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Tips on managing Equipment?

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 5:48 am
by BobMaster
Hey all,

I was wondering how other people manage their equipment, trying to make sure you always have the best armour/gloves/boots/legs/helmet.

So far I've been trying to keep anything I will use and when I'm full I discard the worst equips(upgraded or not) and put on the ones with higher stats.
Once I have chainmail, I stop picking up leather, once I have half-plate I stop picking up chainmail.

Now I realized that even when you are wearing full half-plate or so, you will still find leather/chainmail, so when do you know when it's time to switch to another type of armor ?

So how do you all manage this ?

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 10:12 am
by Claudius
Decide if you are going to use a bow/swim or if you want to wear full plate which doesn't allow that.

If going half plate pick out a set of armor you want to collect. I choose 345 series. Now just wear the best helm gloves etc you have until you get a full suit of 345. Then the suit bonus will make 345 mighty tasty.

You will have enough gold to go shopping in Tharbarkin and maybe Cathalon to buy the pieces.

I guess same strategy with full plate would work.

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 4:04 pm
by BobMaster

I usually go for the black Half Plate with those golden stripes, as of v 1.5 each part has a new name though :p

Since I'm a dual wielder I have to stop at Half Plate.

The problem I had so far is the commonness for the items, but following your advice, it seems the bonus for wearing a complete set, is good enough compared to upgrading other equips, or maybe I just chose the rarest set of all half-plates :D

Any way to know when(certain level) a specific armor will be available in shops ?

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 5:08 pm
by Claudius
Go shopping every once in awhile. To check.

I spend each morning checking the starting towns spell merchant. Then on to thabarkin checking the merchants and spell merchants. I only buy something if I intend to hang onto it for awhile (endgame armor or weapons). If I was having trouble surviving I might buy something else handy for temporary but I only play on medium difficulty. Then I go to Cathalon if I still have money and so on...