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The Relic Problem
Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 6:36 am
by silareth
hey..... i have been playing two worlds for a while now on xbox 360.... and i have basically finished all the side quests.... so i started doing the main quests and i got up to this quest "The Relic" where your supposed to give the relic with the 3 other elements to the dudes.... but the thing is i found all the elements and the relic before i started the main quest.... and when i go to try and give him the relic i cant it just says i havnt found it yet....even though i have all the parts and have found it.... so can you help me please....i dont know if it can be fixed.... or theres a way around it
Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 8:16 am
by Claudius
Did you talk to gandohar in komorin, goat cave once, goat cave twice, goat cave three times, talk to ho, get earth air wind fire elements, get relic frame, get relic. Talk to gandohar in quidnar?
See the Two Worlds walkthrough (I don't know how to make a link), it is on the gamebanshee site.
Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:02 pm
by swcarter
If you're going to quote the walkthrough, you should say that's what you're doing. It's also easier just to give a [url=""]link[/url].
Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:22 pm
by Claudius
Its actually easier to cut and paste when you don't know how to make a link. Yes it is from the walkthrough on gamebanshee. I edited it to reflect that!
Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:36 pm
by silareth
well like as i said i did all the side quest before the main quests and retreived all the elements and relic frame.... but when i got to quest where i needed to find them.... it cant be completed even though i have em all.....
Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:51 pm
by Claudius
Oh I thought you only had 3. Didn't you say that? Is gandohar there by quidinar? Did you try talking to ho to get instructions?
Edit: there is 4 elements in the sense of earth air wind and fire. There is five components, the fifth being a frame. You said you had 3 things and unless you misspoke then that is your problem.
Edit: Oh I see your post on the other forum. I guess you have the you have the frame? Maybe you need to do something else like forge them? Maybe your game is bugged. When I get to that part I'll tell you exactly what I do....but that might be another week. I just got the frame and the earth element so far, actually. One that that you might have already done is check your journal. Another is did you talk to gandohar already to get the dialogue where he says meet him in Quidnar? In other words is Gandohar either in Komirin or Goat cave still at this point? A third thought is to talk to ho. Maybe he'll have something to say?
PS at least you didn't sell the elements for cash hehe. I bet you just have to advance the quest as listed. Taint Relic etc. If you assembled the whole damn thing before talking to gandohar initially you probably still got to go through all the steps. Like going to goat cave and talking to ho. Maybe even you need to talk to your sister at the nodes.
Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 9:24 pm
by silareth
well i meant to say i have the 4 elements and the frame so i basically have all 5 pieces and they sorta just automatically fused together..... and gandohar is outside quadinar and when i talk to him i cant complete it because i dont have the option to say iv collected all the elements.... just has like havnt found them give me more time.... iv spoke to ho..... as well and im pissed off because iv played for like 30 hours and i have all the requirements to finish the quest but cant....
Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 9:30 pm
by Claudius
that sucks man. you are on x-box, right? I would try looking at some sites for a cheat or something. Not that you are cheating. I mean just some way to trigger the correct plot.
Now I see why you are mad. I will be in the same boat maybe soon, who knows? Are they all in your inventory when you talk to him? Might not work if they are in a chest.
Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 10:38 pm
by silareth
yeh i am on xbox.... and i want to get the 370GP achievement for finishing it so i dont want to cheat... and yes they r all in my inventory.... but they r sorta all combined together