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hearth of winter problem

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 7:50 am
by jack828
I'm playing through this game for the first time and i'm currently in the first level of the gloomfrost caverns. I spoke to the dwarf there and i didn't get the option to ask for the glacier rose. I think this was supposed to happen because i talked to the guy in the inn who tells you about them. I did notice though that there isn't an entry in my journal that describes that he told me about the rose. I've already tried going back to the inn to talk to him again but he won't mention the rose again. any ideas on how i can fix this?

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 9:49 am
by kmonster
Just ignore it. Playing a rpg is more fun than walkthrough-hugging. You only get experience which isn't needed and will make the expansion which is already considered easy even easier. If you think you can't live without the XP fight respawning monsters or use the cheat console or other cheat programs to put the rose into your party's inventory.

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 1:18 am
by jack828
look, first time I play a game i want to get as many quests as possible. this does tend to make games easier but i also feel it makes games more fun to play. i must admit that right now i don't really need the xp because my party can already cut down anything i've come across so far. (the last spot of trouble i had was Yxonomei) right now i'm fighting my way through the last levels of the expansion. the main reason why i asked for help is that i'm worried that my journal won't update on some important quest i won't be able to finish the game. hopefully this won't happen since i still have a lot of other rpg's to play afther i finish this one and i wouldn't want to have to start over on icewind dale.

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 11:15 am
by Konalan
Did you get the bard to sing you a song? If you do that then you should get the option to make the ice rose.

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 1:05 pm
by jack828
No i didn't get him to sing me a song. thanks for the advice