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Vista Can't Save

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 9:19 pm
by Wilphe ... 00041.html

I'm getting annoyed now. I had the game installed and running apart from the Graphics (nice little black borders on sprites).

I downloaded the patch and this caused my install to completely lock up

After getting a new set of discs because my disk 1 was stratched thanks to the fantastic design of the wallet and reinstalling I now find I can only save games when I first install and run the game.

If I quit the game and reload Windows tells me the save failed; I've tried running in 98 and while I can't save the save I did before emulating 98 I appear able to save a new game. So here goes on what will be my 4th attempt to start this game again; my standing record is to get to the Friendly Arm; most times I get outside of Candlekeep and realise I can't save anymore.

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 5:40 pm
by Edar Macilrille
Vista is IMO a new all-time low, surpassing even '95 in low quality and bugs.

However, XP works ok for me with BG and BG II, in fact I never ran on anything else, except a failed try on Vista.

kind of ironic to have bought e new pc designed specifically for gaming the Total War series, and have to change back to your old xp machine cause the new wonder runs on Vista and does not wotk half the time.

Anyway, my sugestion would be to try XP, always worked fine for me.

Good luck