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Spells in Fable 2

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 12:41 am
by Salidin54
I am at this point highly considering getting Fable2, but before I do I just want to make sure that there are more spells in this game than it shows on this site. I just want to make sure there are more than 9 spells since in the first there were a lot more than that and I just think it would be pretty pathetic if the second game offered less than the first.

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 9:32 am
by stanolis
there are only 8 spells (not offical names): time, fire, shock, chaos, blades, raise dead, tornado, force push.

however, they have area damage or target damage, so it's kinda like having 2 of each spell, but not really. the best example is force push. i can just slow time in my area for multiple enemes, or i zip (teleport) behind my enemy if we are dueling.

the magic system has changed for the second game. instead of holding your right trigger and selecting A, B, or X for magic (which i loved)-- you have 5 levels of each spell and must select a spell for each level. you can have shock on each level or mix and match. the amount of time you have the magic button selected will determine the level spell you are using. a single press will release level1 and holding it for 5 sec will drop a level5. there is INFINITE mp, so a timed system can keep things even. this takes a few minutes to get used to, but seems to work. the only problem, is if all your spells are the same level. it's not easy (for me) to switch spells on the same level during battle.

for my mage/archer, i usually ran with this setup:
L5: raise dead
L4: fire
L3: shock
L2: fire
L1: time or raise dead

L1 allows me to figure out a plan and try to pick off the closest enemies. if i am still surrounded, I can hold the button 2-4 secs and blast the area (around me) with alternating fire/shock. if i have to protect someone then i might L5 raise dead to occupy all the enemies and stay close to people. all this with one button.

umm, i tend to babble, but i hope this helps.

i would buy this game again, but i wouldn't have rushed to get it the day it came out. it's about 7-8 / 10. i now have other games (fallout3, GoW2) to occupy me, but i will come back, collect some keys, see 'my family', and get that last gargoyle.