Page 46 of 56

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 11:15 am
by Nvlutz

Oh by the way for your 4th level, did you raise on of your 6 ability scores by 1? Do you know how to level up all your skills and such?

You easily manage to pass the sleeping Cernd-ar. You figure the operation probably occurred downstairs since that's where the tools are kept. You get downstairs and the cold cellar. The cellar no longer has dead bodies hanging off of their bloodied hooks and the undead animated hand has a knife going straight through it and through the wooden workbench. Strewn about the far workbench is a bunch of bloodied scalpels and a saw with a bit of blood on it as well. In the centre of the room their is a bloodied operation table, but no body.
To the far right of the room there is the vault door is closed firmly shut, but you recall that it shouldn't be locked since Doctor McKay had the cellar unlocked before you killed him. You got to open the hatch and you find the metal hatch to be surprisingly hot, almost blistering. You move your hand reflexively away...

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 11:23 am
by Nvlutz
Belfore and Brauer

Wow, sorry guys, but I had just spent the last hour rolling up events and moving pieces on the board adding a glorious amount of detail. Raz pretty much owned with a critical and a 17, while the Bullywigs pretty much played grab-ass in Brauer's oil for another turn... and it's all GONE. So rather than re-write history or spend another hour trying to figure where my post went... I'll give the cold abridged version. Sorry.
  1. Belfore moves next to Raz.
  2. Servant fails to help shaman in ritual.
  3. Raz owns a Bullywig soldier. (37 Damage versus a 7 hp creature that's +4 deaths.)
  4. Shaman freaks out, but aside from that does nothing.
  5. Final Bullywig soldier moves into place, avoids slipping, and assumes defensive position. +2 AC, -2 Attack.
  6. Brauer's Turn
Map updated.

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:24 pm
by Siberys
Xbox died so I had to deal with that, work is cutting my hours so I spent a lot of time searching for a new job, and now I actually work tonight. Sorry for the delays in posting but those are the reasons why, I'll be back tomorrow with an update.

Anyways, for Whistler, I'm kind of at a loss for where to go or what to do (I did not realize I'd be dealing with multiple clans and huge strings of politics from the getgo, I thought it was simply going to be one or two). I know my target but basically...there are so many factors that I can't think of so I'm going to do something I really hate to do and only use as a last resort-

Intelligence Check (for determining options for my next course of action for finding/assassinating the blind chick)-
14+4 = 18

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:25 pm
by kozeph
DM: yes I did, I got two level ups so it means 4+4=8 (2 from INT and 2 from class thing) I spent 8 points, raised my dex to 18, added two feats, and changed the reflex,will and fortitude according to the level up sheet for fighters and also added a two bonus for Cha dependant skills (I know they are only for good guys but added it to the char list so I should not forget it)


I instantly retreat and run up stairs and wake the priest up..

''Something is wrong I cant seem to find the woman and the there is something wrong with the secret passege way... What happened after I fell as sleep''

Brauer Drudoc.

I use a 5 feet step downwards, then send Brim (have him go down 3 squares) and aim at the shaman while using my color spray and try to get both the shaman and its guardian in the spell area.

then I use my magic missle wand on the guard right of the shaman

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 2:23 pm
by Nvlutz

The cleric wakes up yawns and doesn't seem to worried, "Well after we got in the door you pretty much passed out, you probably hadn't slept in awhile or something.", Cernd-ar shrugs, "Either way I put you on the couch and put the woman on the table and tried my best. She unfortunately died. Nothing I could do. I then discoverred the vault with all the dismemberred body parts and such. I then decided that rather than bury the woman, the dead demon child the bodies on the hooks or the random body parts that I'd incinerate them all in the vault. Cut the baby up into 5 parts before hand, just in case it came back as a fire proof hellspawn."
"Speaking of incineration though...", Cernd-ar says streaching, "I feel like it's my duty to burn this entire city straight to the ground. I might go back to the desecrated shine and bring back a sample of the black ichor. Scribe's will want some evidence of my story and the apothecary might be able to identify what it is."
"The thing is... I need to find a way to touch everything and still have time to get out of here before having to deal with any authorities.", Cernd-ar pauses, "That's my personal thoughts, care to share your mind?"

Brauer & Belfore

Brauer steps forward and even sends Brim ahead of him to cast a spell. Brim's eye's are charged with magical spirals as his stare emits a magical rainbow of hypnotic colours.

Will save (DC 11)

Bullywig Soldier: 4-2=2 Fail
Unconscious for 5 rounds, Blind for 9 rounds, Stunned for 10 rounds.
Bullywig Servant: 1-2=-1 Fumble
Unconscious for 5 rounds, Blind for 7 rounds, Stunned for 8 rounds.
Bullywig Shaman Totem: 5+6=11 Pass

When someone is unconscious you get +4 to attacks when trying to hit them in melee. As a full round action you can deliver a "Coup de Grace" against an unconscious person which scores you an automatic critical hit.

The Bullywig servant and soldier both begin to get hypnotized by the radiant colours being emitted by Brim's eyes.
"YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THE RODENT IS A MAGE TOO?", Raz says quizzically.
At this point Brauer fire two magic missiles at the shaman's apprentice which sends the frogman on his back into the swamp muck.
Ariel wastes no time taking advantage of this opportunity pulling out a dagger from out of her clothes and sliding past Belfore. She positions herself next to the helpless bullywig soldier...

Belfore's turn, final map update, it's pretty much over for the Bullywigs at this point, and anything that does happen is beyond the tactical advantages offered by a map.


No problems with delayed posting, we all have hard times. Especially since my new job suuuuuuuucks. BTW, on to the update.

You consider your next courses of action. There are ones pertaining to the assassination attempt you'll need to do tomorrow which include.
  • Either finding more concealable weapons or crafting your own.
  • Figure out what is being served as far as meals and drinks tommorrow, consider if they're a way to poison such things so that it'll get past her bodyguard.
  • Figure out how to set up an "immobilizing" trap to take out at least one of her bodyguards. It is possible to seperate her from one of them naturally if possible.
  • Possibly Hi-jack some armor from a training room and find a place to conceal it.
  • Find a way to sneak into the basement and possibly find a way to allow one of the many creautures, most likely Sylphie's present go ballistic.
Failing that there are a few other things to consider.
  • Consider finding a way into the sealed off room on the 2nd floor. (Discovered on you Balcony walk.)
  • Possibly kill Slyphie in her sleep and assume her position. Although what becomes of Ariel is unknown.
  • Investigate the war room, perhaps there is information there that someone is willing to pay money for.
  • Perhaps investigate the forbidden section of the library.

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 2:57 pm
by Nvlutz
New character, Dinafein Ven'atar Barrahel (Ven'atar)

Deep in the sprawling caverns of Underdark, Ven'atar grew up as the favored male of the Matron Mother Oussana'rae of the Barrahel House. Whilst still young he was allowed to train under the Judicators of Selvetarm, thus developing their unique and fearsome fighting style. As he grew older Ven'atar turned from Lolth to Vhaeraun. As part of Vhaeraun's plans to overthrow his mother and advance the destiny of the Drow to dominate both the surface and the Underdark and he began adventuring to further the designs of his God.

Many fellow male worshipers of Vhaeraun are working on schemes and conspiracies to overthrow the Matrons of Underdark and make the pathetic Religion of the spider-queen a thing of the past. However the various scout and warriors sent to either spy, gather information or attempt raids on the surface world have been in vain. Even more so than was reported in the past.

Just recently one of the two rangers of the ""Isto Kyorl" (Night's Watch), an elite group of rogue-warriors and survivalists in service to Vhaeraun, has returned from the surface. But he is bloodied and in critical condition. Not too many are sure that the drow will even survive. You think you have what it takes to venture to the surface world and survive it's trials... But you figure that asking for some guidance from the injured drow couldn't put you at any disadvantage.

The drow is a man called Moarath Hithern, he is from the same house as you. While his rank inside the house is much lower than yours his skills are... or were (from what you've been told)... something that would have made him a calibre far above your own. You arrive at the hall where the man has been kept and you see him on a stuffy cot. Drained from sun-light, missing his entire right arm and with a patch over his eye. His entire upper body is coverred in blood stained bandages with bits of green puss also being soaked in the fabric. He is only wearing a small pair of black trousers. To the right of him his old cape, a Dark midnight blue stained with brown and green with jagged trim at the bottom. The cape looks like it's been through hell and back. Resting atop of the cape is a broken ebony mask. To the left of the man is a ornate hand-axe with the centre punched out of it to make it lighter an easier to swing, but it still looks sturdy enough to be practical. The axe is resting with it's head to the ground and handle near the man's head.

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 3:45 pm
by Siberys

The next day when we're all feeling a bit better, I head down to meet Melkior. " we go back to the vault or do we have a different mission? I'm ready for anything!" He says feeling refreshed.


Cool, now I have a few ideas on how to proceed. Since I have a lot of small actions, I'm just going to list them like your bullet points.

Action 1- Find servants quarters, and if empty, or I can sneak, grab a pair of servants clothing.

Hide/Move Silently check if necessary-
12+5 = 17

17+5 = 22

Action 2- Conceal clothing and stash away in my room somewhere (perhaps in between mattresses or something).

Action 3- Head to training room, swipe smelling salts (or equivalent item of unbelievably foul and irritating odors. Foul alone won't cut it, so I won't bother with dirty laundry) if available. If people are around, I do it stealthily-

Sleight of Hand-
13+5 = 18

Action 4-

Wander around a bit, mingle with people who feel like talking, act like Ariel (spend a good couple of hours basically keeping my character suspicion free).

Action 5-

Gather information for Syphile's room location-
17+5 = 22

(if I've already been told this and just overlooked you telling me that, Ignore this action and go to 6)

Action 6-

I head back to my room and grab the clothing, stashing them under my dress as best I can while I go find a secure location. I look for the best possible spot with no guards around or around the previous area (or at least ones I can sneak by) to change clothing. If there's a veritable Janitors closet with no one around...that'd be the best place.

Hide/Move Silently to avoid being seen as Ariel-
19+5 = 24

15+5 = 20

Lastly...if I successfully manage to change clothing without being seen, I stash Ariel's clothing in any non-obvious hiding spot around, and change shape into a servant. Assuming that there are servants who are tasked with cleaning up someone's private quarters, I change into one of them and Immediately head to Syphile's room.

To any guards outside Syphile's room: I bow courteously (or show whatever formal sign of respect a servant would normally show a guard/superior), and tell them "I'm here to tidy up Mistress Syphile's quarters. May I enter?"

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 8:31 pm
by Jivundus
Dinafein Ven'atar Barrahel.

Male Drow Kensai, NE.

STR: 15 (+2)
DEX: 17 (+3)
CON: 12 (+1)
INT: 10 (+0)
WIS: 15 (+2)
CHA: 14 (+2)

Fort: +3
Ref: +5
Will: +4

HP: 11

AC: 18
Touch AC: 15
Flat-footed: 13

Initiative: +3

BAB: +1

Grapple: +3

Balance: +3
Bluff: +5
Climb: +2
Concentration: +1
Diplomacy: +2
Disguise: +2
Escape Artist: +3
Forgery: +0
Gather Information: +2
Handle Animal: +3
Heal: +3
Hide: +4
Intimidate: +5
Jump: +1
Knowledge (Religion): +0
Knowledge (Nature): +0
Listen: +4
Move Silently: +3
Ride: +3
Search: +2
Sense Motive: +2
Spot: +4
Swim: +2
Tumble: +5
Use Rope: +3
Run: +1

Weapon Finesse

Class Abilities:
Spirit-bonded: The Kensei forms a strong bond with the weapon he receives at level 1. The weapon grows as he does, it gets an enhancement bonus equal to 1/2 his Kensei level (round down as always). He also gains Weapon Focus with this weapon, and later at level 4 gains Weapon Specialization.
Battojutsu: The Kensei is able to draw his Bonded weapon and strike with it at an incredible speed. When drawing his weapon (he is not subject to attacks of opportunity when using the Battojutsu technique) and attacking an enemy in the same round the Kensei resolves his attack as if his opponent were flat-footed.
Deflection: As Deflect Arrows, only using bonded weapon
Blood-sport: This Kensei takes a particular pleasure in drawing the blood of his enemies. When activated Blood-sport lasts a number of rounds equal to (1 + the Kensei's Wisdom Mod). The Kensei is healed after he lands a killing blow on his target for a number equal to the victim's hit die.

Bonded Master-worked rapier:
Attack bonus: +6
Damage: D6+2
Crit: 18-20/x2

Hand Crossbow:
Attack Bonus: +4
Damage: D4
Crit: 19-20/x2
Range: 30'
May be fired in one hand with no penalty, loaded with a move action providing AoO.

Armor: Studded Leather

Winter Blanket
2x rations
Studded leather
Hand Crossbow
2 quivers of bolts

Total Weight: 38lbs
Max Load: 200 lbs.

19g, 4s remaining.

Drow Sign

I approach the injured Drow and, if he is conscious, greet him and ask him of the Surface.

"Hail, Moarath of House Barrahel. I am Ven'atar of Barrahel and stand ready to serve the Masked Lord as you do. However, I am inexperienced with the ways and nature of the Surface, having always dwelt in the caverns of the Underdark. Tell me, if you can, of the perils of that place which is ours by right."

Gather Information: D20+2= 19+2 = 21

If he is unconscious I will inspect his gear further, particularly the cloak for any markings or symbols with which I can recognize fellow Vhaeraunites
Knowledge (Religion) D20 + 0 = 17
Spot: D20 + 4 = 6+4 = 10

EDIT: Aside from the half-masks. i.e. anything I can use to identify them when moving amongst Lolth-affiliated Drow

I'll also attempt to examine the pus to determine if I can recognize its origin (I doubt it though)
Knowledge (Nature) D20 +0 = 14

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 10:13 pm
by Shaggypichu

I will get up close to the shaman and take a whack at him with my mace

attack roll= 8+2=10

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 10:14 pm
by Shaggypichu

I will get up close to the shaman and take a whack at him with my mace

attack roll= 8+2=10 (I dont think i hit him)

that will be my turn.

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 10:38 pm
by Nvlutz

When you arrive Azhag is with Melkior, he seems to have recovered from the worst of the rat's disease. Melkior looks at you and smiles. "First thing is first, I'm going to transport Rhag'nuul back to the Sightless citadel. I'm hoping that he'll make a better recovery. If you care to join me, we can possibly see if they can confirm some information for me. They could possibly give us some indirect help."

In the interest of brevity, I'll assume you agree to join them for the trip.

Melkior gathers the group in the circle. A magical fog dome envelopes the party. When the smoke dissipates you find yourself in a charred garden. It looks like much of it was singed.
Melkior looks around at the Star Elves' base. He mutters to himself... "What happenned, is it even possible..."

Spot check: 4+2=6

You take a 360 degree look around you. You see that the once flawless ivory fortress has had much of it's outer walls smashed... the top of their walls, which have jagged edges look charred and cooked, like black welts on a flawless white facade. The top of a tower has smashed off and fallen to the ground. The tower actually looks hollow from this far away.


You make your way out of the bustling crowd and wander around the palace and find that the servant's quarter's is on the third floor, the third floor is light on guards and at the moment is seems quieter than the main floors with the exception of certain rooms like the kitchen, in particular.
You make your way to the servant's sleeping quarters after sneaking a peek into a variety of rooms.
You enter the servant's sleeping quarter's there is about 50 double bunks. You spot a few chests in front of each bed. all of them have a lock on them. Thankfully, one of the sleeping servants accidentally left his chest open and you manage to swipe a spare pair of work clothes off of him. The door at the other end of the room begins to open and you roll out of the way and hide under a bed beside the one with the open chest. Out of the door comes what looks like a special servant he is wearing purple robes over his work attire that drape down from above. The servant stops by the open chest and bends down and closes it... It's Kelnoz. He is on ground level and you can see him and you hope he doesn't spot you under the bed. He looks around cautiously, your heart goes still as you hope he doesn't spot you. Then outstretches a finger to the chest and a faint glow emits from his finger. You hear the chest lock itself. He gets back up and walks out of the room. You take a deep breath and relax.
You then sneak out of the room and make your way back to your room and hide the clothes under your mattress.
You then head to the training room, you find it to be empty, No idea where Sylphie is. You look around and find a bottle labelled "Salt of Hartshorn". You recall that the deer's antler's are often ground up to make such a product that you are looking for and swipe the bottle. It seems to still have roughly about 300 grams of coarse powder. You only bump into a guard entering the room as you leave but you manage to sneak the bottle up a loose sleeve and leave.

Map of 3rd floor will come later.

I'll update some more tommorrow that includes Belfore and Vent'ara

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 11:44 pm
by Siberys

"Hmph, I hope this thing can help," he says, donning the dwarven artifact around his waist. "Let's split up and search for survivors."

With a bit of grimmace, he lightly punches a nearby wall, "Whoever did this will pay."

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 6:56 am
by kozeph
Arvall Marshaness

I take a deep sigh and slump back to a chair as I hear the woman fate, all this for nothing Arvall thinks while wearing a sarcastic smile in his own private amusement.

I listen to what Cernd ar has to say and slowly nod side ways ''I'd like to help you priest.. you've done more than enough for me, but I can not spend to much time in one place.. my hunters could be around the corner for all I know.. Rhyn is a very persistant woman'' I drily remark ''tell you what I shall aid you till mid day, in return for you dealing with the abortion then we'll see how much progress can be made'' I cross my arms and wait for his reply

I assiste Cernd ar at the best of my capabilities.

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 12:06 pm
by Nvlutz

Cernd-ar nods, "Fair enough. And if you're being hunted I have an idea! I'm going to be heading towards Annarath to report to my superiors after this event. Along the way there's a small Hamlet known as "Merchant's Landing", have you ever heard of it?

Knowledge Local roll to see if you know anything.

After that Cernd-ar returns back to the underground shrine, this time with a lit touch in hand he goes to the bog with a masonite jar on a string and fishes up some of the ichorous substance. He then closes the bottle up and puts a lid on it.

After that Cernd-ar, makes another torch out of some of the scraps of wood lying around in the abandoned church. Cernd-ar then tells you to torch as much of the northern village as possible, he'd see to the south and then to meet up with him in the eastern exit.

"You can take any possessions you wish from the house, but don't spend too long rummaging around. I don't think either of us want to be hanging around for too long."


You put on the magical belt...

Incredible Resilience: Your HD increases one step (HD 8 to HD 10), this is a retro active ability. If the HD dice were 12, you'd gain an additional hit point.
+1 Fort Save
+1 Natural Bonus AC
You are considered to be carrying an extra 60 lbs of gear.

You feel your innards become stiff for awhile and you find it hard to move... but you then shake yourself and begin moving about normally. You feel as if you have a skeleton made of steel now.

Now you just need to figure out where the star elves are... but where to start?

Belfore & Brauer

You would also get +1 for your blessing you have in place, last round for that.

Belfore runs up and tries to hit the shaman but is unable to hit the frog totem.... and misses.
Raz then grabs the Bullywig soldier in front of him with his two hands. The first Claw gouges out the Bullywig's eyes and crushes it's skull, the second digs deep into the Bullywig's tender flesh. He then lifts the Frogman over his head and tears him in half with intestines and other innards falling down below over top of the feral Furyian.

Coup De Grace: Critical hit x2= (2d8+8) x 2= (15+8) x 2= 23 x 2 = 46!

At this point the Shaman freaks out and tries to retreat, kicking the servant underneath him to retreat faster through the grease pile.


The Shaman and his ride fall flat on their faces.

Belfore may make an additional attack of opportunity to attack the fleeing Bullywig shaman. After that Brauer's turn again.


The injured drow is clearly asleep, that is if he didn't pass away on his deathbed already, his breathing is non-existant. You examine the cloak and the rest of his gear. You notice that behind the blue fabric is a finely woven chain mail cape of some sort, although much of it has been severely damaged and there appear to be a bunch of crossbow bolts imbedded in the links as well as large hulking gashes. You also notice that inside the cloak there is roughly about 50 of straps. In two of the straps there are throwing daggers. You assume at one point the entire inside of the cape had been loaded with such daggers. You don't spot anything of religious significance here.
The Mask on the other hand was a reference to the religion and also had sunken in eye holes, perhaps to block out the sun. The mask is chipped by what looks like a hacking instrument. You recognize it as one of the two ways of determining a fellow follower of the faith. The other more secretive method is to casually comment that "Do you find the air thick?", while making a cutting motion with two fingers on a wrist. If the person is also a member the response would be, "Only as thick as one's blood.", if that isn't their response, or if they become confused, than chances are they aren't a member.
The next thing you examine is the axe, it seems to be particularly clean. Either he rarely used it or he kept it in excellent condition. Finally, you examine the pus. Aside from infection occurring from improper medical treatment you do notice that he seems to have been attacked by a few diseases (no clue what the disease are but they look to be transmitted by bites), but no actual manufactured poisons.

Sorry about the lack of updates. I had thought you might be teaming up with another PC, but that player hasn't updated in a week. Rather than toss another pointless NPC into the mix, if it's okay with you (and you're willing to suspend reality), let's imagine that you never encountered the hiding elf...

In that case!

You had just finished interrogating two of the goblins outside of the spiked pit and learned that their base is located in the western caves, specifically the one with the red markings overtop. You now just have to figure out what to do with the two goblins, one of them has his arms dislocated and is half in, half out of the pit and the other is within Mao-Ling's arm reach.

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 12:39 pm
by Shaggypichu

Out of game: no problem. i was wondering if he was gonna update or not. Welcome to the game Jivundus!

I will try to make a motion for Lao-Ming to grab the goblin so he doesn't go anywhere. Then i will speak to the one the tiger and I are on top of. "I'll make you a deal. You want to me to let you go? I want you two to help me, you do not have to fight. I just need you two to lead me to your base. No funny stuff or I will let my Tiger have a snack. After that I promise to let you go and I'll help you relocate your shoulder. How does that sound?"


I will take the opportunity and swing again

attack roll=18+2 str+1 bless= 21

damage=1d8=2+2 str= 4

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 1:09 pm
by kozeph
Arvall Marsharness

knowledge local 20+2=22 (oh HELL YES :D )

I agree to travel with the priest for a while until we reach Merchant's Landing.

Once we are out of the cultist base I agree to do that and quickly head to the fardest point in town and only enter the houses and only take quick looks around the houses for anything useful (such as a backpack or a bedroll things that could be useful for traveling)

I take a 20 in search.

one im finished I wait for Cernd ar at the eastern part of town

EDIT: forgot brauer hehe

I call back Brim to my shoulder once more and then I deactivate the grease spell, I ignore the fight and take a look Soloman and see if he still breathes

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 5:37 pm
by Jivundus


The injured drow is clearly asleep, that is if he didn't pass away on his deathbed already, his breathing is non-existant. You examine the cloak and the rest of his gear. You notice that behind the blue fabric is a finely woven chain mail cape of some sort, although much of it has been severely damaged and there appear to be a bunch of crossbow bolts imbedded in the links as well as large hulking gashes. You also notice that inside the cloak there is roughly about 50 of straps. In two of the straps there are throwing daggers. You assume at one point the entire inside of the cape had been loaded with such daggers. You don't spot anything of religious significance here.
The Mask on the other hand was a reference to the religion and also had sunken in eye holes, perhaps to block out the sun. The mask is chipped by what looks like a hacking instrument. You recognize it as one of the two ways of determining a fellow follower of the faith. The other more secretive method is to casually comment that "Do you find the air thick?", while making a cutting motion with two fingers on a wrist. If the person is also a member the response would be, "Only as thick as one's blood.", if that isn't their response, or if they become confused, than chances are they aren't a member.
The next thing you examine is the axe, it seems to be particularly clean. Either he rarely used it or he kept it in excellent condition. Finally, you examine the pus. Aside from infection occurring from improper medical treatment you do notice that he seems to have been attacked by a few diseases (no clue what the disease are but they look to be transmitted by bites), but no actual manufactured poisons.

I check for a pulse and take the mask and cape, putting the cape on underneath my own cloak, reasoning that he has no further use for them, before leaving the hall in search of a priest of Vhaeraun. If I find one I will ask him to commune with Vhaeraun to see if He wills anything specific. If I am unable to find one in a reasonable amount of time I will say a quick prayer before looking for a smith to repair the cape.

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 10:41 am
by Nvlutz

Intimidate:18+3=21 Success

The goblins tremblingly agree not willing to see if the threat of becoming tiger food will be a ruse or not. They lead you to the outside of a cave with a red marking overtop.
"I can't believe that we sold them out.", The other goblin says.
"Better we live to see another day than die here.", the first goblin remarks.

If you choose to attempt to relocate his shoulder it'll be a heal check.

Belfore & Brauer

Belfore swats the retreating shaman as he tries to get away. And his mace hits but the Bullywig priest is still alive.
Brauer de-activates his grease spell, retrieves brim and checks the status of Soloman.

Heal check: 3+1=4

You can't tell his status but you assume that he is mostly likely is as good as dead since he is missing an arm and has been bleeding out for the entire battle.
Ariel moves past the severed Bullywig corpses and goes to strike at the other Bullywig servant.

11+1+4 (unconscious)=16 Pass


Ariel slits the bullywig's throat and the servant falls to the ground dead.


You wander around the castle and try to make small talk with other people in the castle who don't appear to be busy. One of the drow females asks whether or not you have seen the inside of your mother's prayer shrine, and if so, what did it look like?


You know about the "Merchant's landing" well. It's a trading town built all around a very controversial rogue bar. The bar is infamous as a den for fugitives with money. The reason for this is because the rule of the tavern is that there is a giant ceasefire policy within the tavern. Anyone who breaks this law will have to face the fearsome blade end of the the old pirate king Herbalt. Because of this many wanted men hide out in the tavern since it's the best place to hide.

You go through the town lighting the houses on fire and looting anything you can find...

4 unused candles.
10 ft of chain.
A blacksmith Hammer
A bottle of black ink
A hooded lantern
2 pints of oil
A spyglass
A torch
5 empty vials
You find 6 uncooked salted Fish and 3 loaves of bread.

By the time you finish searching the town and burning it down it becomes night-time. You get to the eastern part of the town. Cernd-ar looks somewhat distressed. "You took your sweet time." Cernd-ar says as he immediately begins running away from the city. The blazing city against the night sky. The two of you extinguish your torches and try to retreat as far as you can from the city. Cernd-ar stops running after what feels like an hour. "Listen..."


You check the drow's pulse.

Heal check: 11+3=14

You check his pulse and discover that he's not dead, but he seems to be asleep. You grab the cape and go for the mask... You feel a blade edge against the back of your neck...
"Leave the... mask...", A weary voice says. Could he have been faking having slept?

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 11:16 am
by Siberys

"Unfortunately, I can't answer whether I've seen it or not. I honestly don't know what it looks like."

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 11:19 am
by Shaggypichu

"As promised I will try to relocate you'r shoulder. It might take me a few times..."

I want to attempt this at least three or four times since the goblins helped me.

Heal cheack d20= 4-1=3
2nd check=6-1=5
3rd try=20-1 (i will stop here and will hope i didnt hurt the goblin)


Out of game: I just noticed Solomon is dead...... i completely mis read what happened. sorry. wont let that happen again.