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Where Is it?
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 5:34 pm
by Stalle
Need to find Rivet City.
Where is it and whats the closest landmark?
Thanks for any help
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:37 am
by Kipi
Stalle wrote:Hi
Need to find Rivet City.
Where is it and whats the closest landmark?
Thanks for any help
Rivet city is at SE corner of the map. Just head to DC, then follow the river's east side, you will eventually get there.
Closest landmark? Depends on what part of the game are you.
´Galaxy News Radio is one, if you have got there.
It's hard to give you any good way to find it, depending on what places you have found already. It's quite maze down there.
Also, if you are at the beginning of the game, it's perhaps not a good idea to go Rivet City immediately, as the DC is full of Super Mutants.
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:56 am
by PigSticker
I haven't actually been there yet but it's marked on my map. I think if you speak to people in Megaton and ask them about the surrounding area, someone tells you about it and the marker is placed on your map. It's in the South East somewhere...
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 9:38 pm
by UncleScratchy
Finding Rivet City
Okay, I just headed south from Megathon to the Nuka Cola plant and then directly east. Found a couple of landmarks along the way including a hotel of sorts about midway and then the Jefferson Memorial. Kept heading east till I ran into RC. Then I noticed that the Anacostia Crossing subway station is right there. Went into the subway only to discover I had been in there already but never exited. If I had, I'd have had RC staring me in the face. The Museum Subway stop is one stop north of Anacostia.