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A question about dual wielding and weapons

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 5:38 am
by ShadowOnTheSun
I want to make a dex dual wielder tiefling rogue but i dont know what weapons to use :( i was thinking of using short swords (personaly i dont really like the way they look in nwn 2 hehe) but i always see people talking about kukris and daggers so i am confused. plus i'd like to include invisible blade to my build but i heard that short swords could still do bleeding damage.

so what is actually better short swords (small weapons) or kukris (tiny weapons) for dual wielding?

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:19 am
by Fiberfar
Well, short swords do 1d6 damage, and crits at 19-20/x2, while kukris do 1d4 and crits at 18-20/x2.

I think both look ugly, but I'd probably go with kukris. :p

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:29 am
by Claudius
You'll need a class with martial weapons proficiency to use kukris I believe. Rogue doesn't have it.

Kukri is usually better, since I think the weapon enhancement bonus multiplies on a crit and thats going to be worth more damage than the extra 1 pt avg damage on a shortsword.

Daggers sometimes people who want to be Invisible blades (but don't have martial weapons -> kukri) take.

Shortsword is fine since a high rogue is not about criticals, he is about sneak attack damage! If you play epic make sure to get crippling strike/epic precision to protect your sneak dice. HIPS and Epic Dodge is also nice.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:05 am
by forty-
which one...

I played MoTB (female drow) and started :
Rogue (7) (open locks, hide, move silently and so on..)
Fighter (2) (quick improve of parry, gain extra HP)
Assassin (4)
Silent blade (5) (cause bleeding wounds, 5 is max lvl for SB)
greater two weapon fighting, weapon spec - kukri
char looks nice, BUT it quite sucked :/
in OC it would be better since there are a lot of great kukris (but also daggers) and you dont have to pick neeshka since you will be rogue, but.... still not enough good :/

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:15 pm
by conan7000
forty- wrote:I played MoTB (female drow) and started :
Rogue (7) (open locks, hide, move silently and so on..)
Fighter (2) (quick improve of parry, gain extra HP)
Assassin (4)
Silent blade (5) (cause bleeding wounds, 5 is max lvl for SB)
greater two weapon fighting, weapon spec - kukri
char looks nice, BUT it quite sucked :/
in OC it would be better since there are a lot of great kukris (but also daggers) and you dont have to pick neeshka since you will be rogue, but.... still not enough good :/
considered that a drow has wizard as a favourite class wouldn't that build of yours bring Xp penalty(the highest class should have been wizard ,not rogue that would have been fitted for tiefling instead)?