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Jango/Boba Fett Build?

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:50 am
by Philhelm
I want to make a character that relies on ranged combat, yet wears Mandalorean Battle Armor. This means that I wish to create a character that shoots but will not receive a Dex bonus (heresy, I know). So, how should I go about it?

1.Jango Fett style (two pistols), or Boba Fett style (rifle)? With a DEX of 10, would it be best to forsake the two pistol style since it would ad a negative modifier which would not be soaked up by a DEX bonus?

2.Which class, guardian or sentinel? While the guardian may seem the most likely choice at first glance, the sentinel gets a lot more skill points.

3.Which skills, and how many ranks do the different skills need(i.e. do skills really need to be maxed in order to be effective?).

I figure I could start with an INT of 16, followed by a concentration in CON, seeing as how STR and DEX would be worthless. Also, force powers would be an afterthought, so WIS and CHA aren't as important either. So, I guess a lesser attack bonus in exchange for more hit points. Would this be viable?

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:11 am
by Tricky
I've been playing the old Baldur's Gate for too long to remember this D&D ruleset correctly. But I do have one suggestion. If possible you may want to try and take a hint from Canderous or that female bounty hunter. I could be mistaken, but don't the Kotor games have auto-level functions? You could just start a new game, have them add the party and cheat yourself into the higher levels. And see how they distribute attribute, skillpoints and abilities themselves.

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:47 am
by Darth Malignus
You do know that a character with a, say, +4 modifier from Dexterity will still get that +4 to his/her attack bonus, even though he/she is wearing armor that may only have a +1 or so to max dex bonus, right? As an example, Mandalore gets his bonus to ranged attacks from his Dexterity, even though his armor has no max dex bonus.

1. I´d go for pistols. My favorite. Not that blaster rifles can´t be allright, but I prefer two blasters with some sort of stunning or slowing properties.

2. Class is up to you. You want skills, go for a Sentinel. Guardians will have a lot of feats and more hit points, but if you want a skilled Guardian, you´ll be spending a lot of feats on Cross-class skill feats anyway, and possibly Intelligence points as well. Besides, the Mastery Bonus for a Light Side Guardian is Strength, where the Sentinel has Constitution. Furthermore, the Sentinel has some immunities against certain debilitating effects, like paralysis.

3. That depends if you´re going for lvl 50. There are some rare places where for instance Security has to be high to open a few footlockers or so, if you´re close to or at lvl 50. But if you´re not aiming to reach lvl 50, it´s not that important. As an example, you´ll be able to go through the entire game with an Awareness score of 15 or so. A Sentinel with an intelligence of 14 will have 250 skillpoints by level 50. Or 150 at level 30. That´s around 18 in every skill on average at lvl 30. At level 50 that´s 31 in every skill on average. You´ll be fine with the 14 in Intelligence.

4. Don´t. As a Sentinel you´ll have plenty of skillpoints with just an Intelligence score of 14. You could stuff as many attribute points in Constitution and Dexterity as possible, if the other stats are unimportant, like so:


and then put all future attribute points in Dexterity, except two in Constitution to raise it to 18.
But trading Constitution for Dexterity is not recommendable as a gunslinger. Far from it. You´ll have enough Constitution from the Sentinel Class and from the 16 at character creation +twö more points later on. I put some points in Charisma and Wisdom to get rid of the negative modifiers. And no more.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:39 pm
by Mandalore72
Or you could do this:

1) Get dex as high as possible as armor doesn't effect your attack modifier, but your armor bonus.

2) use two uprgraded micro-blasters or mandalorian disintigraters (think that's what they're called)

3) Start as a guardian and get DS mastery and then go Marauder so you get +2-16 bonu damage on everything.

4) Weapon secialization

5) Since you plan on wearing armor I suggest taking powerblast as it is more effective then rapid shot without master speed.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 1:39 pm
by GawainBS
Mandalore72 wrote:
5) Since you plan on wearing armor I suggest taking powerblast as it is more effective then rapid shot without master speed.
It's the other way around, no? The more attacks you get, the better power blast becomes; the fewer the number of attack is, the more useful rapid shot becomes?

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 8:40 am
by Mandalore72
No, rapid shot only adds one extra attack with a damage range, which is useually less effective then a straight amount of damage that does a triple critical plus knockback when it criticals.