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Morrowind Interface Issue
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 11:52 am
I have many mods installed for morrowind and have just noticed an error. I can't read my currently active constant effects, and i cant close the spell window. When I try, the x on the spell tab turns dark, the window stays, my currently active spell disappears from the bottom left, and my constant effects on the bottom right refresh. When i click the x on the spell window again it undoes all this.
I can't remember any mods i installed specifically dealing with the spell window, but here are the mods i'm running (Change, present, and clean sunder are all mine):
(in attached Bitmap)
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 2:34 pm
by BlueSky
A first glance at the mods installed, I don't see anything that jumps out...
what was the most recent and was the problem present before?
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 3:14 pm
Well I'm not sure what the latest was it's been acting like this ever since I installed Morrowind on my new pc. I then pasted a copy of my old Morrowind folder I had saved with the data files over the new installation after setting up all the addons that required an installation. Everything seemed ok, but I just noticed this problem. Also I'm sure the game displayed the constant effects from my items correctly on my previous pc, so it may be my new installation rather than a mod conflict.
I think some of the last ones I installed were the Seekers, Hell to Heaven Morrowland, Gladiator, Illuminated Order, and, I believe, scripted spells.
I think the spell window is acting correctly but the thing I'd like most is to be able to see my constant effect enchantments. If there is a simple interface addon in which I could see those I think that would be fine with me.
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:18 pm
Before this dies, does no one know of at least an addon that shows your active spells and what items are giving how each? Not having this makes enchanting an issue. Fixing the problem doesn't seem likely without a fresh install of the game and every single addon.