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Can't enter Bodhi's lair!!?

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:25 pm
by superd00d
I need help here. I picked Bodhi's side for the chapter 3 quest. I paid her the 15.000 gold so she would help me get to Spellhold. I killed Mook and the other Shadow Thieves and took the cargo. I want to give it to Bodhi but the door (which u can't lock pick or force), which brings you to her lair, wont open. I've nearly completed all other quests, and would like to move on to chapter 4.

Anyone knows if there is some sort of key or other trigger to open this door?

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:17 pm
by densorteengel
If you mean the two blue doors, then you are trying to enter from the wrong direction. You need to enter her crypt directly from the graveyard, the upper left crypt in this area. The two blue doors are only used if you side with the thieves.
If not I have no idea. Hope it helps :)

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 5:45 am
by superd00d
It worked! I feel so stupid now haha:laugh:. Thanks very much!