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Mace of Disruption bug

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:30 pm
by Funky Bob
Hey all,

There's something wrong with my Mace of Disruption. I'm using the illithium-upgraded model but for some reason it's not working right. It doesn't seem to have the undead-destroying property at all. Instead, it calls for a save vs polymorph for some reason - whenever I'm attacking with it the enemy sometimes saves against it and "Enemy - saves vs polymorph" shows up in the text window. Not only that but it seems to call this save on every enemy - I tested it on some trolls and people and they both "saved vs polymorph" several times. I can't tell if anything is even happening to them if they don't save. The mace's protection against level drain property seems to be working fine though.
I used the CLUA cheat console to give myself the basic mace of disruption, and after testing it on some undead it killed them just like it should, saying "undead destroyed."
I don't think this could be the result of any mods I have installed - I'm only using the G3 Fixpack, Tweakpack and Widescreen mods.

Anyway, is there some way I can use Shadow Keeper or something to give the mace the properties it should have?

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:18 am
by Silvanerian
Seems to be a corrupted file. The mace should offer a save vs. death not polymorph.

My suggestion is that you check if the mace is in the override folder (I do not have the .itm ID on me - you'll have to look that up), and if it is, then remove it. That will restore the weapon to its original version.

If that doesn't work, you could alternatively ask someone here to send their .itm file of a properly working Mace of Disruption, which you can put in your override folder.

Otherwise, the old 're-install' should properly fix it, though I'd try the first suggestion if I were you.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 11:13 pm
by Funky Bob
Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I checked the mace of disruption's file, BLUN25.ITM in Infinity Explorer and it looked pretty weird. I think that the G3 Fixpack must have somehow caused this because that's the only mod I have that would mess with item files. I tried reinstalling the fixpack but nothing happened.

So, I hate to beg, but by Silvanerian's suggestion, is there anyone out there who'd be able to send me their working BLUN25.ITM? If you can help me please send me a PM.

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 7:45 am
by galraen
Here you go.

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 8:41 am
by Funky Bob
Hey, thanks a lot. Both of you really helped me out.