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Lockpicking in towns

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 11:01 am
by sark
Many towns have locked doors and if you pick them guards are informed. Are there any repercussions from this such as losing reputation in the society/giriza/whatever? (I did experience villagers didn't want to talk to me/said "go away" after I took the equipment from floor of the unlocked house in Tharbakin)

Also, any repercussions from toasting guards/villagers etc in the towns? ;)

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 1:52 pm
by Claudius
yes. If the villagers see you the guards will know and arrest you. They will want you to pay a fine. If you don't pay then whenever you come back to that town (presuming you survive the guards) you will always have to fight guards.

Some ways to get around this.

1) Drop most of your money on the ground. Leave enough to pay the minimum fine (if you have less money the fine is smaller). Then just pay the fine.

2) to get into houses stand on one side of the door and summon a creature. If the creature isn't too big it will summon inside the house. And then unlock the door for you hehe

3) if you manage to get into a house (door unlocked) that you want to rob but people are in it just drop a teleporter. Return later on and maybe they are gone.

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 2:40 pm
by sark
Thanks, though I looted that room in Tharbakin - the unlocked door round the back of town - with no-one in that area and the people still seemed to know. Strange.

How about killing the guard/civilian decimation? I didn't "notice" anything negative appear on my reputation but want to make sure before I loot all those cupboards etc and it's difficult in some places, esp. Cathalon with all those guards milling around. ;)