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heckofalota hit points

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:00 pm
by terran698
did any1 realize that the ancients in the trial of the ancients have about 5500-6000 hp? i knew it was high but i never knew it was that high :eek: :eek: could you imagine running around in dl with 6k hp you could basically punch everything to death without ninjutsu or over stock strength. i found this out when i had to use THREE cataclysms doing 5 ticks of 510's each tick. i was using an enchantress/wizard with 10 spellfire and 34arcane i mean come on and they give you this quest in the second town? wow game ppl must have lots of faith of them not attacking you.

b.t.w. i have never entered the trial with out both second tier classes completed.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:23 pm
by bandit11
every time I enter the Trial of Elders, I'm about a lvl 12, with only magic missle, shooting star and poisonous cloud for magic. I kill the first and second elders, not the banshee or wizard. It takes a long time, but there are 'tricks' you can do where you're the only one hitting, and the elders just stand there. Even then it takes a while. I don't know if you know of these tecniques or not? But my level like ups 2 or 3 times when I beat the trial!!

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 12:28 pm
by terran698
know em

yeap i know all the places to stand to keep you from taking dmg while whittleing down their hp. the fact that i had cataclysm was because this was my 2nd time through. i hate doing it the first time though.