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COTAB Quick Start Card

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:46 pm
by Charliedontsurf
Anyone know where I can download the quick start card for Curse of the Azure Bonds? I can't find it any where, and the game manual says to "See the quick start for instructions on how to gain manual control of a character". I accidently selected "QUICK" in the very first fight, and now I'm a helpless bystander in every encounter. Re-starting the adventure doesn't help either.


Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 2:20 pm
by Tricky
I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but The Underdogs has a download for a manual.

I checked it out. It's a .pdf and it seems to be fairly extensive.

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 3:09 pm
by Gilliatt
Go to

It's always the first place I look for manuals.

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 8:00 am
by Charliedontsurf
Cheers guys, did the trick. I was beginning to think after all these years of waiting to play this great game that a simple mistake like pressing the Quick key would thwart me!

Thanks again, and happy gaming :D