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What Do You Want in KotOR III?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to LucasArts and BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG.
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Post by bigredpanda »

Sith_assasin24 wrote:sorry to pop your bubble but they wouldnt do it name one game were you can kill a child or even better force choke them and make the suffer what you have to remember is that most of the programmers have CHILDREN

I think it has more to do with laws of the land rather than whether the programmers have children. Plus, they're usually incredibly irritating in these games. Listening to a voice artist pretending to be a kid gets my back up.

I don't get the "big battle" thing. It would more than likely kill frame rate... like Des said, make the enmies a bit smarter, make the fights a bit more challenging. It would be quite cool if at certain points strategy affected game choices, as well. Like Mira in KOTOR2 was very moralistic about grenades - what if you lost influence with her if you persistently used grenades when she was present? That sort of thing.
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Post by Mandalorianx »

Sith_assasin24 wrote:sorry to pop your bubble but they wouldnt do it name one game were you can kill a child or even better force choke them and make the suffer what you have to remember is that most of the programmers have CHILDREN
relax... its just a game.....and beside kids can also become jedi/sith, so if sith you may kill the kid in selfdefens, is jedi you kill a kid becuz for fun or something...
but it would be cool if you could be a kid in the begining of the game. just true the instruction,like the combat system etc......(maybe some1 have already said it)
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Drendar Morevo
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Post by Drendar Morevo »

Wow, Sith_Assasin24, you just repeated what I said, but with NO tact whatsoever. Please, ES&D.
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Post by Sith_assasin24 »

Drendar Morevo wrote:Wow, Sith_Assasin24, you just repeated what I said, but with NO tact whatsoever. Please, ES&D.
sorry i quote as i go i dont read all the posts before i put my own post
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Post by bigredpanda »

Sith_assasin24 wrote:sorry i quote as i go i dont read all the posts before i put my own post
This is unlikely to make your posts a very worthwhile read, you know.
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Post by Zeddicus_Tagnor »


And who says the ultimate enemy has to be a force user... with enough money and the mental will power you can buy rogue jedi or pay sith to fight for you.

The last boss can be a notorious Corporate Tycoon with thoughts of Glactical domination.

and in the end you have to chase him through his fortress fighting all his hired hand until you get to him where he sits in a cybernetic suit whihc gives him abilites to fight on the same level as you.
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Post by Zeddicus_Tagnor »

FighterTundra wrote:light side jedi don't execute their prisoners, they dont believe in it.

i think it would be better for the DS jedi to cut of the limbs, to torture, and then kill their victim.
Light Side Jedi, will kill thier victims if all else fails [E.I. remove a enemies arm, in a false attempt on accepted defeat he pull out a blaster to shoot the jedi in the back he could kill him or cut his other arm off.]

now at this choice it would give you eithe rlight or dark side choices.
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Post by Drendar Morevo »

Zeddicus_Tagnor wrote:And who says the ultimate enemy has to be a force user... with enough money and the mental will power you can buy rogue jedi or pay sith to fight for you.

The last boss can be a notorious Corporate Tycoon with thoughts of Glactical domination.

and in the end you have to chase him through his fortress fighting all his hired hand until you get to him where he sits in a cybernetic suit whihc gives him abilites to fight on the same level as you.
So... Kinda Like Galak Fyarr in JK:II (cept he was an imperial admiral, but the premise is there.)
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Post by Mandalorianx »

Zeddicus_Tagnor wrote:And who says the ultimate enemy has to be a force user... with enough money and the mental will power you can buy rogue jedi or pay sith to fight for you.

The last boss can be a notorious Corporate Tycoon with thoughts of Glactical domination.

and in the end you have to chase him through his fortress fighting all his hired hand until you get to him where he sits in a cybernetic suit whihc gives him abilites to fight on the same level as you.
you can come with ideas to the last enemy/or boss(or what ever you want to call him/she) at the tread ''The Main Villian KOTOR III Could have'' but its not a bad idead... ;)

but why not have one party for LS and one for DS, would make the game a little more funn to have more people to know..
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Post by LUFlames29 »

Here's My Take

Very early in the game it should be determined which side is assumed for the first 2 games. Also I like the idea of the PC being a young Jedi from a peaceful planet on Curascant. I would like to see a young PC with no history or baggage. And he/she has a Jedi master who is young, after all the Jedi are still rebuilding, but the PC becomes a Jedi Knight near the middle of the game. Also the rudimentary universal Force Powers: Speed, Lightsaber Throw, Push, etc. should be with the PC at Level 1.

Characters (Light Side)

Bastila (Jedi Council)
Handmaiden (Jedi Council)
Disciple (Jedi Council)
Bao-Dur (Jedi Council)
Atton Rand (Jedi Council)
Mira (Jedi Council)
Jolee Bindo (Jedi Council - though not really calling himself a Jedi this reclusive old coot has returned to train a few people and do his part to get the galaxy back in order. Despite his misgivings about the Jedi code he knows the Republic needs Jedi to maintain peace and order)

NPCs - I would like to see mostly new NPCs and the ability to chose some NPCs, but not all, with no relevancy to alignment or gender

T3 and HK (gotta work in the droids somehow :)
Wookie with Zalbaar's power and kind, honorable spirit, like Chewie but with Hanharr's rage ability
Female Mon Calamarian Jedi (not master though)
Human Jedi Knight who serves as teacher to the PC
Adept Jedi human who is the PCs love interest with a love story that actually sees some development, similar to the PC and Bastila in KOTOR

Planets/Moons (in no particular order but I think the important planet that's the finale of the game should be made up)

Coruscant - planet the game starts on
Mon Calamiri
Yavin 4
and Def not Korriban or Dantooine (I liked both but they have been played out)

Other things I want to see
Customizable PC
Customizable Lightsaber hilts
Customizable robes and robes that offer more amenities and as much defense protection as medium armor
More emphasis on characters who specialize in blasters and more emphasis on battling with blasters altogether (in short just make blasters more awesome)
PC gets lightsaber almost immediately
Less, or (please Lord) no bugs
A plot and story that has resolution at the end (in Kotor II i was left thinking, what the crap? and for the final cutscene at the end, i was like, well what the crap does my character do now?)
Side quests based on characters - such as getting Carth to talk about his wife and son in the first game or Jolee talking about his life before meeting Revan and side quests that deal with stuff about the NPCs such as Jagi's Challenge and Batsila's Mother while still having the power to influence characters as in the 2nd game
When u become a Sith NPCs should show you proper respect and when a characters alignment changes they should change as well (I didn't like turning Handmaiden all the way to the dark side so that she got bonus points for strength and she balked when I killed a character because i wanted to)
More powerful final villian and a quest that shows you what you are doing and why you are going to that planet (i. e. what you're goal is on Malachor. Of course you know you were there to confront Sion and Trayus but I still like to see it in writing)
I think the last thing I want is a good engaging plot that keeps you guessing what's gonna happen to the PC that you have become so enamored with you can't wait to get home from work and live his/her life.
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Post by bigredpanda »

Can't argue with much there, LUFlames, except perhaps too many old characters for my liking... plus, if you choose darkside, presumably we'd have to have eight different characters, all with their own animation, dialogue, quests etc. Which could b equite a headache. So I would prefer if we just bumped in to someone familiar, but they weren't all at the centre of the game. It wouldn't make sense to have a Jedi Council entirely made up of Revan and the Exile's former crew.

Your choice of planets is good as well. I love the idea of Bespin and Yavin 4 - they'd map very well on to the Nar Shadaa/Dxun styles of KOTOR2.

And the plot twists - definitely. Both games have managed to produce stories pretty superior to anythin the Phantom Menace could come up with. So more of that.
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Post by Darth Turik »

All Hail Lord Revan!

I want Darth REVAN!!! The Greatest Sith Lord as the main character, this is his/her story. how could some random padawan match revan.

I also want:

15 planets or more.

Customizable lightsabers wit designed hilts.

Hooded robes that you could put on and take off.And if DS u have choice of cool helmets to choose from.
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Post by DesR85 »

Welcome to the forums, Turik. :)
Darth Turik wrote:I want Darth REVAN!!! The Greatest Sith Lord after Vader as the main character, this is his/her story. how could some random padawan match revan.
Both KOTORs have both an LS and DS ending. If you play as Darth Revan, it would mean that the game would have to start off from the DS ending of both KOTORs and this might disorient other players who played the game LS.
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price
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Post by Darth Turik »

DesR85 wrote:Welcome to the forums, Turik. :)

Both KOTORs have both an LS and DS ending. If you play as Darth Revan, it would mean that the game would have to start off from the DS ending of both KOTORs and this might disorient other players who played the game LS.
Thanks 4 the welcome DesR85.

I hear what ur saying about the LS/DS Endings. I Just want Revan to be the Main Character again either LS/DS but they should keep the tradition going on LS/DS on all the Characters.:mischief
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Post by Drunkside »

Darth-Corran wrote:No no no Jango And boba arnt mandalorians jango is from kaminoand his armour was given to him (see book 1 of the bountey hunter wars for more details) and boba is a clone if u have read the boba part of ep2 on paper back. :( :(
NONONONONO,Jango is a mandalorian,i have read it from the OFFICIAL episode 2 says that Jango is the last mandalorian and was paid by kaminoans to be cloned.His reward was his clone without fast growth(those clones were adults on 10nt year),Boba.
YOU DONT KNOW THE POWER OF THE DRUNKSIDE ill beat you up with my bottl ...lightsaber!!!And Drunk Side is a bar in KOTOR1... check these out!
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Post by Zez-Kai Ell »

I agree

I would like to see the following things in KOTOR 3:

Customizable saber hilts
More saber colours
Different ship (The Hawk is good, but maybe more variety)
More damaging powers

Yavin 4

Characters that i want brought back:
Mission Vao
The Exile
Bastila Shan
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Post by bigredpanda »

I'd like the following characters brought back:

HK-47 - so you can finally find the droid planet.
T3 - well, it's a given really.

And nobody else. Except:

Mission's brother.
Bastila's mother.
The Captain on Citadel Station.
The Twi-Lek who runs the swoop track on Nar Shaddaa.

The incidental folk, like.
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Post by canderous_ordo »

i would probley like to see harder villans

it would be great if there would be much harder villans and fights and not just five or six but hundreds all at the same time , when the villan says something the player says something

ahhh then the player goes something like ahhh yourself then quite funny like that
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Post by bigredpanda »

canderous_ordo wrote:it would be great if there would be much harder villans and fights and not just five or six but hundreds all at the same time , when the villan says something the player says something

ahhh then the player goes something like ahhh yourself then quite funny like that
Hundreds of uber-hard villains at the same time? Wouldn't a difficulty slider be more practical to implement?
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Post by DesR85 »

canderous_ordo wrote:it would be great if there would be much harder villans and fights and not just five or six but hundreds all at the same time , when the villan says something the player says something

ahhh then the player goes something like ahhh yourself then quite funny like that
Wouldn't it be much better if the AI is improved? Using sheer numbers is a cheap trick used in a game to increase the difficulty. It does increase the difficulty, I agree, but in a more frustrating way. I'd much prefer if the AI is able to use some strategy when trying to take you and your team out.

Action games and FPSes seem to have better AI compared to most team-based RPG games that I know of, to be honest. I wonder why RPG developers never take a cue from team-based FPSes like Republic Commando and Freedom Fighters to name a few when developing AI for both enemies and team members alike. :rolleyes:
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price