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Item upgrade mod SPOILER

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 4:52 am
by Dradeel
I entered ToB with most of the items from the item upgrade mod already upgraded by cromwell. I still needed Malla's stone to upgrade human flesh armor. Caspy told me that I need Human flesh, malla's soulstone, 25000 gp and A PORTECTION FROM MAGIC SCROLL. Where is this scroll. I went to every merchant in the ToB and I did not find it. It's possible that I used some on the demi lich in watcher's keep. Also I did'n find any fire agate gems needed to upgrade elven chain. This really frustrates me, becouse I killed every enemy and completed every quest and don't have neither the gams nor the scroll. My character is a kensai 25, thief 26 and I belive this armor would be the best for this build.

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 4:54 am
by Dradeel
I apologize for my mistake. This therad belongs to ToB section. Can enybody tell me how to move it?

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 10:18 pm
by Thrifalas
There are only two in the game, and you can buy them from Adventurer's Mart. You can't get them in ToB without a keeper. :/

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 6:37 am
by Dradeel
I know that I got at least one magic protection scroll from random kills and the items they drop. Since I killed all enemys in ToB I want to know if there are any farming areas or areas where enemys spawn and can drop scrolls. Level 3 of watcher's keep won't do becouse demons don't drop anything. Is there anything else?

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 1:56 am
by Thrifalas
That would be quite interesting to know since I've been having a keen eye for those scrolls for my last 10 playthroughs or so, and never found one except the ones in Adventurere's Mart.

If you ever manage to get one of those as a drop, I would love to know as well.

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 2:50 am
by Dradeel
It took me some time but I completed the game with the same character in the exact same way. You were of course correct. During the first run with this character I stumbled upon a Cursed scroll of per. that had the same picture in the inventory as the prot. from magic. I only had a memory of it and thought I got it from a random drop. I found one during my second run from a Skeleton warrior (cursed one) and it must have been it. Of course this time I came to ToB with a scroll of prot. from magic (from AM) and enough of fire agate gems to last me a lifetime. To my great surprise I can not make an incardine chain mail (red dragon scales, 3fire agate gems, 3 andar gems, syllvian chain +2). Could it be that the name of the item is the same for red dragon scales and the armor. The armor is called red dragon scales. If so, should I carry those scales trough entire SoA without making an armor out of it.

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 8:47 am
by Saros
Apparently, the ingredient required is exactly Red Dragon Scales. The same scales you loot from Firkraag's body. Not the armor. So yes, you must carry those to ToB without making an armor out of them.

BtW - you may check if Saladrex in WK has such scales. But I doubt it. Still, it's possible for the Item Upgrade Mod to add an extra set of Scales on him.

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:28 am
by Dradeel
The red dragon dontknowthename (X) does not have scales. I've played 2 times trough the game with the item upgrade mod. Firkraag's are the only one in the game. X drops a rouge stone, staff of the ram and some gold.