No... the most recent incident was a problem with a flamer with duel accounts, known as Psychonameelfing (he had 3 names). There have been few wars in SYMs history. The only one worth noting is Luis attempt to drag the gods down into a war... without trolling or flaming, of course, so dont get ideas... and the rather heated one with COMM...Any wars now? What kind of groups do we have?As far as Heathens whose in the group I recently start talking there.
Currently active heathens are Darth Zenemij, Magrus, Luis Antonio, and every so often Brynn and Locke. These are the orginal heathens. However, the lost Locke and Brynn part time to WoW.
So many members have disapeared... McCool never posts anymore... enither does OS... perhaps if you are lucky you will se Demortis post, maybe Denethorn as well...
To tell you the truth, most wars were minor conflicts between tweo people, and most yelling happened with a griup against a member. White Rabbit and The_Pope for example. Although everyone in ancient times looked up to Bassie.