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2 man party - Noob alert

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 11:00 am
by Kharas
Hi! Me and a buddy are planning on running through the original NWN campaign 2 player. I got through it long ago but I don't remember much of it other then that I struggled a bit (might have resorted to some cheese :angel :) , but he's completely fresh to it all.

So yeah, we were planning on doing a cleric/rogue team and I was wondering if that's a horrible mistake, seeing as we're gonna spend a lot of time on this (hopefully). I was thinking of me doing a mix of support with the healing and buffing as well as taking the big hits from those nasty monsters. Hopefully I could dish some damage on top of that but the thought is that my friend, as a rogue, will handle that bit.

So my worries is that we'll encounter something that physical attacks just won't bite on and leaving us screwed, or the party mix just being a bad idea to begin with.

Oh, and tips on how to build the characters (I'm sure the basics are enough for us to figure out the rest), such as stats, feats an that stuff would be very welcome!

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 3:19 pm
by anarchistica
Clerics are great in the original campaign, as there are a lot of undead around. Thieves are handy too (traps and stuff), though you only need a couple of levels. I wrote this post for IWD2, but since NWN uses the 3rd edition rules too, almost everything goes for it as well. Basically, a pure Cleric and a Rogue 3/Fighter or Barbarian X (3 levels of Rogue and the rest in Fighter or Barbarian) would work well.


IWD2 uses 3rd edition rules, so you get lots of extra races the classes are different and stats are more important. In 2nd edition only stats above 14 generally did something, in 3rd edition bonuses start from 12. The key to a succesful character is combining classes that complement/supplement each other or use the same main stat. Many classes are only useful for the first couple of levels, which will give them most/their best bonuses.

A very brief overview.


Good as a pure class (i.e. no other classes) or with 4 Fighter levels. You can also take 1-3 levels for Rage, Uncanny Dodge, Faster Movement.


Good as a pure class. You could also combine it with the Paladin (both have Charisma as important stat). If you mix it with another class, take 5 (Tymora's Melody) or 7 (Blink) levels of the Bard.


Good as pure class. You can also combine it nicely with 4 Fighter levels or 1-3 Paladin levels. Also, both the Cleric and Monk like high Wisdom, so 1-3 Monk levels help too.


Good as a pure class. You can also combine it with the Barbarian for Rage (which works when you are shapeshifted).


Weak as pure class. You get all benefits from this class (i.e. Weapon Specialization > +2 damage with a weapon class) with just 4 Levels. More levels give you bonus feats but you don't really need those.


Good as pure class. You can also take 1-3 levels for extra movement speed, evasion, deflect arrows, still mind and, most importantly, adding your Wisdom bonus to your AC.


Weak as pure class. The first 3 levels give everything you want. Immunity to disease, Charisma bonus added to saving throws, Lay Hands, Smite Evil (lvl 2), cure disease (lvl 3), Immune to Fear (lvl 2, gives allies morale bonus within 3 metres). Combines well with Sorceror (has Charisma as main stat), Bard (idem) and Cleric (Wisdom/Charisma).


Weak, just weak. The Ranger gets a favoured enemy (+1 damage vs that race, +1 to damage & another race picked every 5 levels) and ambidexterity/two weapon fighting if wearing light armour. That's it. A miniscule damage bonus and the fun of wearing crappy armour to get 2 feats. If you get 4 Fighter levels, you get weapon specialization (+2 damage) and 2 bonus feats (that work regardless of the armour you are wearing). Don't bother.


Weak as pure class. Has some very nice abilities. Three levels gives you Sneak Attack (2D6), Evasion, Uncanny Dodge and enough points in Disable Device to disable many traps. You can combine it well with a Barbarian (evasion/uncanny dodge stack, high dex is nice for medium armour), Monks (high dexterity, evasion/uncanny dodge), Wizards (Intelligence, low AC, stealth), etc.


Good as pure class. Works with 1-3 Paladin levels, maybe some Bard levels or 1-3 Rogue levels.


Good as pure class. Can be combined with the Rogue (stealth/evading) or Barbarian (creating a fighter/mage with Blur, Mirror Image, Stoneskin).

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 4:04 pm
by Kharas
Thanks mate! Appreciate the help!