Vampire/Undead Hunter?
Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:54 pm
While clerics, rangers, or paladins have obvious anti-undead abilities, I have a particular style that I'd like to play, but am wondering how to go about it. I'd like a character that weilds a single alchemical silver longsword, a heavy crossbow, holy water, leather armor, and of course, garlic. Ideally, I'd like a character that plays somewhat like a rogue, using stealth and with the ability to remove traps and pick locks, as I'd imagine a vampire hunter would develop these skills in order to hunt their prey. However, since rogues are very dependent on sneak attack they are horrible against undead, which are immune to sneak attack (well, until they gain access to a certain epic feat).
Ranger seems to have some good things to offer as far as the lightly armored stealth style and favored enemy, but I neither want to dual weild or use a regular bow, so their bonus feats would be wasted unfortunately.
Paladins have some nice anti-undead feats to use instead of turn undead, as well as smite evil, but they lack skills and depend on heavy armor.
As far as clerics go, I don't want a heavily magic dependent character.
So, my question is, what classes would work well together to make a vampire hunter? Could rogue/ranger/paladin work? Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Ranger seems to have some good things to offer as far as the lightly armored stealth style and favored enemy, but I neither want to dual weild or use a regular bow, so their bonus feats would be wasted unfortunately.
Paladins have some nice anti-undead feats to use instead of turn undead, as well as smite evil, but they lack skills and depend on heavy armor.
As far as clerics go, I don't want a heavily magic dependent character.
So, my question is, what classes would work well together to make a vampire hunter? Could rogue/ranger/paladin work? Any suggestions will be appreciated.