Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:35 am
by Claudius
shadowdancer provides defensive roll and improved evasion...not sure if that is needed for self concealment. Epic Dodge it would be.
Test this in a char builder before you invest hours into it! I'm not sure you can take great dex at rogue feats 10, 13, 16 etc or self concealment at 19. I know you can take epic feats for 24 and 28 because those are epic rogue levels but I have no idea if you hit rogue 10 and you are level 21 what you will have available.
PS I think Self Concealment 3 with Epic Dodge would be better. My first build is good too with Self Conceal 2 and Epic Dodge and that one is tested and works. Try it with a deep gnome and you will be amazed how hard it is to hit.
Here's another build that gets Pseudo Self concealment: Enjoy
Pseudo Self-Concealment = Epic Dodge + extended Displacement.
- 10 Attacks per round with 10d6 Sneak Attack
- Party Rogue Skillset with some Bard skills too
- Spells
- Defensive Buffs and Epic Dodge
- Epic Precision to Protect Sneak Attack and Feint to Deliver
- Warlock Invocations help Saves and Feint
- jack of all trades ---> Master of None
- low fortitude save
- low hp
- sucks if sneak attack a no go
Base Attributes
STR 10
DEX 18
CON 14
INT 14
CHA 14
Final Level Distribution
Bard 8
Rogue 16
Arcane Trickster 4
Warlock 2
Attribute Bonuses
4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28 increase DEX
Leveling Guide and Feat Distribution
Level 1: Rogue 1: TWF, Combat Expertise, Ladies Man, {Trapfinding, Sneak Attack}
Level 2: Bard 1: {Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Courage}
Level 3: Bard 2: Weapon Finesse, {Inspire Competence}
Level 4: Rogue 2: {Evasion}
Level 5: Rogue 3: {Trap Sense +1}
Level 6: Rogue 4: Practiced Spellcaster (Bard), {Uncanny Dodge}
Level 7: Bard 3: {Haven Song}
Level 8: Bard 4
Level 9: Rogue 5: ITWF
Level 10: Rogue 6: {Trap Sense +2}
Level 11: Rogue 7
Level 12: Rogue 8: Feint, {Improved Uncanny Dodge}
Level 13: Bard 5: {Inspire Defense}
Level 14: Rogue 9: {Trap Sense +3}
Level 15: Rogue 10: Extend Spell, {Crippling Strike: Bonus Rogue}
Level 16: Rogue 11
Level 17: Bard 6: {Cloud Mind}
Level 18: Rogue 12: GTWF, {Trap Sense +4}
Level 19: Rogue 13: {Improved Evasion: Bonus Rogue}
Level 20: Bard 7: {Inspire Regeneration}
Level 21: Rogue 14: Epic Precision
Level 22: Bard 8: {Inspire Toughness}
Level 23: Rogue 15: Great Dexterity 1, {Trap Sense +5}
Level 24: Arcane Trickster 1: {Pilfer Magic, Arcane Trickster Spellcasting (Bard)}
Level 25: Arcane Trickster 2: PTWF
Level 26: Arcane Trickster 3: {Impromptu Sneak Attack 1}
Level 27: Rogue 16: Epic Dodge, {Defensive Roll: Bonus Rogue}
Level 28*: Warlock 1: {Beguiling Influence}
Level 29*: Warlock 2: Epic Prowess, {Dark Ones Own Luck, Eldritch Lore}
Level 30*: Arcane Trickster 4
TWF = Two Weapon Fighting, ITWF = Improved TWF, GTWF = Greater TWF, PTWF = Perfect TWF
* at level 28, 29, and 30 there is a 20% xp penalty
Final Attributes
STR 10
DEX 26
CON 14
INT 14
CHA 14
1st: Amplify, Grease, Identify, Joyful Noise; 2nd: Cat's Grace, Heroism, Invisibility, Mirror Image; 3rd: Displacement, Haste, Mass Curse of Impending Blades, See Invisible; 4th: Greater Invisibility, War Cry, Greater Resistance
Bard 12: 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 2 (0 through 4th level) - Base not including charisma bonus
Sneak Attack: 10d6
BAB 21
AB mundane (shortsword/dagger) 31/26/21/16/11 both hands damage d6 and d4
* +7 keen elemental weapon
* Feint: 10d6 sneak attack damage
* Heroism, Haste, Mass Curse of Impending Blades, Warcry
* Inspire Courage +2 AB/damage
* Taunt
* +8 str item for +4 damage a hit
* +8 dex item for +4 to AB
1 naked - no buffs = 22
2 naked, cats grace, inspire defense, mirror image, displacement, haste = 34
3 robe +7, ring deflection +7, dodge boots +7, amulet natural armor +7, bracers dex +8 = 54
4 items and buffs (see 2 and 3) = 57
* Combat Expertise Available too for +3 AC and -3 AB
* Also Epic Dodge
Final Saves
Fortitude 10
Reflex 28 (also Improved Evasion)
Will 17
+3 saves to spells
+3 saves with Greater Resistance
+2 saves Dark One's Luck (+6 with charisma +8 item)
Hitpoints: 232
Skillpoints: 286
Bluff (Bl) 33 (35) +6 with Beguiling influence
Concentration (Co) 29 (31)
Disable Device (Dd) 30 (32)
Listen (Li) 15 (17) + 20 with Amplify
Lore (Lo) 7 (19)
Open Lock (Ol) 28 (36)
Perform (Pe) 9 (11)
Search (Se) 30 (32)
Spellcraft (Sp) 15 (19)
Taunt (Ta) 30 (32)
Tumble (Tu) 30 (38)
Use Magic Device (UMD) 30 (32)
All skills gain +2 with Inspiration of Competence
Skillpoint Distribution
Level 1: Bl 4, Dd 4, Li 4, Lo 4, Ol 4, Se 4, Ta 4, Tu 4, UMD 4, Save 4
Level 2: Bl 1, Co 1, Lo 1, Pe 3, Sp 5, Ta 1
Level 3: Bl 1, Co 5, Tu 1, UMD 1
Level 4: Bl 1, Dd 3, Ol 1, Se 3, Tu 2
Level 5: Bl 1, Dd 1, Lo 2, Ol 1, Se 1, Ta 3, Tu 1
Level 6: Bl 1, Dd 1, Ol 1, Se 1, Ta 1, Tu 1, UMD 4
Level 7: Bl 1, Co 4, Ta 1, Tu 1, UMD 1
Level 8: Bl 1, Co 1, Pe 3, Ta 1, Tu 1, UMD 1
Level 9: Bl 1, Dd 3, Ol 3, Se 3
Level 10: Bl 1, Dd 1, Ol 1, Se 1, Ta 2, Tu 2, UMD 2
Level 11: Bl 1, Dd 1, Li 3, Ol 1, Se 1, Ta 1, Tu 1, UMD 1
Level 12: Bl 1, Dd 1, Li 3, Ol 1, Se 1, Ta 1, Tu 1, UMD 1
Level 13: Bl 1, Co 5, Ta 1, UMD 1
Level 14: Bl 1, Dd 2, Ol 2, Se 2, Ta 1, Tu 1, UMD 1
Level 15: Bl 1, Dd 1, Li 2, Ol 1, Se 1, Ta 1, Tu 2, UMD 1
Level 16: Bl 1, Dd 1, Li 3, Ol 1, Se 1, Ta 1, Tu 1, UMD 1
Level 17: Bl 1, Co 4, Pe 3
Level 18: Bl 1, Dd 2, Ol 2, Se 2, Ta 1, Tu 1, UMD 1
Level 19: Bl 1, Dd 1, Ol 1, Se 1, Ta 2, UMD 2, Save 2
Level 20: Bl 1, Co 3, Sp 5, Ta 1
Level 21: Bl 1, Dd 2, Ol 2, Se 2, Ta 1, UMD 2
Level 22: Bl 1, Co 2, Sp 5
Level 23: Bl 1, Dd 2, Ol 2, Se 2, Ta 1, UMD 2
Level 24: Bl 1, Co 2, Dd 1, Ol 1, Se 1
Level 25: Bl 1, Co 1, Dd 1, Ol 1, Se 1, Ta 1
Level 26: Bl 1, Co 1, Dd 1, Ol 1, Se 1, Ta 1
Level 27: Tu 10
Level 28: Bl 1, Ta 3
Level 29: UMD 4
Level 30: Bl 3, Dd 1, Ol 1, Se 1