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Bonus XP from Golden Ghoul chat +Fat Larry Query
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:56 am
by fe3333au
Hi again.
Not sure if this is in vanilla game or a devious addition from the fiendish Wesp5 patch.
Unfortunately I cannot give too much detail regarding the stats my Ms. Malk had at the time ... however I have found no reference to this feat in any walkthrough ... [I have spoilered out the text ... highlight to read]
I am chatting with the golden ghoul at Insanity, not really paying too much attention as there is a gorgeous babe nearby whom I must get to know :mischief:
Hmmmmm ... Anyway he is telling me how freaked out he is and is asking if I can help with a 'Asian Vampire dude' ... something doesn't ring true with his words ... so I confront him and he spills the beans ... yes his boos the 'scary dude' has sent him to dupe me into this mission.
This confession grants me +2XP
Later when I finally meet with Bertrum Tung, instead of a gloating revelation on the ugly one's part as he informs me that i have been his pawn all along, he grugingly compliments me and imparts a life lesson that ... well ... everyone in kindred society is ultimately loyal only to themselves and have no problem using others for their own selfish betterment.
Has anyone had this experience?
Another small one, concerning secret doors
[Spoilered ... highlight to read]
There are two secret doors in Grout's Mansion, they join and form an observation desk above the holding cells below.
And now to my question ...
Fat Larry, after I Cleopatra Jones for him I am expecting a bit of a lesson in bartering. This has never occured ... has anyone been able to persuade the Fatman to impart knowledge?
Voices ... are they in my head?
Also hearing wierd voices discussion baritos, chocolate and giraffs when I chat with the youngman behind the counter at the Hollywood foodshop ... very disconcerting as it continues even after I have switched off the blasted radio :laugh:
... hmmmm me thinks this is a Malk thang :mischief: ... or does it happen to others?
btw my Humanity is down by 4 (or maybe 5) if this has any relivance.
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 2:18 am
by Wesp5
fe3333au wrote:
Unfortunately I cannot give too much detail regarding the stats my Ms. Malk had at the time ... however I have found no reference to this feat in any walkthrough ...
This experience with Knox and Tung was already in the original game.
Fat Larry, after I Cleopatra Jones for him I am expecting a bit of a lesson in bartering. This has never occured ... has anyone been able to persuade the Fatman to impart knowledge?
He doesn't give you any info but his prices for you will become lower!
Also hearing wierd voices discussion baritos, chocolate and giraffs when I chat with the youngman behind the counter at the Hollywood foodshop ...
This is indeed a special Malkavian feature and I added some more voices in the patch
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 6:28 am
by fe3333au
Thanks Wesp5
Wesp5 wrote:He doesn't give you any info but his prices for you will become lower!
Does that mean that the Walkthough info is incorrect and that the Fatman will not tutor a Finance skill?
This is indeed a special Malkavian feature and I added some more voices in the patch
Niiiice I can hardy wait for 5.6 ... although I will probably play as a different character next time ... I'm thinking the mage clan.
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:01 am
by Wesp5
fe3333au wrote:
Does that mean that the Walkthough info is incorrect and that the Fatman will not tutor a Finance skill?
No, you are right. He raises your Finance skill as well besides the discount.
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:22 am
by Marik333
Are you sure that's a Malk feature? I thought it was the stoner who was checking out the chips and rest of the store behind you... could just be me, but I'm pretty sure my Gangrel and Tremere also heard him ask how burritoes were microwaved during the middle-ages...
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:44 am
by Wesp5
Marik333 wrote:Are you sure that's a Malk feature? I thought it was the stoner who was checking out the chips and rest of the store behind you...
Yes, this is indeed a Malk feature which is triggered in certain dialogues to show off their insight. Other examples would be talking to the serial killer or Ming. The stoner is cool in a completely different kind of way
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:01 pm
by Marik333
Any idea where I could find the voice files and check them out? Sorry, it's great fun to go and play all the radio files I was too busy playing the game and mistreating my ghoul to pay attention to, and I wouldn't mind doing the same with the voices in my... "character's" head.
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:41 pm
by Lєviathan
Marik333 wrote:Any idea where I could find the voice files and check them out? Sorry, it's great fun to go and play all the radio files I was too busy playing the game and mistreating my ghoul to pay attention to, and I wouldn't mind doing the same with the voices in my... "character's" head.
I had a quick search and I found
this thread
Wesp5 wrote:These files are packed in the pack0x.vpk files and can be extracted with the VPKTool which is included in the unofficial patches.
I used the VPKTool to unpack all of the game sound files and I now have a the folder "vampire the masquerade - bloodlines\Vampire\sound\whispers" with 10 subfolders in it. If I remember right they weren't all from the same VPK file - I just extracted all the VPK files eventually when I wanted to find a specific sound file, since it was easier than searching for the file - there's probably some kind of good reason why you shouldn't do that though... There usually is
Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 12:57 pm
by vegito19
Bonus XP from Golden Ghoul chat
I always wondered how u make knox talk about his plot with tung.
what stat u need and what u need to say to him (knox) for having this extra exp.
i tought u need to be malkavian for this...
Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 5:55 pm
by Marik333
Okay, there are Malk voices, but the voices in the gas station are not Malk insanity. All of my characters hear the redneck talking about how cool it'd be if everybody was just part of a video game, and the burrito comment, etc. You can turn on subtitles to see him labeled as the speaker for those specific lines.
Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:13 am
by Scarlet Torkels
Hi all !
I've read the fe3333au's post and, as vegito19, I wondered how you make Knox talk about his plot with tung. I just know that you must be a Malkavian.
What stats you need and what you need to say to him (Knox) for having these 2 XP. Must You have done something before ?
A french player.
Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:26 pm
by Perk1973
You need Perception at 3 and either Intimidate or Persuasion at 3 (Dominate or Dementation might work if you don't have this, but I'm not sure) when you first talk to him inside the club.
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:01 am
by Scarlet Torkels
It works !
Merci beaucoup / thank you very much Perk1973.
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 10:17 am
by ][_aVey
Here's something interesting about those 2 XP points Knox gives you for revealing his plan, depending on your clan you can get different options for him to spill it out, either a
blue Persuasion one, a
green Intimidate one or a
red Dementation one (I can't remember if you can also get a
pink Seduction one too).
Now, here's the thing, at the
character creation screen I usually choose to raise my
Perception and
Intimidation attributes to get an
Intimidate 3 and
Persuasion 4 feat levels, that helps me get a lot of money and a watch from the pedestrian (I still need to raise
Intimidate to
4 though) and get most
Persuasion options when talking to npc's when available, check image No. 1, Knox always gives me his 2 XP points this way.
But if I choose to raise my
Intelligence and
Brawl attributes instead, even though my
Intimidate is
3 and
Persuasion is
4 in
feats (same as above), check image No. 2, Knox won't give me his 2 XP points (after raising
Intimidate to
4, of course), no matter what I do, even if I finish all other quests and raise my
Persuasion and
Intimidate to
9, the options just won't appear.
It's no such big deal, but I just thought I'd let you know, now go have some cereal.
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 12:30 pm
by Perk1973
Glad to help, Scarlet. Btw, you don't need to be Malk. Any clan can get it as long as they have the requirements.
][_aVey, the reason that second one doesn't work is because you need the Perception Attribute at 3 to realize there's something off with his story. Feats don't come into it until you're trying to get him to tell you the truth.
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 6:21 pm
by ][_aVey
Perk1973 wrote:][_aVey, the reason that second one doesn't work is because you need the Perception Attribute at 3 to realize there's something off with his story. Feats don't come into it until you're trying to get him to tell you the truth.
Oh, I see, so
Attributes and
Feats work kind of separate then, I always thought that
Feats were something like the total sum of how you have spent your
Attribute points and they were the only variables that the game took into account when giving you options on how to proceed further in the game (and I've played this game like a zillion times, lol).
Thanks for the clearing that one, now I'll be able to sleep well again, ha, ha. :laugh:
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 8:02 pm
by Perk1973
Yeah, most of the time, that's exactly how it works. There's only one or two instances that I know of that it looks for a specific attribute or ability level. Glad I could help.
Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 3:42 am
by Scarlet Torkels
Always about the quest given by Knox : is it possible to obtain this quest
outside the Asylum ? I ask it because I want to use a vampiric discipline (Augure) to increase Perception whereas it's forbidden in the club. I think that the Golden Ghoul gives the quest
after you say to Mercurio that you have Astrolit ; the problem is the fact that knox enters the club just after having talk to Mercurio. Is there any way to avoid it ? Does Knox returns oustside the club ?
I'm sorry if I'm not very clear ; I dont' speak english very well, but I understand it quite good.
French forums about Vampire-Bloodlines are less interesting than shakespearian's ones.
Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:46 am
by Perk1973
Don't worry, your English is very good.
No, Knox only gives the quest inside the club. But you can start the quest any time, even after you've already talked to Bertram. Just don't talk to Knox inside the club until you have the points you need and you should be fine.
Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:35 am
by Scarlet Torkels
Thank you Perk1973 for the compliment and thanx again for the information.
You seem very familiar with this great game.