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Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:30 am
by Jivundus
"I'm hardly one to be consorting with orcs on friendly terms, which leaves me with little option but to go along with you."

After walking...well they're walking...for a while, I ask my new companions about the town Moarath told me about

"Have you heard, perhaps, of a nearby town. Called Annath or Annarath? My source wasn't too clear on the name."

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:47 am
by kozeph

''let me think''

local knowledge 11+4=15

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 7:19 am
by Jivundus
"So, elfling, what are you doing to create so many foes, and why travel with this rivvil?" I glare at the human at the word rivvil before turning back to Arval. "I'm sure it must be an absolutely fascinating story."

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:35 pm
by kozeph

I stop walking and look at Ven'arar "I have no reason to tell you" I cross my arms and keep walking "Lets just say that I've angered the wrong people, betrayed powerful beings, and carry something the inquisition would just love to get their hands on... and well Yesterday I killed a town full of demons and madmen, with the help of Cernd ar... We are allies till we each go our separate roads"

"And may I ask what brings you to the surface?"

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 11:38 pm
by Jivundus
"After your response, it hardly seems fair to answer you in anything but the same manner. The Masked Lord requires me to take certain steps in His plans here on the Surface, thus am I here."

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:28 am
by Nvlutz
Arvall & Ven'atar

As you walk along in silence you consider where you've heard of Annarith before, and while you don't know anything about the town itself, you remember Cernd-ar said that's where he planned on going next. You wonder whether you should mention it or not.

You begin moving towards the town along the flat plains. The grass and weeds causing some resistance seeing that they've grown to roughly about knee hight. The trees remain sparse and few dotting the landscape. You see off in the distance. A set of lights and flames dotting the roadside heading towards you. There seems to be shouting and flames are getting nearer. You take a quick look and spot roughly about forty some odd flames of tourchlight closing in fast.


You will charge at the western goblin.

attack roll: 16 + 1 (Did you add weapon proficiency?)
17 success

damage: 2

You lance forward and your rapier manages to cut through a weak point in the spiked shield and lances the goblin in the shoulder. The goblin backs of and re-positions himself.

The goblin near Mao-Ling decides to bolt it down the tunnel. Mao-Ling tries to swing at him as the goblin retreats.



Mao-Ling manages to cut the goblin down before he can retreat into the darkness. Meanwhile the goblin near the tiger decides to try something dramatic. With the tiger pushing him towards the pit the goblin decides to try rolling underneath the tiger using his shield as a slide. Meanwhile, the tiger tries to bite at the goblin.

2+3=5 Fail

Tiger Attack
3+9=12 miss

The goblin doesn't tumble as successfully as he would have liked but the tiger doesn't manage to hit him. The goblin falls flat after rolling under the tiger and quickly stumbles to his feet.
The goblin near you decided to bolt it into the darkness. You attempt to take a swing at him before he does.

Make an opportunity attack.

Brauer & Belfore

Brauer removes the rest of the tapestry and sends Brim to scout.

Spot 11+3=14

Brim scouts ahead through the corridor into the next room. Belfore begins to walk slowly into the entrance of the corridor mace at the ready.
Brim looks about the room and and says that there are 4 big stone walls in the room, there are a bunch of cracks in the walls, they look cut on purpose and boxy. There are gaps in some of the walls where the boxes are missing. He scurries around the room saying it's empty except for a giant mirror in the direction of the sun in the room. The purple light is beamed down to where the sun sets through a giant hole. At the base of the hole there is a metal pole attached to the wall. There is another hole and metal pole wall to the far end of the room.
From what Belfore can see to the far west on the end of the other room that there is another one of those ceremonial doors with the moon cycles and the hole in the top centre of the door. Belfore looks back at the party,
"Shall I go down that dark hall and check what's there?"

The Acid flask has 6 fluid ounces, and yes the caltrops are in bags.

From what you can tell the gold tipped rods are not magical, but they look useful all the same.
The copper knight squeaks about in his rusted armor and Azhag pulls out a small little lamp from his personal bag as he is emptying the contents into his bag of holding.
He takes out the oil from the lamp and applies it to the joints of the armor. "You can wear whatever armor you like", Azhag says, "But I don't want you squeaking about blowing our cover."
"Thank you- I guess...", The elf seems unsure of what to make of the goblin.
The ghostly star-elf floats over. "Well it seems you are all well prepared. We'll head back to the surface."
The party then moves back into the watery corridor. You are greeted by Melkior and the leader of the Star-elves. Melkior is no longer sporting his blue hued runes on his foreheads and looks alive, yet older, much older.
Melkior shows the wrist of his hand, which is now flesh and not covered in leather bindings. On his wrist he has 7 scarred bands. "These are magic bindings, this will surpress my magic for a week. I'll not be as powerful as I was before, but I should be able to join you without raising much suspicion."
"We'll have to transport you since part of Melkior's limited magic no longer allows him to use teleportation. However, is there any final questions before you depart?"

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 6:36 pm
by kozeph
out of game: welcome back boss... hope you managed to cought something big


"well Drow... about that town your looking for, Ive heard that there is a big church of hextor there, and Cernd ar is heading there, by chance" I grim at the drow

"a great! probably orcs! or something worse coming our way" I sigh while trying figure out what are the sounds coming from the people in the road, if they have mounts or are on foot, ect ect.

listen 16+2=18

Brauer Drudoc

"ariel.. please stay here with Raz and guard this room, me and Belfore shall investigate the other room"

once in the other room I check the mirror and see if it can be adjusted. I also look around the room.

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:11 pm
by Nvlutz
Out of game: Thanks a lot. Yeah we had a ton of fun, never been big on hunting live creatures although I did manage to track down a deer and a fox. Mostly just shot cans and went out on a sea-doo for the first time in my life.


You listen and from what you can tell there seems to be... marching... You can probably guess that it's orcs but even with your limited knowledge you can tell that orcs only march when something big and mean like a Black Orc is around cracking skulls to keep order.
Also from the noise you can hear the clinging and clanging of loose armor plates, the yips and snorts of various creatures and some large stomping. Perhaps some sort of massive back-up weapon.

Brauer & Belfore

You and Belfore enter the room cautiously. Inside the room you immediately notice that more ornate heiroglyphs decorate the walls and the room is dark and gloomy. You are amazed at how the small beam of moon-light actually illuminates most of the room. As Brauer begins stepping towards the mirror to see if it can be adjusted he steps on something...
His heart stops... he looks down and raises his foot carefully. Upon raising his foot he reveals a broken stone tile of some sort... It is polished and smooth on some of it's edges and shatterred and jagged around others. Belfore knees down and pics up the tile and flips it over to reveal etchings. Around the piece there are several others. Belfore flips these over and with Brauer's help they begin connecting the pieces together to form a stone tablet with ancient Draconic writing on it.
Brauer pauses... before he'll get entranced in this chance discovery he'll examine the mirror. He find this mirror to be firmly fastenned in place, and angled so that it was meant to shine the light from the central room down through the hole to the south. The other side of the mirror is and rusted metal side, nowhere near as polished or clean as the reflective side. These mirrors clearly serve a purpose and are meant to withstand years of submerging...
Meanwhile Belfore goes over two the 4 giant stone walls and finds that the small incisions on the wall have the Iokharic script, he can't read the writing on these sections but has seen enough of the characters from the previous two examples to recognize the trends in the writing style. He tugs on one of the sections and finds that it pulls out. He gingerly slips the slab out and finds it to be another tablet. Belfore looks around him... He's holding an ancient "Book", with a title written on it's side and writing on it's cover, and the 4 wall are like "Shelves". Is this perhaps an ancient library?

To explain, "Iokharic" script is the font that Draconic is written in. Much like how "Runic" script is the font that Dwarven & Giant is written in... More than one language may use a similar font, however the word structure will differ and there may be special characters for the language in particular. Like English and French are two different languages but they use the same font.

So in short, Belfore knows the writting on the tablets to look like Draconic letters, but doesn't know how to read it.


You leave the change room and wander about looking to find Kelnoz. You find him in the central hall in main floor. He's orchestrating a bunch of drow servants to position a set of 3 long tables properly in place. He is motioning with his hands, "Left, left... a little more and... stop. Excellent, next we'll get the chairs and then you can head for break."

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:20 am
by Shaggypichu
Out of Game: Welcome back. Dude sea doo's are so cool!


no i forgot to add it that time. i knew i was missing something

Attack of opportunity: 8+4=12

if hit= 3+1=4


"Darn I should've readied a different spell. Does anyone know how to read this?" I will then continue on working on the puzzle if no one can.

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 6:21 am
by Jivundus
"You suggest that I travel alone with that? I would rather be bent backwards over an altar of the spider-queen than suffer a rivvil to be my sole companion. Such points, however, are moot. From what I've been told, the only things out here in large numbers can be presumed to be eroln. I doubt the brutish creatures will look hard for us, but we still had best make ourselves scarce."

I scan the area, looking in particular for dense clumps of bushes or changes in the height of the grass that might indicate hidden gullies

Spot: D20+4=15+4=19
Survival: D20+2=10+2=12

If I see anything I motion to the others to follow me quietly
Move Silently: D20+3-1=17+3-1=19
Ride: D20+2=11+2=13

If the warg makes any loud noises that might alert whatever's out there I attempt to quieten it
Handle Animal: D20+3=20+3=23

If I can't silence it, then I fire my crossbow into the base of its skull, hoping to kill it instantly before continuing on foot
Attack: D20+4=16+4=20
Damage: D4=3

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:16 am
by Nvlutz
Avall & Ven'atar

Ven'atar looks about for gullies or some other such dip that could be hidden in the long grass. He manages to find small pockets where the weeds and grass are higher, but doesn't actually manage to find deep pockets or dips in the earth. Considering that to be their only option he quietly motions the party to the area. He gets off his beast and manages to keep the warg under control and even gets the beast to lay down in the high grass.

Foilage offers +2 to hide checks


The goblin deftly dodges your attack and begins running into the dark pathway... You can see fine in the dark and you wonder whether you should pursue him or wait until you've dealt with the remaining goblin and travel with the rest of the party.

Belfore & Brauer

Brauer mentions that he knows how to read Draconic... but once you show your discovery he notes that it'd take him a vast amount of time to go through the entire library, and if this temple sinks at sunrise being stuck here would be a situation you wouldn't want to be in.
Perhaps there is a way to figure out which of the tablets are more important or crucial.

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:18 am
by kozeph

"Gaah... I hope your new pet doesnt screw up and start barking" I lay in the tallest piece of grass and pray that the orcs dont find us

hide next to the warg and Ven and signal the priest to also hide here.

hide check 13+4+2=19

"couldnt the three of us ride that thing away from here? sure it wont be as fast as it normaly is, but it but atleast we would move faster.. than lets say running?" I whisper to the drow.

I also pull out my crossbow and aim at the beast neck and prepare shoot should it make any noise

Brauer Drudoc

I see if I can carry around the broken stone slab in my back pack for later studies, back in mordhein.

I then send Brim throught the hole in the door to see what we he can find in there. and I begin checking from where the light originates.

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:52 pm
by Shaggypichu

I will stay and finish off the remaining goblins and travel with the party.


I will look around seeing if their are any matching characters or symbols on the book in the room or on the shelves. I'm thinking the Book are important to open something.

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 6:03 pm
by Siberys

"I'm good to go," he says, readying himself for what's to come.


I quietly wait until the aforementioned "break time," scribbling something down on a small parchment in private, and approach Kelnoz when he has a free moment.

Pretending to be Ariel as normal, I approach, "I apologize for disturbing your work Kelnoz but I was heading to the library and thought you might be able to recommend the best book to be studying for my upcoming initiation.

I don't want to appear ignorant in front of mother afterall," I say, slipping him the parchment.

The parchment simply reads, "Prove to me I can trust you and help me find a way to have even just one minute entirely alone with Satros."

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 12:20 am
by Nvlutz
Arvall & Ven'atar

You hide amongst the grass and the priest crawls up into a ball in the grass and covers himself in his cloak.
Arvall inquires about using the warg to escape and Cernd-ar over hears and adds his two cents... "The way I see it, that beast can only hold two people on it tops, and I wouldn't be surprised if the orcs have tons of their own Wargs to match us on speed... The beast also would be an issue later on if we get into town, since people would question how we got our hands on an orc war-beast... But we'll have to deal with it later, right now pray to which-ever deity you care for that they have a lack of bloodhounds or else we're going to get sniffed out."

Off in the distance a bright flash of light appears in the forest far off, on the other side of the road.

"What was that?", Cernd-ar whispers.

Belfore & Brauer

Brauer Puts the broken stone slab in his back pack, it weighs roughly 9 lbs. Brauer sends Brim through the hole in the door where the light is shining through. I'm assuming you mean that hole.
Meanwhile, Brauer decides to investigate the properties of the purple light. Brauer traces it back to the main room. It looks like the light is originating from moonlight transformed through the large amethyst crystal lens in the ceiling. The gnome assumes it to be the same large crystal Brim saw grasped in the giant stone hand of the building from outside.
During this time, Belfore attempts to discover which of the tablets are the most important by seeing if there are any identifying or special characters that might mark a significance.

Untrained Decipher Script: 17 + 2 = 19

Belfore looks about and find that some of the tablets have moon cycle symbols on them, which might be important if this is a "moon temple", it reduces the hundred odd tablets to a more manageable number of 14 tablets.
At this time Brim gives Brauer a telepathic update.
"There are some shiny surfaces on wheels in a windy path. But even better than that, there's a giant moving box of green jelly!", Brim says excitedly.


The Star elves surround the party hold their arms around the group forming a circle and chant. There bodies glow brightly and break apart into small balls of light and there forms slowly disintegrate away and the small balls of light spin around you faster and faster. Centering you in the eye of a vortex of light. You hear the star elf female say, "Good luck..."
Then the light disperses leaving you somewhat blinded in the edge of a forest in the middle of the night. Even Melkior looks blinded, and you wonder if he still has some of the "perks" he once had while he was undead.

"I told her to pant us just outside of Merchant's Landing that way we would escape suspicion from the large number of orcish forces that are stationed around Annarith.", Melkior explains finally looking out from the forest, his jaw dropping.

You look out and see that far off in the distance just at the entrance of the distant town there appears to be a large army of soldiers just positioned outside of the village... You can't make out exact numbers, but there seems to be a bunch of torch-light.

"Soooo, did they see our grand entrance.", Dorry asks somewhat concerned.

"Let's hope not.", Copper responds.

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 2:11 am
by Jivundus
"When the beast becomes an inconvenience, it dies, until then I have no desire for walking in the name of exercise."

"Dosib uoi'nota!" I spit the expletive as the flash illuminates the night sky. "What in the name of the Abyss was that?"

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:25 am
by kozeph
Arvall Marsharness

"Orc spit what was that?" shockinly look at the explosion of light "It just keeps getting better and better no?" I sarcasticly say "meaby I should pick up worshiping a deity to avoid getting things to become worse" I lightly laugh as I stare at the escene

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:55 am
by Nvlutz

You wait until the servants are done setting the chairs and go to their break. You slip him the parchment and Kelnoz says, "The 'Guide to Demonweb Pits' is a really useful book, but It's gone missing for abit."
Kelnoz takes the parchment quickly skims it and uses drow sign to indictate "We'll see..."


Mao-Ling charges towards the remaining goblin and the tiger goes to pounce on the goblin.
5+9=14 Miss
The tiger goes to pounce the goblin and the goblin dodges the attack and using a feat of extraordinary acrobatics and bounces out of the tiger's range. You charge in towards the northern entrance as well. By this time the goblin runs off into the darkness of the northern entrance.

The three of you stand at the edge of the darkness, you can see the goblin escaping down the tunnel. You prepare to head down the tunnel for him. Mao-ling sets his torch aflame again and nods to you.

If you decide to chase offer the goblin roll a spot check and whatever else you plan to use.

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 2:37 pm
by Shaggypichu

I will let Brauer know i am heading back to the room areil is in and look at the door with the lunar cycle on it and see if it has an order that will give me an idea on how to complete the puzzle.


Spot check: d20=2 +4= 5 (for racial? i believe, let me know if im wrong)

Move silently: d20=13 -2= 11

and Listen= d20=12 -1= 11

Out of game: I might be doing my math wrong today. I cant find my character sheet for Jarrackt and am trying to go off my memory. I'm gonna print off another copy to at my friends house today.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:54 am
by Nvlutz

You go back and investigate the slab walls and the you discover that of all the stages of the lunar cycle the full moon is the one that has been cut out and it is there that the light from the moon beams through. Perhaps the gemstone's power requires a full moon, or is strongest in the full moon. Would the gemstone even react to regular sunlight?


Spot check: d20=2 +4= 5 (for racial? i believe, let me know if im wrong)

Move silently: d20=13 -2= 11

and Listen= d20=12 -1= 11

Out of game: I might be doing my math wrong today. I cant find my character sheet for Jarrackt and am trying to go off my memory. I'm gonna print off another copy to at my friends house today.[/QUOTE]

Arvall & Ven'atar

"Hextor is always looking for more warriors to maintain order in Albion." Cernd-ar comments at Arvall's proclamation of atheism.


There is some shouting off in the distance, Arvall and Cernd-ar can't make heads or tails of it, but Ven'atar pristine hearing picks it up clearly. It's sounds like a large bellowing voice using common. It sounds orcish with the gruffness but the articulation of the words shows a certain fluidity in them.

"The mage is probably hiding in the forest over there by the trees. Send the hounds in first, Jag'lub you and your men extinguish your torches, lay low and flank them behind to the south, Gar'snick spread the goblin along the northern front and have them wait for anyone leaving the forest that path. Everyone else follow in behind me, form ranks and comb the forest, stay away from northern edge or you'll be shot at. Clear? NOW MOVE OUT!"

The army then begins to split up into the decided groups and heads towards the forest in the east, slowly moving farther and farther away from you. A small group stays behind and begins moving back towards the Merchant's landing.