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Build disaster please help

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 3:22 am
by Squash
Hey all, brand new poster, looking for help. Some friends and I recently bought a copy of this game to LAN. There's three of us and we each made a character, one of us made a mage/thief/fighter (groan), the other made a druid with one level in monk for that AC bonus. I thought I was being clever. I started as a human fighter, I buffed up my Dex, Con and Wis, and my Cha is decent. I invested in weapon finesse, and two proficiency points in small blades. At my second level I took a level in ranger for the two weapon fighting and ambidexterity, so I'm using two small blades. Then I took a point in monk for the AC bonus (I don't wear armor), and then I took a point in paladin for the resistances bonus. The rest of my levels I'm putting into fighter.

Yeah, that's right, four classes, I'm getting the impression that's one or two too many. First of all, I'm doing very little damage, I'm hitting alot, but only ever for two or three points of damage. We're level 6 now, we just killed the orcs trying to destroy that bridge so I think we're about to leave the starting town. I'm using a magic short sword and dagger, they're the best weapons I could find. What can I do about my rediculously low damage? It's a real buzz-kill.

Should I expect other problems down the road from having four classes? Where should I put my new attributes.

Despite my level in ranger, it doesn't look like I have ambidexterity and two-weapon fighting, there's no dots under those feats, do I have them or not?

Should I get a second level in paladin for lay on hands and smite evil?

Please help me out, we play again tomorrow.

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:39 am
by kmonster
I assume you're now playing a fighter3/monk1/ranger1/paladin1.

Your problem is not that you have so many other classes besides your fighter class (extra feats aren't very important once you took the important ones), your problem is that you have low strength (strength affects all weapons but bows and crossbows) so you can hardly deal out any damage per hit.

When you reach the next level your BAB will increase to 6 and you'll get another attack per round which won't increase the damage per attack, but at least the total damage per round.
When you have at least four fighter levels you are also allowed to use feats to specialize in weapon types for additonal +2 damage, so if you spend 2 feats for specialisation in small blades you can do 3-8 instead of 1-6 damage per hit using short swords, raising the damage per hit by over 50 percent.
The "heroic inspiration" feat will also increase the damage, later you should also take "improved critical".
Unless you don't use other ranged weapons than crossbows (which grant only one attack per round regardless of character level) "rapid shot" is the most useful feat since it grants an extra attack per round. If you think about playing an archer it might also be worth specialising in bows, the only weapon type except crossbows where damage isn't affected by strength.

Most important is getting your strength up. Raise strength when you have the chance to raise an attribute every 4 levels, have the party mage cast "bull's strength" at your character after each rest (I guess he'll cast "mage armor" at you too else the AC bonus from the monk level would hardly be worth wearing no magical leather armor).
Wielding a 2-handed sword or axe is also an option to increase the damage output if you don't mind leaving the dualwielding weapon finesse route.

If you're unhappy with your character there's also the option of adding a new one to the game, transferring the equipment from the old character and deleting him afterwards if your friends don't mind. You could even create this character on your own PC and earn a few XP before exporting him to the multiplayer game.

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 8:08 am
by Squash
Wait, why would strength influence my damage? Since I have weapon finesse shouldn't it be dex?

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 3:03 pm
by Klorox
DEX affects your chance to hit when you have the Finesse feat. Damage is still calculated with STR.

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 3:04 pm
by kmonster
According to the manual the weapon finesse feat allows to use dexterity instead of strength for the attack roll, the damage with a successful hit still only depends on strength.
EDIT: Klorox was faster

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 3:17 pm
by Claudius
You've got a defensive character mainly rather than a damage dealer. You'll be able to get high AC and AB at the same time all the while having high saves and evasion. Bulls strength will help a lot and as stated put the stat pts in strength now. After you get 3 attacks which will be at Fighter 9 Ranger 1 Pal 1 Monk 1, I might take a level of rogue to pick up some sneak attack damage when they are not facing me. Especially if you need some skillpoints at the same time.