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Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:26 pm
by Odd Gamer
Well here is the deal, I am thinking of running through NWN 2 four times. I have already started my first run as a NG wizard 5/eldric knight 10/Acrane Scho 10/Harper Agent 5 (only a lvl 5 wiz, 3 arcane scho, and 5 eldric at this time) Now I figure I will keep with this build for the time being but the other three characters I was wanting to work on was of the other three primary Alignments charactes. The so far are (and yes I like my spell casters).
(still thinking about race)
Rogue9/Wizard11/ Arcane Trickster 10/ Shadow Dancer1
Warlock 30
Sorcerer 10/Eldric Knight 10/Blackguard 3/RDD7
So any suggestions, worlds yada you like to throw in go for it.
Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 2:16 pm
by Scottg
Odd Gamer wrote:Well here is the deal, I am thinking of running through NWN 2 four times. I have already started my first run as a NG wizard 5/eldric knight 10/Acrane Scho 10/Harper Agent 5 (only a lvl 5 wiz, 3 arcane scho, and 5 eldric at this time) Now I figure I will keep with this build for the time being but the other three characters I was wanting to work on was of the other three primary Alignments charactes. The so far are (and yes I like my spell casters).
(still thinking about race)
Rogue9/Wizard11/ Arcane Trickster 10/ Shadow Dancer1
Warlock 30
Sorcerer 10/Eldric Knight 10/Blackguard 3/RDD7
So any suggestions, worlds yada you like to throw in go for it.
For your LN character.. Rogue *10* for crippling strike which will allow you epic precision at epic levels (wizard should take the hit level-wise). Your sneak attack will become increasingly important in MOTB (so you'll want epic precision).
For your CN consider an evil character instead for Warlock 28 and Blackguard 2 - which gives additional save bonuses that stack with the Dark Ones Own Luck. BTW, you might want to do a "warlock" search here in this forum (I've got a post that explains its best features, which are sometimes overlooked).
For your NE - *kill* the Blackguard levels and stick with the RDD to 10, otherwise your wasting strength points (hit and damage modifiers). Also consider a pure Bard instead of the Sorcerer/Eldritch Knight route - better BAB at most levels WITH + hit & Damage bonuses available (..and *lots* of skill points). Additionally the spell listing (number of spells to cast) and higher levels spells can be a bit mediocre in actual game-play.