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Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2002 2:39 am
by C Elegans
Avoiding leads to reinforcment ;)

Is EU2 similar to Civ? I haven't played this kind of games, but the husband plays civ.

I think many scientists, at least many I know, have a need to relax with brain dead activities. My prof is enjoys to mix concrete, for instance :D

I have to go away, see you later Dottie and anonymous lurkers.

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2002 2:43 am
by Dottie
No, its not similar imo.

Going to bed now aswell, night.

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2002 9:37 am
by Sailor Saturn
Originally posted by C Elegans
The article I'm writing is probably boring stuff to you - it's a scientific article for publication in the peer-reviewed press, about our personality traits and serotonin brain receptors.
I wish I could afford to subscribe to scientific journals...'course...I'd have to know what the scientific journals are.

*pulls out a shotgun and shoots her keyboard for some reason then puts the shotgun away*

So, is anyone here? :)

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2002 12:02 pm
by Aegis

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2002 8:52 pm
by C Elegans
Originally posted by Sailor Saturn

I wish I could afford to subscribe to scientific journals...'course...I'd have to know what the scientific journals are.
First, forgive my long answer, but I've really got the impression that you have a serious interest in science, so I will give you my take on the issue of scientific journals:

Scientific journals are usually defined as professional, peer-reviewed journals where scientists first present their original findings in the form of articles. A scientific article is a special kind of report that has to be written according to specific rules, covering background, hypothesis etc and all the methods and procedures used must be described so detailed so experiments can be reproduced by any other scientist reading the article. There are many different cathgories of scientific journals, and they have sort of a rank based on how broad the impact they have.

First, there are Nature and Science. They are the only journals covering all sciences, and they are always the first to publish major breakthorughs and new findings that are considered to be of high impact and interest to science and people in general. Stuff like the splitting of the atom, the cloning of the sheep Dolly, the human genome sequencing was first published in Nature and Science. People like Einstein, Hawking and all the Nobel prize winners have published in Nature and Science.

Then, there are the specialist journals, I think they are around 8000, covering different fields and having different degrees of specialisation. The Lancet it very famous, it deals with all medicine. American Journal of Psychiatry and deals with all psychiatry. Schizophrenia bullentine only deals with schizophrenia. And so on. The more specialised a journal is, the less interesting it usually is for non-specialist since the level of detail increases. A cure for schizophrenia would be published in Nature, a minor finding regarding a differency in responing to certain medicine, would probably be published in Schizophrenia Bullentin. Just to illustrate how the hierachy of importance goes.

The national academies of science in different countries publish many scientific journals. Some of the major academies like NAS (National Academy of Science is the US, with members not only from the US but from many countries, including Einstein when he was alive and Hawking, for instance) give out journals called "Annals of ...<insert topic of choice>..", a sort of yearly report of findings in a certain area. American Journal of..., British Journal of..., Trends of...are also journals generally good quality and with broader impact.

OK, then you have the popular science magazines, that do not report the original findings, but instead contain simplified and shorter (and sometimes totally distorted :rolleyes: ) versions of orginal research. The best popular science journals are IMO New Scientist (weekly) and Scientific American (monthy), perhaps I have a slight preference for the fisrt one. Those magazines are serious, peer-reviewed and the articles are written by science journalists or invited scientists.

Then we have the more speculative "popular science" magazines that IMO don't deserve the name. Magazines that aim to make taboid news of scientific discoveries, quote researchers out of context to exaggregate or distort the meaning of findings, and draw extreme conclusion from findings. These I don't recommend anyone who has a serious interest in science, they are like the Discovery channel.

And last, we have the highly unserious propaganda journals who are not sceintific journals but claim to be so. An example I saw on the net recently was a doctor who was selling some very expensive on-line treatment to decide the gender of your future child. He referred to a great number of publication in journals that at first glance looked serious (ie "International Journal of Gynecology") but when checking the ISI lists, it turned out there is no such journal, the journals he had published his results in were journals he himself was editor for, so they were not peer-reviewed (ie critically control-read by other researchers before publication). This trick is common among people who try to sell different "medical" products or organisations who wish to claim that their ideology has a scientific underpin such as the Scientology church. But if we know were to check, it's easy to find out whether a journal is "scientific" or not. Lists of all acknowledged, controlled and peer reviewed scientific journals can be found at university libraries (Caltech has one online) and ISI, Institute for Scientific Information.

If I were you, I would probably subscribe to New Scientist, and if my budget allowed me, I'd add Scientific American. The specialist journals in any field, be it physics or anthropology, have a lot of jargon and technical terms, but by using library services and the ISI ranking, I would find out what physics magazines are the best, and check them out at a library.

Nature and Science are quite heavy and technical too, although much less so than specialist journals. Both have special student discounts on subscriptions, probably around $150-200 annually (they are both weekly). You can also check out their websites, and if you register you get a limited access to news and summaries of articles for free. But take a look at the whole paper version at your library too.

Hope you can afford to subscribe to at least one magazine - I'm sure your parents realize the value of this! :)

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2002 9:41 pm
by Aegis
Am I in the wrong thread?

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2002 9:46 pm
by Bloodstalker
I wondered the same thing Aegis :eek:

@CE, have a drink, you gotta be thirsty after that long explanation. ;)

As I am in a mellow mood tonight, I think a little music is in order.

Puts on some Gary Moore, sips his beer, and basks in the blues. :cool:

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2002 9:59 pm
by Aegis
Originally posted by Bloodstalker
I wondered the same thing Aegis :eek:

@CE, have a drink, you gotta be thirsty after that long explanation. ;)

As I am in a mellow mood tonight, I think a little music is in order.

Puts on some Gary Moore, sips his beer, and basks in the blues. :cool:
Please.. John Lee Hooker!

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2002 10:00 pm
by Gwalchmai
Originally posted by C Elegans
Did I finally manage to catch Gwally on-line?
Not last night, Oh My Queen: I was spamming and running! Maybe tonight? ;)

Originally posted by C Elegans
..... a little anxiety because I feel I should have written more on my current article this week
I live in a perpetual state of worry concerning how little I've written - knowing you, you are probably fretting about having only written 300 pages for your current article, rather than the 400 you wanted! (over achiever :p ) :D

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2002 10:02 pm
by Aegis
Originally posted by Gwalchmai

I live in a perpetual state of worry concerning how little I've written - knowing you, you are probably fretting about having only written 300 pages for your current article, rather than the 400 you wanted! (over achiever :p ) :D
I, personally, aim to write very little, then when I over wirte by about 20-30 pages, it's all that much better!

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2002 10:03 pm
by Bloodstalker
Please.. John Lee Hooker

A man of taste! :D

Consider it done. :cool:

maybe I'll even throw in some Albert Collins and Son Seals too :D

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2002 10:13 pm
by Waverly
A very nice treatment of the subject, CE. Don't forget that a fair number of journals and periodicals are generous enough to keep a searchable database of articles available online. I have links, but as I'm reduced to this dreadful AOL freeware until Roadrunner gets my line back up, I don't have them quite handy at the moment.

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2002 10:20 pm
by Gwalchmai

I am lucky in that the company I work for pays for my memberships in all the archaeological organizations I need to be involve with, thus my journals come free. However, this wasn't always the case, and not being in school the fees were quite high. Worth it, though, just for the reference material.

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2002 10:34 pm
by C Elegans
Journals at the pub...

Sorry BS and Aegis, the long post about journals was for SS when she comes back :D Thanks for the drink BS, I could certainly use one :)

@Gwally: Hmpf, there might be some truth in what you say, but at the moment, my problem is reversed - Like Aegis, I'm trying to shrink the text, not increase it, which IMO is much more time consuming than producing large amounts of text :rolleyes:

@Waverly: Thanks, you are absolutely correct about many journals having full articles and archives online, but I'm afraid I have no links since none of the journals I frequently read have this, and like Gwally, I'm lucky enough to have free access to everything I need since my university of course has an institutional licence for all researchers, which gives me access to some hundrereds of journals.

@Gwally: Yes, certainly worth it even if you have to pay out of your own pocket.

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2002 10:50 pm
by Waverly
Well isn’t life rosy in academia? :p I get offered hundreds of free, just published papers, but unfortunately most of them only serve the purposes of the company that sponsored the research. I have wasted eons critiquing and assessing veracity, not to mention duplicating experiments. Applied science sucks.

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2002 11:20 pm
by Gwalchmai
Yeah, those guys in academia have no idea how great they have it! Still, I'm glad to be in the private sector. I've seen the academics get away with doing some pretty bad archaeology, stuff that would never pass muster in the real world. :rolleyes:

Thank Gosh for applied scientists. Someone has to keep those academic guys on their toes! :D

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2002 11:35 pm
by C Elegans
@Gwally and Waverly: LOL :D As I just posted in HighLordDave's tax thread, the rosy life of academic science also includes earning equal to the ticket sellers in the underground and less than a taxi-driver, although you have student's loans from 5-6 years to pay back ;) And I didn't even get a free dinner in the City Hall the 10th of December!

Btw, I also get journals (other than the ones covered by the institutional licence) and invitations to international conferences for free, flying tickets and hotel paid, very nice. The trouble is that this stuff comes from the industry, and the conferences are dominated by speakers who work for them and present studies that just by coincidence show that their products are better than the competitors. At my department, we've decided on a common boycott (sp?) of these kind of conferences, I think it's important to keep a common line because when you are young and fresh, it's very easy to get seduced by free travelling and luxury hotels and dinners.

Applied science? What is that? :p

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2002 11:43 pm
by Waverly
Ah yes, I have never paid for lunch. Nor a plane ticket or hotel for that matter. The call girls can be a nice touch, but I normally politely pass. :D I guess there are perks to whoring around at the expense of companies with an agenda to push.

I like to think that freed from these temptations and the complications of inflated paychecks, the academics operate with just a bit more integrity. Kind of like monks. :p

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2002 11:52 pm
by C Elegans
No, we academics just use tax money to pay for the lunches and Chippendale guys :D

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2002 12:10 am
by Aegis
Originally posted by C Elegans
No, we academics just use tax money to pay for the lunches and Chippendale guys :D
Those must be some damn expensive lunches if thats where the grant money goes! :eek: