part in the final confrontation with the real threat as an example (Honestly, I hate speculating about how the storyline should turn out but here, I make an exception).
That's just an example I quoted. I think there might be a better idea as to how to incorporate all three into the game but this is the best I can think of for now. And I snagged this idea from games with different perspectives and parts of the storyline like Dreamfall: The Longest Journey and Call of Duty series.
wombat888 wrote: And I don't even think KOTOR III needs to follow the Revan plotline anyway. The name of the game is "Knights of the Old Republic." As long as it's set during the Old Republic era, I think the plot can be whatever the developers want.
I don't like the idea of a hanging trilogy, to be honest. It just doesn't feel complete with Revan and the Exile's story just incomplete and starting anew with a plot with no relation to the events that occurred KOTOR 2. As I mentioned previously, I honestly wish that Obsidian should have started with an entirely new storyline and have no relation to the events in KOTOR 1. Then it would be a good idea to start with a new plot and story had Obsidian done so. But since the damage is done, I would much prefer that whoever develops KOTOR 2, be it Obsidian or some other developer, to fix the damage by continuing what they've started and finish the trilogy.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 11:07 pm
by RBitG
TheNOMO wrote: If you think doing this makes the game too easy then add more enemies, just realize that a Jedi Master should never fall to your average foot soldier.
I am in agreement with DesR85's statement in that the AI just needs improvement in this case, although as it stands, K2's AI wasn't all too bad.

In actuality, Jedi Masters often did fall to your average foot soldier. It's an act of simplicity to slay a singular enemy soldier, even four, five or six. But once a Jedi is surrounded by more than this, they are more-often-than-not, mowed down, by a singular suprise attack.

The amount of enemies in KotOR I and II (And in most video games) was ridiculously high, and unrealistic. Even the most ****iant of Jedi Masters would have a great deal of difficulty facing more than two Sith, no matter thier power, or level of 'saber skill. The fact of that matter is that nobody short of Anakin or Luke Skywalker would physically be capable of defending themselves from that many attacks, and all in so short of a time.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 6:08 am
by bigredpanda
Scoman - I like your story. But for the love of God will people please note the whole who's dead/who might be dead list?

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 11:04 am
by Scoman
bigredpanda wrote:Scoman - I like your story. But for the love of God will people please note the whole who's dead/who might be dead list?
Ha thanks I was only making up, think I got carried away. I don't think anyone on this forum is sure of whos definitely alive or dead I guess we have to wait to see KOTOR 3 if it ever does come out. But to be honest I don't think the creators wanted the other characters to be that important. Even if you find out if they lived/died in KOTOR 3 I'm sure they wont be a big difference to the overall game. Its storyline the creators of this game and even though people frown upon KOTOR 2, for its poor graphics, bad characters etc. I think it is a good attempt at a story with or without all the things some of the people on this forum have said.

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 3:41 am
by bigredpanda
Scoman wrote:I don't think anyone on this forum is sure of whos definitely alive or dead I guess we have to wait to see KOTOR 3 if it ever does come out.
Not sure you got my point - there are certain characters who can only appear if you've taken certain paths in the previous games. So any min plot needs to take this in to consideration - like in KOTOR2, certain characters only reappeared very briefly if you described Revan in certain ways. If this game is ever made, there's no way that a vital part of the plot will involve Bastilla, Jolee, etc. having to be alive.

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 7:40 am
by Ender04
Okay, I have an idea that I just thought about so I figured I would see what you all thought. Kotor is based on the Star Wars RPG. Well why don't they incorporate that a bit more. Give us the ability to switch in and out of different classes as we wish. Add more Prestige classes and give us the ability to take levels in the classes freely. I know that I have played Star Wars RPG as a Scoundrel all the way through before and i think more people would do that in KOTOR as long as you gave them the force sensitive feat so they had the option to switch to a force using class later (Jedi, Force Adept, Shaman, Etc.. I think that if you gave everyone the option to start as whatever class they wanted it would add a different flavor to the series so that they could continue the storyline and not get stuck in the same rut where if they choose a class they are stuck with it for the whole game and they absolutely HAVE to be a Jedi. It would be fun to mix and match, especially if they had more races to choose from. Say I have a Soldier who I eventually take to Jedi Guardian, but then I look back and say wow I really wish I had some more ranks in Security so I could get past this door, but unfortunately I'm only getting 1 skill point per level. Well I could take my next level in Scoundrel. I wouldn't get any Force Points or Powers, but I would get a slight boost to my skills. I think the developers could figure a good way to balance it. I also think that would increase replayability. In one play through it could be a very pious Jedi Knight who saves the galaxy. In the next, it could be a very neutral Wookie Shaman. In the next, a sneaky, evil, backstabbing Scoundrel. It just seems to me that this would be a good way to follow Revan and the Exile's story without the player getting bored of using the same character template. Let me know what ya'll think. Am I an idiot? Am I crazy? This is just something i thought about now while I was reading so I haven't thought it out completely. Let me know!! :)

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 7:52 am
by Macen Press
Sound sorta of coll if i think i no where ur coming from. I dont no if you have ever played jade empire but on there you have 3 things 2 class up such as Chi, Health and mind and then you have points 2 spend on the moves and feats thts the impression im getting n e way but yh sounds gd.

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 8:22 am
by Ender04
Kinda... I have played Jade Empire (Another great game from bioware!) so I know what you're talking about... But I'm talking about Star Wars RPG... it's a pen and paper game, and it is the entire basis of KOTOR. Everything is based on it from the system to the names of the powers and feats. In that game you have complete control over your character, what he's like, what he wants to do, what kind of character he is, etc. Just like in KOTOR 1 where you start out with a choice between Scoundrel, Scout, or Soldier and then change classes to Consular, Sentinel, or Guardian, In Star Wars RPG you can choose between the classes when you first start out and can freely multiclass between them. So i can take 3 levels in Jedi Guardian and then take a level in Scout, then go back and take levels in Guardian again. If you still don't understand, I would recommend picking up the Star Wars RPG core rulebook or looking it up online.

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 8:28 am
by DesR85
Ender04 wrote:Okay, I have an idea that I just thought about so I figured I would see what you all thought. Kotor is based on the Star Wars RPG. Well why don't they incorporate that a bit more. Give us the ability to switch in and out of different classes as we wish. Add more Prestige classes and give us the ability to take levels in the classes freely. I know that I have played Star Wars RPG as a Scoundrel all the way through before and i think more people would do that in KOTOR as long as you gave them the force sensitive feat so they had the option to switch to a force using class later (Jedi, Force Adept, Shaman, Etc.. I think that if you gave everyone the option to start as whatever class they wanted it would add a different flavor to the series so that they could continue the storyline and not get stuck in the same rut where if they choose a class they are stuck with it for the whole game and they absolutely HAVE to be a Jedi. It would be fun to mix and match, especially if they had more races to choose from. Say I have a Soldier who I eventually take to Jedi Guardian, but then I look back and say wow I really wish I had some more ranks in Security so I could get past this door, but unfortunately I'm only getting 1 skill point per level. Well I could take my next level in Scoundrel. I wouldn't get any Force Points or Powers, but I would get a slight boost to my skills. I think the developers could figure a good way to balance it. I also think that would increase replayability. In one play through it could be a very pious Jedi Knight who saves the galaxy. In the next, it could be a very neutral Wookie Shaman. In the next, a sneaky, evil, backstabbing Scoundrel. It just seems to me that this would be a good way to follow Revan and the Exile's story without the player getting bored of using the same character template. Let me know what ya'll think. Am I an idiot? Am I crazy? This is just something i thought about now while I was reading so I haven't thought it out completely. Let me know!! :)
This idea might sound cool but its more to a solo type game than a team-based game. The purpose of a team-based game is to make full use of your members' specialties. If you lack a certain skill in order to open a door, let the other guy who specialise in that skill to get the job done. That's how I usually define a team-based game, just like Star Wars: Republic Commando and I have a feeling that's what the developer intends the game to be. In my opinion, I think the developers designed the KOTOR series in this nature in order for the player to make full use of your party members' skills and abilities, though I hate switching between different members (I still prefer Republic Commando's style of commanding a guy to open/breach a door for example rather than take control of that guy and open/breach the door like what I've seen in some games).

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 8:42 am
by Macen Press
Yh thts a good point.