Good Way to 100k
Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:04 pm
To start this trick, Head to Hatheburg Castle ((can't remember how to spell it))
Make sure you have good armor/weapon ((have a spare just in case, the archers like to disarm you
Now make sure you have the following spells Hotkeyed:
Ghost Hands
Summon Wyvern
Summon Spider ((replaceable by Summon Ghoul))
Summon Scorpian
Summon Hell Warrior
Summon Devil
Summon Stone Golem ((or Steel Golem if you have it))
Come with good Mana potions and health potions!!!
Now summon all of your monsters, let them take the full blunt of the force while you swing your sword away. After you kill all the orcs and 5-6 orgers ((got ganged up on by 4 of them and lived
)) go to the inside of the castle near were you find the triggers, activate the teleport there and go to a place you like to sell things the most ((in my case it was Catalon)). Drop a teleport stone right in front of your favorite merchant and then go back to Hamburg Castle. Start looting all the corpses, if their armor/weapon matches what you use, use it to boost your stats ((it's how my armor is now over 800 in defense, my pants over 600, my gloves and helm over 300, and my boots over 200))
What you don't need/use you sell to the merchant. Now for the chests, SAVE right before each chest and then open it, reload it to change it's inventory ((WILL ONLY WORK IF YOU HAVN'T UNLOCKED IT ALREADY)) do this especially for the chests with locks of improved or higher.
I managed to rake in over 100,000 in gold and quickily spent it on some late skills and items to boost my gear.
I havn't even started on the fire element castle thing, I'm sure you'll get twice as much xD
Also to note:
The Forgotten Village. The villagers here respawn, like come back to life. Provided when the orgers kill them you at least left their weapons, coming back like a day later or so and they are back on their feet to kill again each dropping the same amount of gold.
To my original post here:
If you find the mob you're summons are killing is taking forever,
then in your spare hotkey slot alternate between the following Necromancy Spells:
Ghost hands, Poison Cloud, Disease. Ghost Hands again paralyzises your opponent to the spot and he can't move or attack or defend himself. Poison cloud will signifanctly poison him and his health will go down not up. Disease will make him weaker, and to me all the above seems to stack. So dish out this heavy pain with my added trick and you'll be surprised what you can kill at a low lvl.
I just realized I've been referring to Dead Hands as Ghost Hands, forgive me but i seem to remember the spell best that way
One last trick to quick cash/good loot
Go to any major or good city, there are some locked doors that are out in plain sight and next near impossible to open. Simply save your game right in front of the door staring at it face to face. Summon a monster, though try not to have it too big ((Scorpian is the worst ><)) now if you don't see your summon monster anywhere it means your monster is probably inside that house you want to break into. Simply back away a few steps but not too far! Once you see that door open and ur monster coming out BEELINE it for the inside, and you broke into a house successfully without picking the lock. Usually you have at least 1 Master Locked something that provides good loot for quick cash. Enjoy!!!
Make sure you have good armor/weapon ((have a spare just in case, the archers like to disarm you
Now make sure you have the following spells Hotkeyed:
Ghost Hands
Summon Wyvern
Summon Spider ((replaceable by Summon Ghoul))
Summon Scorpian
Summon Hell Warrior
Summon Devil
Summon Stone Golem ((or Steel Golem if you have it))
Come with good Mana potions and health potions!!!
Now summon all of your monsters, let them take the full blunt of the force while you swing your sword away. After you kill all the orcs and 5-6 orgers ((got ganged up on by 4 of them and lived
What you don't need/use you sell to the merchant. Now for the chests, SAVE right before each chest and then open it, reload it to change it's inventory ((WILL ONLY WORK IF YOU HAVN'T UNLOCKED IT ALREADY)) do this especially for the chests with locks of improved or higher.
I managed to rake in over 100,000 in gold and quickily spent it on some late skills and items to boost my gear.
I havn't even started on the fire element castle thing, I'm sure you'll get twice as much xD
Also to note:
The Forgotten Village. The villagers here respawn, like come back to life. Provided when the orgers kill them you at least left their weapons, coming back like a day later or so and they are back on their feet to kill again each dropping the same amount of gold.
To my original post here:
If you find the mob you're summons are killing is taking forever,
then in your spare hotkey slot alternate between the following Necromancy Spells:
Ghost hands, Poison Cloud, Disease. Ghost Hands again paralyzises your opponent to the spot and he can't move or attack or defend himself. Poison cloud will signifanctly poison him and his health will go down not up. Disease will make him weaker, and to me all the above seems to stack. So dish out this heavy pain with my added trick and you'll be surprised what you can kill at a low lvl.
I just realized I've been referring to Dead Hands as Ghost Hands, forgive me but i seem to remember the spell best that way
One last trick to quick cash/good loot
Go to any major or good city, there are some locked doors that are out in plain sight and next near impossible to open. Simply save your game right in front of the door staring at it face to face. Summon a monster, though try not to have it too big ((Scorpian is the worst ><)) now if you don't see your summon monster anywhere it means your monster is probably inside that house you want to break into. Simply back away a few steps but not too far! Once you see that door open and ur monster coming out BEELINE it for the inside, and you broke into a house successfully without picking the lock. Usually you have at least 1 Master Locked something that provides good loot for quick cash. Enjoy!!!