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Those who are playing nwn 2 motb

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 11:23 am
by ThePhenomenal
Hy there I played nwn 2 MOTB to the end ,and now i want to start a game with Weapon Matser.After I get what it needed to have a weapon master I can get with him until level 10 but after then I can't go with him to level 11 I must go with fighter again .What is the problem or what should be done?
Thank you

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 3:13 am
by Sonevar
For whatever reason, in NWN2 Prestige classes do not go beyond level 10 like they did in NWN1, I have a Character with 2 different prestege classes at 10 each, but it seems only "Basic" classes can go to 11+

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:31 am
by Claudius
Theres no reason to take more than 7 WM since you can only go to 10 and 8-10 give no bonus.