A really annoying bug, help!
Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 4:46 am
Hi everybody!
I started to play this game a few days ago for the first time and I think I'm gonna like it very much. But I've got a little problem (a bug I think) that disturbs me.
Now then, before I describe this bug, let me explain one thing, from where my problem is coming.
You see, I'm a left-hander, so I define my controls differently than the standard WASD and the other keys. I use arrows as directional keys, so I prefer the most-often-used action keys to be placed as closely to arrows as possible. One of them is the 'feed' key (default 'F'). I attached this action to the right 'ALT' key (I use 'RCTRL' and 'RSHIFT' as 'crouch' and 'walk' keys already).
So, now about the bug. Whenever I use 'ALT' to feed, camera angle changes - I see my char from the left side - and it stucks! I tried to reload - nothing, I pressed every button on my keyboard and it doesn't help. It only helps if I quit the game and then run it again.
The next thing I discovered that keys '€' and '$' (they're just above left and right arrows - I'm playing on a laptop) also work as 'feed' keys ALWAYS, whether I define them or not. BUT they're glitchy ones too! When I press '€' (or '$', don't remember which one) camera rotates 180 degree, so I see my vampire from the front, and gets stuck. When I press the other one - same effect as with 'ALT'. The only key that works normally is the default 'F' (well, MAYBE the only, since I've never used any others).
It's really a no big deal and I really can use only 'F' key, although it will not be very comfortable for me, but the real problem is that sometimes I accidentially press these '€' and '$' keys anyway and THAT annoys me a LOT
I have patches 1.2 and unofficial 5.8 (bonus) installed. If someone can figure a way to help me with this I'd really appreciate it. Thanks
I started to play this game a few days ago for the first time and I think I'm gonna like it very much. But I've got a little problem (a bug I think) that disturbs me.
Now then, before I describe this bug, let me explain one thing, from where my problem is coming.
You see, I'm a left-hander, so I define my controls differently than the standard WASD and the other keys. I use arrows as directional keys, so I prefer the most-often-used action keys to be placed as closely to arrows as possible. One of them is the 'feed' key (default 'F'). I attached this action to the right 'ALT' key (I use 'RCTRL' and 'RSHIFT' as 'crouch' and 'walk' keys already).
So, now about the bug. Whenever I use 'ALT' to feed, camera angle changes - I see my char from the left side - and it stucks! I tried to reload - nothing, I pressed every button on my keyboard and it doesn't help. It only helps if I quit the game and then run it again.
The next thing I discovered that keys '€' and '$' (they're just above left and right arrows - I'm playing on a laptop) also work as 'feed' keys ALWAYS, whether I define them or not. BUT they're glitchy ones too! When I press '€' (or '$', don't remember which one) camera rotates 180 degree, so I see my vampire from the front, and gets stuck. When I press the other one - same effect as with 'ALT'. The only key that works normally is the default 'F' (well, MAYBE the only, since I've never used any others).
It's really a no big deal and I really can use only 'F' key, although it will not be very comfortable for me, but the real problem is that sometimes I accidentially press these '€' and '$' keys anyway and THAT annoys me a LOT
I have patches 1.2 and unofficial 5.8 (bonus) installed. If someone can figure a way to help me with this I'd really appreciate it. Thanks