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is this possible to save from utter failure?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:17 am
by snoobies
Okay, so I have a savegame right before I talk to the Guildmaster and go in to kill Jack. I can kill him, and then move to the next quest with the prophets to get the Fireheart, but as soon as I finish that and it tries to Autosave, the game closes out and when I try to reload, the files go corrupt. Luckily I saved the Saved games folder so I've been playing with the good save I have ( and now I'm a master at killing Jack :) ) trying a few combinations like trying to World Save before I go into the Prophets, but nothing I've tried seems to work. So I still have a working save game before I kill Jack, but does anyone have an idea of how I can continue on? I'd hate to lose all this progress!

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 6:51 pm
by Audiomaster4565
yeah this happened to me two years ago on my pc version im still finding a explanation and a way to fix still haven't found a way. so hate to say it but you're screwed over for now (pardon my french)

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 1:46 pm
by gamelinx
Game Saves

Its hard to get game saves for PC, But I am sure there are a few websites out there that have PC game saves. This game crashes occasionally, and it sucks when your game saves get corrupted.