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Level vs XP
Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:26 pm
by DoE
Does anyone here know what your average party level should be at the beginning of each chapter so that you do not lose XP (due to being too high a level).
The reason I'm asking is that I'm going with a band of 4 merry souls and will be using ECL races to help keep the level down a bit.
Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 1:29 pm
by Claudius
The lower the average party level (rounded up or down I forget) the more xp. I don't know the cutoffs for zero xp.
Usually it doesn't make too much difference how much you level so long as when you get to the ice world (about level 6 or 7) you shouldn't level up (once you have the abilities necessary to tank the golem and kill it = strong enough fighter with blunt + spells like mirror image/stoneskin to tank) and should rake in tons of xp from golems. Then you should level a tank up to 3 attacks and a caster to carry you through for awhile. Then level everyone before the guardian. Then you don't need to level again until the final battle (well maybe that caster again to make it a little easier).
Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 5:52 pm
by kmonster
As long as your average party level is lower than 4, you always get the maximum fighting XP. For each higher level you get less XP for killing monsters, the chapter doesn't matter.
So if you want to get perfect fighting XP, level your cleric to level 12 and keep the rest of your party as useless level 1 characters until you have enough XP for level 30.
Since this is not really what you expect from a party game, I recommend just accepting to get 0 XP sometimes or installing an "always get some XP for kill" mod instead.