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Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2002 9:49 pm
by Bloodstalker
It's bad...but not as bad as Civ 2 was...I had no concept of time when I played it at all :D

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2002 9:52 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Bloodstalker
It's bad...but not as bad as Civ 2 was...I had no concept of time when I played it at all :D
For me: 3 words: Baldurs Gate 2.

As Ive said before, weekends would just blend....theyd turn into one day, 2 dinners and a lunch. :D

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2002 9:54 pm
by fable
Originally posted by Bloodstalker
Hope you had a good thanksgiving man :)

You too, @Bloodstalker. @Tyb. My wife and I had a pleasant one filled with turkey, stuffing, gravy, etc. I've a birthday coming up in two weeks, so I also nosed around the house trying to find any presents. No luck. She's getting ingenious about hiding things. :D

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2002 9:55 pm
by Bloodstalker
BG ate up my ytime, but I realized it was eating it up. I knew vaguley I was putting my life on hold....with Civ 2 I swear, I had no idea that I was at my computer for so long, it only seemed like a few minutes, and hours had passed. Turn based games do that to me..."one more turn"

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2002 9:55 pm
by fable
Originally posted by Tybaltus
For me: 3 words: Baldurs Gate 2.

As Ive said before, weekends would just blend....theyd turn into one day, 2 dinners and a lunch. :D

Makes you wonder why nobody else has tried to repeat the BG2 formula since it first came out. I mean, not only was it critically a huge success, but it was the bestselling CRPG in history. That should send a message to some devs out there, or so I'd think.

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2002 9:59 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by fable
You too, @Bloodstalker. @Tyb. My wife and I had a pleasant one filled with turkey, stuffing, gravy, etc. I've a birthday coming up in two weeks, so I also nosed around the house trying to find any presents. No luck. She's getting ingenious about hiding things. :D
Hehe...getting nosey, eh? :D

Not sure if you saw this in one of the taverns last night, but here was my story for yesterday
Well it was all chaos for us. With 15 people over for Thanksgiving, when we usually get 5 people or less...So automatic chaos. And the stove broke, so the Turkey wasnt finished in time, so we had to make chicken! :D And it actually fed 15 people. :D It was quite amazing. But then there was the news today, which I wont go over, that certainly cast a shadow over yesterday.

So in general, this was basically the worst Thanksgiving for us, but well...we survived, so thats a miracle in itself. :rolleyes:

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2002 10:00 pm
by Bloodstalker
Originally posted by fable
Makes you wonder why nobody else has tried to repeat the BG2 formula since it first came out. I mean, not only was it critically a huge success, but it was the bestselling CRPG in history. That should send a message to some devs out there, or so I'd think.

Well, we get clones of everything else that has sucess. Sooner or later, someone is gonna try it though. What would worry me would be putting out a game that fails to live up to BG. Hopefully, if anyone does decide to do it, that fear will make them work hard.

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2002 10:02 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by fable
Makes you wonder why nobody else has tried to repeat the BG2 formula since it first came out. I mean, not only was it critically a huge success, but it was the bestselling CRPG in history. That should send a message to some devs out there, or so I'd think.
True. Id really like to see more. And Im thinking, maybe I should get IWD2...even though I know it wont be Baldurs Gate 2, by no means. Actually come to think of it right now, I could go out and get IWD2 this week if I wanted to...hmmmmm....

@BS LOL :D "One more turn". How many times have I said that in the last month with Civ III? :D Trust me...its a lot. :eek:

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2002 10:08 pm
by Bloodstalker
IWD2 is a good game, I am only in chapter 3, but I love it. As long as you don't expect NPC's and the banter. But it has some cool dialogue in the game with peasants and such :D

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2002 10:12 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Bloodstalker
IWD2 is a good game, I am only in chapter 3, but I love it. As long as you don't expect NPC's and the banter. But it has some cool dialogue in the game with peasants and such :D
Are there hordes of creatures like in IWD1? I hated that. There was no way to avoid being surrounded. :mad:

But I wish there were NPCs...Thats a reason why Baldurs Gate2 lies among the greatest games Ive ever played. (aka they were fun!)

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2002 10:16 pm
by Bloodstalker
Well, there are a lot of enimies. I just scout ahead and figure out how to save my ass with my rogue though :D

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2002 10:20 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Bloodstalker
Well, there are a lot of enimies. I just scout ahead and figure out how to save my ass with my rogue though :D
But that didnt deter me enough to stop playing IWD1. I still had fun. But not enough fun to buy the I heard from my best friend that he felt it was near impossible to beat, so I passed.

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2002 10:22 pm
by Bloodstalker
I don't know about that, I ain't close to beating it yet. But still, I hope it is hard. But to me, if you liked the first one, you would probably like the second :D

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2002 10:24 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Bloodstalker
I don't know about that, I ain't close to beating it yet. But still, I hope it is hard. But to me, if you liked the first one, you would probably like the second :D
Great. So Ill go out and buy it this Wednesday or Friday, or next week, class work pending. :mad: :D

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2002 10:25 pm
by Bloodstalker
LOL...well, at least you got time to check out some peoples opinions then :D

I am out fo tonight. ahve a god one :D

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2002 10:35 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Bloodstalker
LOL...well, at least you got time to check out some peoples opinions then :D

I am out fo tonight. ahve a god one :D
Heh. Yeah. Ive been thinking about it for some time now. And I guess Ive finally committed to it. :D

Later man. Take it easy.

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2003 5:15 pm
by fable
What can I say? We got a new shipment of pancakes, coffee, whiskey, and CE is planning to do her belly-dancing routine, again. We're open for business!

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2003 5:26 pm
by Robnark
jolly good show. pass the port would you, there's a good fellow :)

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2003 5:29 pm
by fable
Originally posted by Robnark
jolly good show. pass the port would you, there's a good fellow :)

Certainly. Would you like that alongside, or on, your pancakes? :)

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2003 5:34 pm
by Robnark
either, but preferably both :)

quantity beats quality any day