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strange voice

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 5:13 pm
by Rancid_Stone
whilst i was on my way to riellys rangers outpost i heard some guy bangin on about the sun and other stuff,can anyone shed light on what this is about as i didnt stop to find out

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 8:41 am
by UncleScratchy
Just a conjecture

Yes, the voice seems to be transmitting telepathicly from some insane guy. Reminds me of the Master (half human-half computer dude) in FO1. I was doing the same thing but I never did find the entrance to Reilly's Rangers so I gave up and went on to something else.

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 9:13 am
by Minalkali
Telepathically?? I thought it was coming out of speakers somewhere, but now that you mention it, it doesn't get any quieter as you move about... How interesting.

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 4:05 pm
by swcarter
I thought it was a speaker, too. The guy sets off a bomb if you get too close to him, and I never figured out a way to diffuse the situation.


Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 5:04 pm
by Elevoros

Relatively close to the Reilly's Rangers base, you will meet a cowering wastelader, who will tell you about some crazy guy holed up in the alley in front of him. You have the option to either snipe that guy of the roof of the building where he is holed up (on a destroyed building facing the alley) or convince the wastelander to go and try to reason with that are not loosing karma if you do this. If you follow the first aproach you ll be able to harvest a ****load of fragmines and some mininukes, if you follow the second approach...BOOM! one less wastelander...

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:59 pm
by GrimHarvest
I've found the Ranger Outpost the single most difficult location to reach in the game. even second time around it took me a good couple of hours wandering around subways and swearing a lot.
I've had bother with the preacher blowing me up too and, as yet, I've not been able to see him to snipe let alone stop him blowing me up. I opted for the sneaking and hiding approach.

The good thing is if you can hear him you're very close to Reilly's hideyhole

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 7:11 am
by file read error
When I was in that situation, I could not see the preacher either. In fact, regardless of where I moved, I could not highlight him in VATS mode either. Then I tried to use the "daddy" (rocket launcher) in the general direction where I suspected him to be, BOOM, he was dead. :) Hint: Save the game before shooting the rocket, and if it doesn't hit the preacher, load so you get back your rocket.

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:30 am
by GrimHarvest
I found and sniped him last night! I was very pleased though, as you might expect, he was somewhat less thrilled about it.

Once I found him I couldn't believe I'd ever not been able too cos he's not even that high up. Spoylah:
He's down the alley where the wastelander is hiding. if you stand near that guy with the bridge to your back you should be able to see him at the other end of the alley. It's easier with a sniper rifle

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:55 am
by Osiris

If you sneak around in the alley, the mad preacher will show up as a green bar on your detector, rather than red. If you hit V, the guy comes into view and can be sniped.

Reilly's Rangers is nearby to the east - look for the sandbagged emplacements (there are a few of them) which are near passages etc which lead to the HQ door. :cool:

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:56 pm
by Dizha
Spoiler coming up
If you start by the wastelander, go to the other entrance of the alley, DONT GO THOUGH THE ALLEY, and then sneak up in the alley from the other side. The dude can be sniped from there.. You get like 2-3 mini nukes, and 10 frag mines, if you kill him, and picks up the stuff..
Spoiler end.

And to all of the people who had troubles getting to Reilly's Rangers base, use the right-click function in the world map on the place, after speakting to Reilly about where it is. Then it'll show you the route. You gotta go through some sewers, and i had some troubles spotting a manhole while I was following the route it gave me, but except for that, no problems at all.

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:32 pm
by Gdogmmml
Dizha wrote:Spoiler coming up
If you start by the wastelander, go to the other entrance of the alley, DONT GO THOUGH THE ALLEY, and then sneak up in the alley from the other side. The dude can be sniped from there.. You get like 2-3 mini nukes, and 10 frag mines, if you kill him, and picks up the stuff..
Spoiler end.

And to all of the people who had troubles getting to Reilly's Rangers base, use the right-click function in the world map on the place, after speakting to Reilly about where it is. Then it'll show you the route. You gotta go through some sewers, and i had some troubles spotting a manhole while I was following the route it gave me, but except for that, no problems at all.
i found an alternative route by reaching highs by jumping on my follower's head. ( one of many alternative reasons for having a follower) and the preacher guy i just convinced the wastelander then shot the creep before the dude died.

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:04 pm
by Intense
You can also use a Stealth Boy to get everything, but it's more expensive than a sniper bullet...

The place can be kinda hard to get to, it just depends how far you are in-game, what weapons you have, if you have a follower, etc. I was almost level 20 when I did it, so it wasn't really hard.

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:40 pm
by GoldDragon
I've shot that Preacher from both ends of the alley. It's just easier from the End with the wastelander.

I don't think the fact that I used the Gauss Rifle to kill him helped any, despite the splash damage.